80 research outputs found

    SNMP Trace Analysis: Results of Extra Traces

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    The Simple Network Management Protocol (SMMP) was introduced in the late 1980s. Since then, several evolutionary protocol changes have taken place, resulting in the SNMP version 3 framework (SNMPv3). Extensive use of SNMP has led to significant practical experience by both network operators and researchers. Since recently, researchers are in the possession of real world SNMP traces. This allows researchers to analyze the real world application of SNMP. A publication of 2007 made a significant start with this. However, real world trace analysis demands a continual approach, due to changing circumstances (e.g., regarding the network and SNMP engine implementations). Therefore, this paper reports on a lot more traces than in the mentioned paper, which are also more recent

    An Agent-based Framework for Identity Management The Unsuspected Relation with ISOIEC 15504 _ presentation

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    The generalization of open and distributed systems and the dynamics of the environment make Information Systems (IS) and, consequently, its access rights management an increasingly complex problem. Even if support for this activity appears to be well handed by current sophisticated solutions, the definition and the exploitation of an access rights management framework appropriately adapted for a company remain challenging. This statement is explained mainly by the continuous growth of the diversity of stakeholderspsila positions and by the criticality of the resources to protect. The SIM project, which stands for ldquoSecure Identity Managementrdquo, addresses this problem. The objectives of our paper are twofold. First, to make rights management align closer to business objectives by providing an innovative approach that focuses on business goals for defining access policy. The ISO/IEC 15504 process-based assessment model has been preferred for that research. Indeed, the structured framework that it offers for the description of activities allows for the establishment of meaningful links with responsibilities concepts. Secondly, to automate the deployment of policies through the company IT infrastructurepsilas components and devices by defining a multi-agent system architecture that provides autonomy and adaptability. Free and open source components have been used for the prototyping phase


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    Pada era teknologi saat ini semakin meningkat jumlah perangkat pada jaringan akan semakin kompleks masalah pada jaringan sehingga diperlukan pengawasan secara terus-menerus terhadap kualitas jaringan, oleh sebab itu diperlukan adanya penyediaan aplikasi monitoring jaringan agar masalah pada suatu jaringan cepat teratasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah pada jaringan dapat dipersingkat dan menjadi lebih efektif.. Hasil dari penelitian yaitu pengguna dapat mengamati kondisi pada jaringan dan jika terjadi bot pada aplikasi telegram akan mengirimkan gangguan tersebut secara langsung. Hal tersebut bertujuan agar gangguan pada suatu jaringan dapat cepat teratasi

    BIP! NDR (NoDoiRefs): A Dataset of Citations From Papers Without DOIs in Computer Science Conferences and Workshops

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    In the field of Computer Science, conference and workshop papers serve as important contributions, carrying substantial weight in research assessment processes, compared to other disciplines. However, a considerable number of these papers are not assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), hence their citations are not reported in widely used citation datasets like OpenCitations and Crossref, raising limitations to citation analysis. While the Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) previously addressed this issue by providing substantial coverage, its discontinuation has created a void in available data. BIP! NDR aims to alleviate this issue and enhance the research assessment processes within the field of Computer Science. To accomplish this, it leverages a workflow that identifies and retrieves Open Science papers lacking DOIs from the DBLP Corpus, and by performing text analysis, it extracts citation information directly from their full text. The current version of the dataset contains more than 510K citations made by approximately 60K open access Computer Science conference or workshop papers that, according to DBLP, do not have a DOI

    Network Inventory Collection System for Managing and Monitoring Information Technology Asset

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    The growth of Information Technology investment is predicted to develop rapidly in the next few years. This will urge the need of a tool to help IT managers to manage and monitor their asset frequently. IT asset management is a part of network management with its scopes are monitoring, controlling, and planning the existing source and components. In this paper, we will show that managing and monitoring the IT asset, including configuration system, devices, storage media, interfaces and installed applications, can be done thoroughly by utilizing the simple network management protocol (SNMP)

