77 research outputs found

    Secure web services using two-way authentication and three-party key establishment for service delivery

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    With the advance of web technologies, a large quantity of transactions have been processed through web services. Service Provider needs encryption via public communication channel in order that web services can be delivered to Service Requester. Such encryptions can be realized using secure session keys. Traditional approaches which can enable such transactions are based on peer-to-peer architecture or hierarchical group architecture. The former method resides on two-party communications while the latter resides on hierarchical group communications. In this paper, we will use three-party key establishment to enable secure communications for Service Requester and Service Provider. The proposed protocol supports Service Requester, Service Broker, and Service Provider with a shared secret key established among them. Compared with peer-to-peer architecture and hierarchical group architecture, our method aims at reducing communication and computation overheads

    Group key management based on semigroup actions

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    In this work we provide a suite of protocols for group key management based on general semigroup actions. Construction of the key is made in a distributed and collaborative way. Examples are provided that may in some cases enhance the security level and communication overheads of previous existing protocols. Security against passive attacks is considered and depends on the hardness of the semigroup action problem in any particular scenario.Comment: accepted for publication in Journal of algebra and its application

    Key agreement: security / division

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    Some key agreement schemes, such as Diffie--Hellman key agreement, reduce to Rabi--Sherman key agreement, in which Alice sends abab to Charlie, Charlie sends bcbc to Alice, they agree on key a(bc)=(ab)ca(bc) = (ab)c, where multiplicative notation here indicates some specialized associative binary operation. All non-interactive key agreement schemes, where each peer independently determines a single delivery to the other, reduce to this case, because the ability to agree implies the existence of an associative operation. By extending the associative operation’s domain, the key agreement scheme can be enveloped into a mathematical ring, such that all cryptographic values are ring elements, and all key agreement computations are ring multiplications. (A smaller envelope, a semigroup instead of a ring, is also possible.) Security relies on the difficulty of division: here, meaning an operator // such that ((ab)/b)b=ab((ab)/b)b = ab. Security also relies on the difficulty of the less familiar wedge operation [ab,b,bc]↦abc[ab, b, bc] \mapsto abc. When Rabi--Sherman key agreement is instantiated as Diffie--Hellman key agreement: its multiplication amounts to modular exponentiation; its division amounts to the discrete logarithm problem; the wedge operation amounts to the computational Diffie--Hellman problem. Ring theory is well-developed and implies efficient division algorithms in some specific rings, such as matrix rings over fields. Semigroup theory, though less widely-known, also implies efficient division in specific semigroups, such as group-like semigroups. The rarity of key agreement schemes with well-established security suggests that easy multiplication with difficult division (and wedges) is elusive. Reduction of key agreement to ring or semigroup multiplication is not a panacea for cryptanalysis. Nonetheless, novel proposals for key agreement perhaps ought to run the gauntlet of a checklist for vulnerability to well-known division strategies that generalize across several forms of multiplication. Ambitiously applying this process of elimination to a plethora of diverse rings or semigroups might also, if only by a fluke, leave standing a few promising schemes, which might then deserve a more focused cryptanalysis

    MAKE: a Matrix Action Key Exchange

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    We offer a public key exchange protocol based on a semidirect product of two cyclic (semi)groups of matrices over Z_p. One of the (semi)groups is additive, the other one multiplicative. This allows us to take advantage of both operations on matrices to diffuse information. We note that in our protocol, no power of any matrix or of any element of Z_p is ever exposed, so all standard attacks on Diffie-Hellman-like protocols (including Shor's quantum algorithm attack) are not applicable.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figire

    On Multivariate Algorithms of Digital Signatures Based on Maps of Unbounded Degree Acting on Secure El Gamal Type Mode.

