5 research outputs found

    An architecture for establishing legal semantic workflows in the context of integrated law enforcement

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    A previous version of this paper was presented at the Third Workshop on Legal Knowledge and the Semantic Web (LK&SW-2016), EKAW-2016, November 19th, Bologna, ItalyTraditionally the integration of data from multiple sources is done on an ad-hoc basis for each to "silos" that prevent sharing data across different agencies or tasks, and is unable to cope with the modern environment, where workflows, tasks, and priorities frequently change. Operating within the Data to Decision Cooperative Research Centre (D2D CRC), the authors are currently involved in the Integrated Law Enforcement Project, which has the goal of developing a federated data platform that will enable the execution of integrated analytics on data accessed from different external and internal sources, thereby providing effective support to an investigator or analyst working to evaluate evidence and manage lines of inquiries in the investigation. Technical solutions should also operate ethically, in compliance with the law, and subject to good governance principles

    Privacy and data protection in Australia : a critical overview (extended abstract)

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    This research is funded by the Data to Decisions Cooperative Research Centre (D2D CRC), Project C, with participation of the Spanish Project DER2016-78108-P.This extended abstract describes the regulation of privacy under Australian laws and policies. In the CRC D2D programme, we will develop a strategy to model legal requirements in a situation that is far from clear. Law enforcement agencies are facing big floods of data to be acquired, stored, assessed and used. We will propose in the final paper a linked data regulatory model to organise and set the legal and policy requirements to model privacy in this unstructured context

    Spent convictions and the architecture for establishing legal semantic workflows

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    This research was partially funded by the Data to Decisions Cooperative Research Centre (D2D CRC, Australia), and Meta-Rule of Law (DER2016- 78108-P, Spain)Operating within the Data to Decision Cooperative Research Centre (D2D CRC), the authors are currently involved in the Integrated Law Enforcement program and the Compliance through Design project. These have the goal of developing a federated data platform for law enforcement agencies that will enable the execution of integrated analytics on data accessed from different external and internal sources, thereby providing effective support to an investigator or analyst working to evaluate evidence and manage lines of inquiries in an investigation. Technical solutions should also operate ethically, in compliance with the law and subject to good governance principles. This paper is focused on the Australian spent convictions scheme, which provide use cases to test the platform

    Towards a linked information architecture for integrated law enforcement

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    Ponència presentada al Workshop on Linked Democracy: Artificial Intelligence for Democratic Innovation co-located with the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017) celebrat el 19 d'agost de 2017 a Melbourne, AustraliaLaw enforcement agencies are facing an ever-increasing flood of data to be acquired, stored, assessed and used. Automation and advanced data analy-sis capabilities are required to supersede traditional manual work processes and legacy information silos by automatically acquiring information from a range of sources, analyzing it in the context of on-going investigations, and linking it to other pieces of knowledge pertaining to the investigation. This paper outlines a modular architecture for management of linked data in the law enforcement domain and discusses legal and policy issues related to workflows and infor-mation sharing in this context