10 research outputs found

    Is the (Generative)Web Dead?: Controle e Vigilância em Ecossistemas Digitais de Entretenimento

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    O artigo discute a emergência dos ecossistemas digitais de entretenimento centrados na integração do software, hardware e serviços como parte das estratégias de captura e manutenção de clientes. Estes contextos contrastam com as propriedades generativas do PC e da Web, pois fornecem limitada interoperabilidade com conteúdos e equipamentos de terceiros, restringindo a experiência de consumo. Ademais, busca-se refletir sobre novas modalidades de vigilância e acesso a dados dos usuários nestes ambientes. O ecossistema de dispositivos iOS, da Apple, é observado quanto a possíveis práticas que ferem a privacidade dos usuários.

    Smartphone Apps on the Mobile Web: An Exploratory Case Study of Business Models

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    The purpose of this research is to explore the business strategies of a firm seeking to develop and profitably market a mobile smartphone application to understand how small, digital entrepreneurships may build sustainable business models given substantial market barriers. Through a detailed examination of one firm’s process to try to commercialize their mobile app, we identify various business model decisions and marketing strategy approaches that hindered the company’s efforts. The case study describes two distinctly different business models adopted in succession, as well as the various adjustments the firm makes to its target market, distribution and pricing approach that led to their current strategy. This research looks closely at business-to-business-to-consumer distribution arrangement for mobile apps and in doing so challenges the rising positive bias that exists for the app store as the dominant actor in the mobile value chain. For practice, this paper suggests unanticipated hurdles small digital entrepreneurs may face if they rely heavily on mobile advertising and the app store to launch and sustain their business

    Exploring the Success Factors of Mobile Business Ecosystems

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    Mobile business ecosystems are based on product innovations and complements created on platforms facilitating transactions between groups of users in a multi-sided market. The purpose of this research is to present a model of success factors of mobile ecosystems. This research establishes an empirical framework based on the Android ecosystem, which has been analyzed in-depth on firm and ecosystem level, identifying 16 success factors. The model advances research in innovation platforms, through an in-depth analysis at firm and ecosystem levels. The main theoretical contribution is a model that identifies success factors of platforms, which are related to the identification of the role of users and complementors in increasing innovation success

    Mobile Applications Industry - Industry Dynamics and Business Models

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    Mobile technology strategy for a news service: Comparing web, native and hybrid technologies based on the requirements of a mobile news service

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    Älykkäät mobiililaitteet ovat viime vuosina mullistaneet ihmisten tavan käyttää digitaalisia palveluita. Myös uutispalveluiden käyttö mobiililaitteissa on suosittua ja media-alan toimijat panostavat mobiilipalveluiden kehittämiseen. Uutispalvelut haluavat palvella mahdollisimman laajaa käyttäjäjoukkoa, mutta erilaisten mobiililaitteiden ja -alustojen suuri määrä aiheuttaa haasteita kehitystyölle. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, minkälaisilla mobiiliteknologioilla pystytään parhaiten vastaamaan uutispalveluiden erityisvaatimuksiin. Ensin tunnistetaan uutispalveluiden vaatimukset käytettäville mobiiliteknologioille. Seuraavaksi tutkitaan, kuinka kolme toteutustapaa: web-sivustot, natiivisovellukset ja näiden yhdistelmä, hybridi-sovellukset, vastaavat löydettyihin vaatimuksiin. Tutkimus on tapaustutkimus Ilta-Sanomien mobiileista uutispalveluista. Tutkimuksen päämateriaalina käytetään kymmenen Ilta-Sanomien mobiilipalveluiden kehityksen parissa työskennelleen asiantuntijan haastatteluita. Materiaali analysoidaan käyttäen grounded theory -metodia. Tutkimuksen tuloksena tunnistetaan viisi päävaatimusta mobiilille uutispalvelulle ja sen toteutusteknologioille: yhteneväisyys, muokattavuus, käyttökokemus ja ulkoasu, kaupalliset tavoitteet sekä nopeus ja luotettavuus. Natiivisovellusten ja web-sivuston todetaan olevan uutispalvelun jakelukanavina erilaisia, mutta toisiaan täydentäviä ja tukevia. Hybridi-sovelluksien avulla todetaan olevan osittain mahdollista tuoda web-teknologioiden etuja natiivisovelluksiin ja siten vastata paremmin joihinkin uutispalvelun vaatimuksiin. Johtopäätöksenä esitetään uutispalvelun mobiiliteknologiastrategia, joka muodostuu yleisistä periaatteista sekä natiivisovellusten toteutusvaihtoehdoista. Tärkein yleinen periaate on, että mahdollisimman suuri osa sisällön rakenteesta ja käyttöliittymälogiikasta kannattaa määritellä palvelun taustajärjestelmissä eikä eri jakelukanavissa.Smartphones and other mobile devices have revolutionized the way people use digital services. News services are popular on mobile devices and media companies are focusing more and more on developing mobile services. News services aim to serve a wide audience, but the large variety of different mobile devices and platforms presents a challenge for the development of mobile services. The goal of this thesis is to evaluate, what type of mobile technologies best fulfill the specific requirements of news services. First, news services' requirements for mobile technologies are identified. Then three implementation methods – websites, native applications and the combination of these, hybrid applications – are evaluated against the identified requirements. The research is based on a case study of Ilta-Sanomat mobile news service. The main material of the study consists of interviews of ten experts who have worked on developing Ilta-Sanomat mobile services. Material is analyzed using Grounded Theory -method. As the result of the study, five main requirements for a mobile news service and implementation technologies are identified: consistency, editability, user experience and design, business targets and finally speed and reliability. Native applications and websites are found to be totally separate distribution channels for a news service, but complementing and supporting each other. Hybrid applications are found to be partly able to bring the benefits of web-technologies to native applications and thus better fulfill some of the news service requirements. As a conclusion, mobile technology strategy for a news service is presented. The strategy consists of general principles, as well as implementation options for native applications. The most important general principle is that as much of the content structure and user interface logic as possible should be defined in the backend systems, not in the different distribution channels

