26 research outputs found

    Fourier-based Rotation-invariant Feature Boosting: An Efficient Framework for Geospatial Object Detection

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    Geospatial object detection of remote sensing imagery has been attracting an increasing interest in recent years, due to the rapid development in spaceborne imaging. Most of previously proposed object detectors are very sensitive to object deformations, such as scaling and rotation. To this end, we propose a novel and efficient framework for geospatial object detection in this letter, called Fourier-based rotation-invariant feature boosting (FRIFB). A Fourier-based rotation-invariant feature is first generated in polar coordinate. Then, the extracted features can be further structurally refined using aggregate channel features. This leads to a faster feature computation and more robust feature representation, which is good fitting for the coming boosting learning. Finally, in the test phase, we achieve a fast pyramid feature extraction by estimating a scale factor instead of directly collecting all features from image pyramid. Extensive experiments are conducted on two subsets of NWPU VHR-10 dataset, demonstrating the superiority and effectiveness of the FRIFB compared to previous state-of-the-art methods

    Spatial-Spectral Manifold Embedding of Hyperspectral Data

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    In recent years, hyperspectral imaging, also known as imaging spectroscopy, has been paid an increasing interest in geoscience and remote sensing community. Hyperspectral imagery is characterized by very rich spectral information, which enables us to recognize the materials of interest lying on the surface of the Earth more easier. We have to admit, however, that high spectral dimension inevitably brings some drawbacks, such as expensive data storage and transmission, information redundancy, etc. Therefore, to reduce the spectral dimensionality effectively and learn more discriminative spectral low-dimensional embedding, in this paper we propose a novel hyperspectral embedding approach by simultaneously considering spatial and spectral information, called spatial-spectral manifold embedding (SSME). Beyond the pixel-wise spectral embedding approaches, SSME models the spatial and spectral information jointly in a patch-based fashion. SSME not only learns the spectral embedding by using the adjacency matrix obtained by similarity measurement between spectral signatures, but also models the spatial neighbours of a target pixel in hyperspectral scene by sharing the same weights (or edges) in the process of learning embedding. Classification is explored as a potential strategy to quantitatively evaluate the performance of learned embedding representations. Classification is explored as a potential application for quantitatively evaluating the performance of these hyperspectral embedding algorithms. Extensive experiments conducted on the widely-used hyperspectral datasets demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed SSME as compared to several state-of-the-art embedding methods

    PCA-Domain Fused Singular Spectral Analysis for Fast and Noise-Robust Spectral-Spatial Feature Mining in Hyperspectral Classification

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    The principal component analysis (PCA) and 2-D singular spectral analysis (2DSSA) are widely used for spectral- and spatial-domain feature extraction in hyperspectral images (HSIs). However, PCA itself suffers from low efficacy if no spatial information is combined, while 2DSSA can extract the spatial information yet has a high computing complexity. As a result, we propose in this letter a PCA domain 2DSSA approach for spectral-spatial feature mining in HSI. Specifically, PCA and its variation, folded PCA (FPCA) are fused with the 2DSSA, as FPCA can extract both global and local spectral features. By applying 2DSSA only on a small number of PCA components, the overall computational cost can be significantly reduced while preserving the discrimination ability of the features. In addition, with the effective fusion of spectral and spatial features, our approach can work well on the uncorrected dataset without removing the noisy and water absorption bands, even under a small number of training samples. Experiments on two publicly available datasets have fully validated the superiority of the proposed approach, in comparison to several state-of-the-art methods and deep learning models.</p


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    Since ancient times, people have tried to predict earthquakes using simple perceptions such as animal behavior. The prediction of the time and strength of an earthquake is of primary concern. In this study chaotic signal modeling is used based on noise and detecting anomalies before an earthquake using artificial neural networks (ANNs). Artificial neural networks are efficient tools for solving complex problems such as prediction and identification. In this study, the effective features of chaotic signal model is obtained considering noise and detection of anomalies five minutes before an earthquake occurrence. Neuro-fuzzy classifier and MLP neural network approaches showed acceptable accuracy of 84.6491% and 82.8947%, respectively. Results demonstrate that the proposed method is an effective seismic signal model based on noise and anomaly detection before an earthquake

    Spatial-Spectral Manifold Embedding of Hyperspectral Data

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    In recent years, hyperspectral imaging, also known as imaging spectroscopy, has been paid an increasing interest in geoscience and remote sensing community. Hyperspectral imagery is characterized by very rich spectral information, which enables us to recognize the materials of interest lying on the surface of the Earth more easier. We have to admit, however, that high spectral dimension inevitably brings some drawbacks, such as expensive data storage and transmission, information redundancy, etc. Therefore, to reduce the spectral dimensionality effectively and learn more discriminative spectral low-dimensional embedding, in this paper we propose a novel hyperspectral embedding approach by simultaneously considering spatial and spectral information, called spatialspectral manifold embedding (SSME). Beyond the pixel-wise spectral embedding approaches, SSME models the spatial and spectral information jointly in a patch-based fashion. SSME not only learns the spectral embedding by using the adjacency matrix obtained by similarity measurement between spectral signatures, but also models the spatial neighbours of a target pixel in hyperspectral scene by sharing the same weights (or edges) in the process of learning embedding. Classification is explored as a potential strategy to quantitatively evaluate the performance of learned embedding representations. Classification is explored as a potential application for quantitatively evaluating the performance of these hyperspectral embedding algorithms. Extensive experiments conducted on the widely-used hyperspectral datasets demonstrate the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed SSME as compared to several state-of-the-art embedding methods

    Cross-Attention in Coupled Unmixing Nets for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Super-Resolution

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    The recent advancement of deep learning techniques has made great progress on hyperspectral image super-resolution (HSI-SR). Yet the development of unsupervised deep networks remains challenging for this task. To this end, we propose a novel coupled unmixing network with a cross-attention mechanism, CUCaNet for short, to enhance the spatial resolution of HSI by means of higher-spatial-resolution multispectral image (MSI). Inspired by coupled spectral unmixing, a two-stream convolutional autoencoder framework is taken as backbone to jointly decompose MS and HS data into a spectrally meaningful basis and corresponding coefficients. CUCaNet is capable of adaptively learning spectral and spatial response functions from HS-MS correspondences by enforcing reasonable consistency assumptions on the networks. Moreover, a cross-attention module is devised to yield more effective spatial-spectral information transfer in networks. Extensive experiments are conducted on three widely-used HS-MS datasets in comparison with state-of-the-art HSI-SR models, demonstrating the superiority of the CUCaNet in the HSI-SR application. Furthermore, the codes and datasets will be available at: https://github.com/danfenghong/ECCV2020_CUCaNet