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    Multivariate cryptography studies applications of endomorphisms of K[x_1, x_2, …, x_n] where K is a finite commutative ring given in the standard form x_i →f_i(x_1, x_2,…, x_n), i=1, 2,…, n. The importance of this direction for the constructions of multivariate digital signatures systems is well known. Close attention of researchers directed towards studies of perspectives of quadratic rainbow oil and vinegar system and LUOV presented for NIST postquantum certification. Various cryptanalytic studies of these signature systems were completed. Recently some options to modify theses algorithms as well as all multivariate signature systems which alow to avoid already known attacks were suggested. One of the modifications is to use protocol of noncommutative multivariate cryptography based on platform of endomorphisms of degree 2 and 3. The secure protocol allows safe transfer of quadratic multivariate map from one correspondent to another. So the quadratic map developed for digital signature scheme can be used in a private mode. This scheme requires periodic usage of the protocol with the change of generators and the modification of quadratic multivariate maps. Other modification suggests combination of multivariate map of unbounded degree of size O(n) and density of each f_i of size O(1). The resulting map F in its standard form is given as the public rule. We suggest the usage of the last algorithm on the secure El Gamal mode. It means that correspondents use protocols of Noncommutative Cryptography with two multivariate platforms to elaborate safely a collision endomorphism G: x_i → g_i of linear unbounded degree such that densities of each gi are of size O(n^2). One of correspondents generates mentioned above F and sends F+G to his/her partner. The security of the protocol and entire digital signature scheme rests on the complexity of NP hard word problem of finding decomposition of given endomorphism G of K[x_1,x_2,…,x_n ] into composition of given generators 1^G, 2^G, …t^G, t>1 of the semigroup of End(K[x_1 ,x_2 ,…,x_n]). Differently from the usage of quadratic map on El Gamal mode the case of unbounded degree allows single usage of the protocol because the task to approximate F via interception of hashed messages and corresponding signatures is unfeasible in this case

    On Multivariate Algorithms of Digital Signatures Based on Maps of Unbounded Degree Acting on Secure El Gamal Type Mode

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    Multivariate cryptography studies applications of endomorphisms of K[x1 x2, …, xn] where K is a finite commutative ring given in the standard form xi β†’f1 (x1, x2,…, xn), i=1, 2,…, n. The importance of this direction for the constructions of multivariate digital signatures systems is well known. Close attention of researchers directed towards studies of perspectives of efficient quadratic unbalanced rainbow oil and vinegar system (RUOV) presented for NIST postquantum certification. Various cryptanalytic studies of these signature systems were completed. During Third Round of NIST standardisation projects ROUV digital signature system were rejected. Recently some options to seriously modify theses algorithms as well as all multivariate signature systems which alow to avoid already known attacks were suggested. One of the modifications is to use protocol of noncommutative multivariate cryptography based on platform of endomorphisms of degree 2 and 3. The secure protocol allows safe transfer of quadratic multivariate map from one correspondent to another. So the quadratic map developed for digital signature scheme can be used in a private mode. This scheme requires periodic usage of the protocol with the change of generators and the modification of quadratic multivariate maps. Other modification suggests combination of multivariate map of unbounded degree of size O(n) and density of each fi of size O(1). The resulting map F in its standard form is given as the public rule. We suggest the usage of the last algorithm on the secure El Gamal mode. It means that correspondents use protocols of Noncommutative Cryptography with two multivariate platforms to elaborate safely a collision endomorphism G: xi β†’ gi of linear unbounded degree such that densities of each gi are of size O(n2 ). One of correspondents generates mentioned above F and sends F+G to his/her partner. The security of the protocol and entire digital signature scheme rests on the complexity of NP hard word problem of finding decomposition of given endomorphism G of K[x1,x2,…,xn] into composition of given generators 1G, 2G, …tG, t>1 of the semigroup of End(K[x1,x2,…,xn]). Differently from the usage of quadratic map on El Gamal mode the case of unbounded degree allows single usage of the protocol because the task to approximate F via interception of hashed messages and corresponding signatures is unfeasible in this case
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