    Fostering innovation: Factors that attract and retain third party developers in mobile ecosystems

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    The popularity of smartphones and the related growth of mobile application markets created a need for mobile platform owners to open their software platforms up to third party developers in order to meet user demand for mobile applications. This external innovation provides a tremendous opportunity for mobile platform owners to develop a volume and diversity of products they could not develop in-house, but it also presents challenges in attracting a sufficient number of developers and users in order to harness the two-sided and same-sided network effects required to successfully cultivate a robust mobile ecosystem. The main objective of this study is to investigate the factors which attract and retain third party developers in mobile ecosystems, a topic about which limited study has been conducted to date. To achieve this goal we developed a research framework based on theoretical and industry literature related to the mobile industry. Using this as a basis for our research we interviewed developers for the iOS, Android and Windows Phone platforms as well as an independent expert specialising in research of the telecommunications industry. These interviews provide a list of factors relating to what motivates third party developers to select a particular ecosystem. Factors are presented in terms of economic considerations, the boundary resources within the mobile platforms, the related development community and the reach the ecosystem provides. These factors are detailed and compared concluding that monetary reward, user engagement and market share are the most dominant factors influencing developer choice. This research complements and extends existing research on third party developer motivation in competitive open innovation communities as well as providing insights into the industry for prospective mobile developers

    Business plan for the creation of the Health to click company that will provide a general home health care service through App-S

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    Se presenta el trabajo de grado para optar por el título de Magister en Administración, en la modalidad de creación de empresa. Se plantea como objetivo desarrollar una propuesta para la creación de la empresa “Health to click” que brinde servicios de medicina general domiciliaria a usuarios a través de una App-S. Agotando la metodología multi-método por fases se agotó un marco referencial sobre la naturaleza del negocio, un estudio de mercado, estudio técnico del servicio, financiero administrativo y legal, así como un análisis de sostenibilidad. Logrando establecer como resultado la viabilidad técnica, administrativa y financiera del negocio para la creación de la empresa “Health to Click”. Se concluye que la idea de negocio Health to Click se puede llevar a cabo impactando de manera positiva el sistema de seguridad social en salud de Bogotá.The work of degree is presented to opt for the title of Master in Administration, in the modality of creation of company. The objective is to develop a proposal for the creation of the “Health to click” company that provides general home medicine services to users through an App-S. Depleting the multi-method methodology by phases, a reference framework on the nature of the business, a market study, technical service, administrative and legal financial study, as well as a sustainability analysis were exhausted. Achieving as a result the technical, administrative and financial viability of the business for the creation of the company "Health to Click". It is concluded that the Health to Click business idea can be carried out with a positive impact on the social security system in Bogotá.Magister en Administración de Empresas - MB

    Letters from the War of Ecosystems – An Analysis of Independent Software Vendors in Mobile Application Marketplaces