    Sistem Monitoring Server Dengan Menggunakan SNMP

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    Server  merupakan komponen utama sistem jaringan komputer yang berfungsi untuk menyediakan suatu layanan kepada pengguna yang biasa disebut sebagai client. Aktifitas dan operasional pelayanan sebuah server terhadap client dalam penerapannya terdiri dari begitu banyak proses untuk memenuhi segala permintaan client yang dikirimkan pada server tersebut. Diperlukan suatu sistem yang mampu melakukan pemantauan segala aktivitas di dalam server sehingga administrator (operator) bisa memonitor dan mendeteksi apabila terjadi permasalahan pada server yang digunakan. Sistem ini juga menerapkan otomatisasi penghidupan layanan server terhadap layanan server yang mengalami kondisi mati secara tiba-tiba. Bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan untuk membangun sistem ini adalah python, php, dan shell script. Alasan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman python pada sistem ini adalah memiliki kemampuan yang unggul dalam melakukan koneksi protokol SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). Hal ini dikarenakan protokol SNMP merupakan protokol manajemen jaringan yang mengatur dan menyimpan segala informasi jaringan di dalamnya. Hasil luaran dari sistem ini adalah sebuah web yang mampu mengeluarkan beberapa informasi mengenai server yang dipantau

    Kameravalvontaverkon vaatimusmäärittely

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    Insinöörityön tarkoituksena oli valita tuotteistettavaksi turvallisuuspalveluyrityksen käyttöön kytkinmallisto kameravalvontaverkkoihin. Yritys myy asiakkailleen kameravalvontajärjestelmien osana kytkinverkkoja, joiden avulla toteutetaan nykyaikaisen kameravalvonnan kuvansiirto valvontakameratallentimeen ja tehonsiirto kameroille. Työssä perehdyttiin sellaisiin seikkoihin, jotka osaltaan vaikuttavat kameravalvontaverkon suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen, kuten verkon rakenne, käyttötarkoitus, yleiset päätelaitteet, päätelaitteiden asettamat vaatimukset suorituskyvylle ja tietoturva. Kameravalvonnan erityisvaatimus kytkimille on sen runsaasti tarvitsema teho. Tyypillinen valvontakamera tarvitsee 5–12 watin tehon, jolloin kytkimen tehobudjetin on oltava suuri. Tämä rajaa suuresti valittavien kytkinmallien määrää. Valvontakameraverkkojen tulee olla luotettavia. Ne voivat sijaita vilkkaasti liikennöidyissä kohteissa, jolloin aktiivisen valvonnan katkeamattomuus on tärkeää, tai vastaavasti hyvinkin eristetyillä alueilla käyttötarkoituksenaan vain tallennus, jolloin verkon ongelmien huomaamiseen voi kulua pitkäkin aika. Tällöin verkossa ei tulisi olla yksittäistä pistettä, joka kaataa koko verkon, ja sitä tulee valvoa. Koska valvontakameraverkkojen tietoturva on huono, työssä perehdytään yleisimpiin hyökkäystyyppeihin kytkimiä vastaan ja tyypillisiin suojautumistapoihin hyökkäyksiä vastaan. Työn tuloksena syntyi vaatimusmäärittely, joka on minimi luotettavuuden ja tietoturvan takaamiseksi. Vaatimusmäärittelyn pohjalta voidaan valita useampikin tuote, sillä vertailtavat ominaisuudet eivät ole yksiselitteisiä, ja edelleen tuotteistettavaksi valittiinkin tuote, joka ei täysin täyttänyt vaatimuksia.The goal of this thesis was to choose a family of network switches for productization in a private security company. The company sells network video recorder systems for its customers, and with them, network switches that provide the means for video transmission and power to network cameras. The themes reviewed in this thesis concerning camera surveillance are network topology, use, common host devices, requirements set by hosts (especially network cameras) and network security. Network cameras demand 5–12 watts of power from power supplying equipment and therefore power budget specification for switches must be high. High PoE budget, on the other hand, greatly limits available options for switch models. Camera surveillance networks should be reliable. They might be used for very active surveillance in congested areas (such as shopping malls), or they might situate in remote sites with no daily or weekly active use so possible failures might go unnoticed for long times. Hence, the network should not have a single point of failure and it must be supervised. Because network security in camera surveillance systems is poor, common attacks and counters to attacks against Layer 2 were also reviewed. The requirements set by these features were then gathered to a requirement matrix, and a number of switch models of several manufacturers were compared. According to the requirement matrix, the Juniper EX2200-series switches was the best alternative for further productization. However, Fortinet D–series switches provide many additional possibilities for enhanced network security and was thus chosen for follow-up investigation