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    The recent emergence of a new generation of mobile application marketplaces has changed the business in the mobile ecosystems. The marketplaces have gathered over a million applications by hundreds of thousands of application developers and publishers. Thus, software ecosystems—consisting of developers, consumers and the orchestrator—have emerged as a part of the mobile ecosystem. This dissertation addresses the new challenges faced by mobile application developers in the new ecosystems through empirical methods. By using the theories of two-sided markets and business ecosystems as the basis, the thesis assesses monetization and value creation in the market as well as the impact of electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) and developer multihoming— i. e. contributing for more than one platform—in the ecosystems. The data for the study was collected with web crawling from the three biggest marketplaces: Apple App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone Store. The dissertation consists of six individual articles. The results of the studies show a gap in monetization among the studied applications, while a majority of applications are produced by small or micro-enterprises. The study finds only weak support for the impact of eWOM on the sales of an application in the studied ecosystem. Finally, the study reveals a clear difference in the multi-homing rates between the top application developers and the rest. This has, as discussed in the thesis, an impact on the future market analyses—it seems that the smart device market can sustain several parallel application marketplaces.Muutama vuosi sitten julkistetut uuden sukupolven mobiilisovellusten kauppapaikat ovat muuttaneet mobiiliekosysteemien liiketoimintadynamiikkaa. Nämä uudet markkinapaikat ovat jo onnistuneet houkuttelemaan yli miljoona sovellusta sadoilta tuhansilta ohjelmistokehittäjiltä. Nämä kehittäjät yhdessä markkinapaikan organisoijan sekä loppukäyttäjien kanssa ovat muodostaneet ohjelmistoekosysteemin osaksi laajempaa mobiiliekosysteemiä. Tässä väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan mobiilisovellusten kehittäjien uudenlaisilla kauppapaikoilla kohtaamia haasteita empiiristen tutkimusmenetelmien kautta. Väitöskirjassa arvioidaan sovellusten monetisaatiota ja arvonluontia sekä verkon asiakasarviointien (engl. electronicWord-of-Mouth, eWOM) ja kehittäjien moniliittymisen (engl. multi-homing) — kehittäjä on sitoutunut useammalle kuin yhdelle ekosysteemille — vaikutuksia ekosysteemissä. Työn teoreettinen tausta rakentuu kaksipuolisten markkinapaikkojen ja liiketoimintaekosysteemien päälle. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty kolmelta suurimmalta mobiilisovellusmarkkinapaikalta: Apple App Storesta, Google Playstä ja Windows Phone Storesta. Tämä artikkeliväitöskirja koostuu kuudesta itsenäisestä tutkimuskäsikirjoituksesta. Artikkelien tulokset osoittavat puutteita monetisaatiossa tutkittujen sovellusten joukossa. Merkittävä osa tarkastelluista sovelluksista on pienten yritysten tai yksittäisten kehittäjien julkaisemia. Tutkimuksessa löydettiin vain heikkoa tukea eWOM:in positiiviselle vaikutukselle sovellusten myyntimäärissä. Työssä myös osoitetaan merkittävä ero menestyneimpien sovelluskehittäjien sekä muiden kehittäjien moniliittymiskäyttäytymisen välillä. Tällä havainnolla on merkitystä tuleville markkina-analyyseille ja sen vaikutuksia on käsitelty työssä. Tulokset esimerkiksi viittaavat siihen, että markkinat pystyisivät ylläpitämään useita kilpailevia kauppapaikkoja.Siirretty Doriast

    Letters from the War of Ecosystems – An Analysis of Independent Software Vendors in Mobile Application Marketplaces

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    The recent emergence of a new generation of mobile application marketplaces has changed the business in the mobile ecosystems. The marketplaces have gathered over a million applications by hundreds of thousands of application developers and publishers. Thus, software ecosystems&mdash;consisting of developers, consumers and the orchestrator&mdash;have emerged as a part of the mobile ecosystem.&nbsp; This dissertation addresses the new challenges faced by mobile application developers in the new ecosystems through empirical methods. By using the theories of two-sided markets and business ecosystems as the basis, the thesis assesses monetization and value creation in the market as well as the impact of electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) and developer multihoming&mdash; i. e. contributing for more than one platform&mdash;in the ecosystems. The data for the study was collected with web crawling from the three biggest marketplaces: Apple App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone Store.&nbsp; The dissertation consists of six individual articles. The results of the studies show a gap in monetization among the studied applications, while a majority of applications are produced by small or micro-enterprises. The study finds only weak support for the impact of eWOM on the sales of an application in the studied ecosystem. Finally, the study reveals a clear difference in the multi-homing rates between the top application developers and the rest. This has, as discussed in the thesis, an impact on the future market analyses&mdash;it seems that the smart device market can sustain several parallel application marketplaces. - - - - - Muutama vuosi sitten julkistetut uuden sukupolven mobiilisovellusten kauppapaikat ovat muuttaneet mobiiliekosysteemien liiketoimintadynamiikkaa. N&auml;m&auml; uudet markkinapaikat ovat jo onnistuneet houkuttelemaan yli miljoona sovellusta sadoilta tuhansilta ohjelmistokehitt&auml;jilt&auml;. N&auml;m&auml; kehitt&auml;j&auml;t yhdess&auml; markkinapaikan organisoijan sek&auml; loppuk&auml;ytt&auml;jien kanssa ovat muodostaneet ohjelmistoekosysteemin osaksi laajempaa mobiiliekosysteemi&auml;.&nbsp; T&auml;ss&auml; v&auml;it&ouml;skirjassa tarkastellaan mobiilisovellusten kehitt&auml;jien uudenlaisilla kauppapaikoilla kohtaamia haasteita empiiristen tutkimusmenetelmien kautta. V&auml;it&ouml;skirjassa arvioidaan sovellusten monetisaatiota ja arvonluontia sek&auml; verkon asiakasarviointien (engl. electronicWord-of-Mouth, eWOM) ja kehitt&auml;jien moniliittymisen (engl. multi-homing) &mdash; kehitt&auml;j&auml; on sitoutunut useammalle kuin yhdelle ekosysteemille &mdash; vaikutuksia ekosysteemiss&auml;. Ty&ouml;n teoreettinen tausta rakentuu kaksipuolisten markkinapaikkojen ja liiketoimintaekosysteemien p&auml;&auml;lle. Tutkimuksen aineisto on ker&auml;tty kolmelta suurimmalta mobiilisovellusmarkkinapaikalta: Apple App Storesta, Google Playst&auml; ja Windows Phone Storesta.&nbsp; T&auml;m&auml; artikkeliv&auml;it&ouml;skirja koostuu kuudesta itsen&auml;isest&auml; tutkimusk&auml;sikirjoituksesta. Artikkelien tulokset osoittavat puutteita monetisaatiossa tutkittujen sovellusten joukossa. Merkitt&auml;v&auml; osa tarkastelluista sovelluksista on pienten yritysten tai yksitt&auml;isten kehitt&auml;jien julkaisemia. Tutkimuksessa l&ouml;ydettiin vain heikkoa tukea eWOM:in positiiviselle vaikutukselle sovellusten myyntim&auml;&auml;riss&auml;. Ty&ouml;ss&auml; my&ouml;s osoitetaan merkitt&auml;v&auml; ero menestyneimpien sovelluskehitt&auml;jien sek&auml; muiden kehitt&auml;jien moniliittymisk&auml;ytt&auml;ytymisen v&auml;lill&auml;. T&auml;ll&auml; havainnolla on merkityst&auml; tuleville markkina-analyyseille ja sen vaikutuksia on k&auml;sitelty ty&ouml;ss&auml;. Tulokset esimerkiksi viittaavat siihen, ett&auml; markkinat pystyisiv&auml;t yll&auml;pit&auml;m&auml;&auml;n useita kilpailevia kauppapaikkoja.</p

    An Assessment of Mobile OS-Centric Ecosystems

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    The evolution of software ecosystems is the result of the popularity and adoption of common architectural development for multiple product development and represents a significant shift in traditional software development style and process methodology. Currently several organizations are in practice with this new process model that embraces business as one of its central factors and have thrived as a result. There can be no doubt that the development of software ecosystems have caused major players in the software industry to rethink their operating practices and engage with third parties, opening their platforms to external entities to attain business objectives. In this paper we examine four of the organizations that are at the forefront of software ecosystem adoption, specifically for mobile devices and explore their business development models. This investigation explores and compares their business process models in terms of how they engage with the external players in order to develop and distribute software and services in this changing marketplace. The study found some commonalities as well as some salient differences in their business processes and presents an assessment of the health of each mobile OS-centric ecosystem. We conclude that this study will help in further aiding understanding of the business process role in this area of ecosystem software