36 research outputs found

    Особливості створення та використання геомоделей у Google Earth

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    Досліджували особливості створення та використання геомоделей із застосуванням 3-D графіки за допомогою Sketch Up та Архітектора у Google Earth

    Spatio-temporal information system for the geosciences: concepts, data models, software, and applications

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    The development of spatio–temporal geoscience information systems (TGSIS) as the next generation of geographic information systems (GIS) and geoscience information systems (GSIS) was investigated with respect to the following four aspects: concepts, data models, software, and applications. These systems are capable of capturing, storing, managing, and querying data of geo–objects subject to dynamic processes, thereby causing the evolution of their geometry, topology and geoscience properties. In this study, five data models were proposed. The first data model represents static geo–objects whose geometries are in the 3–dimensional space. The second and third data models represent geological surfaces evolving in a discrete and continuous manner, respectively. The fourth data model is a general model that represents geo–objects whose geometries are n–dimensional embedding in the m–dimensional space R^m, m >= 3. The topology and the properties of these geo–objects are also represented in the data model. In this model, time is represented as one dimension (valid time). Moreover, the valid time is an independent variable, whereas geometry, topology, and the properties are dependent (on time) variables. The fifth data model represents multiple indexed geoscience data in which time and other non–spatial dimensions are interpreted as larger spatial dimensions. To capture data in space and time, morphological interpolation methods were reviewed, and a new morphological interpolation method was proposed to model geological surfaces evolving continuously in a time interval. This algorithm is based on parameterisation techniques to locate the cross–reference and then compute the trajectories complying with geometrical constraints. In addition, the long transaction feature was studied, and the data schema, functions, triggers, and views were proposed to implement the long transaction feature and the database versioning in PostgreSQL. To implement database versioning tailored to geoscience applications, an algorithm comparing two triangulated meshes was also proposed. Therefore, TGSIS enable geologists to manage different versions of geoscience data for different geological paradigms, data, and authors. Finally, a prototype software system was built. This system uses the client/server architecture in which the server side uses the PostgreSQL database management system and the client side uses the gOcad geomodeling system. The system was also applied to certain sample applications

    VGC 2023 - Unveiling the dynamic Earth with digital methods: 5th Virtual Geoscience Conference: Book of Abstracts

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    Conference proceedings of the 5th Virtual Geoscience Conference, 21-22 September 2023, held in Dresden. The VGC is a multidisciplinary forum for researchers in geoscience, geomatics and related disciplines to share their latest developments and applications.:Short Courses 9 Workshops Stream 1 10 Workshop Stream 2 11 Workshop Stream 3 12 Session 1 – Point Cloud Processing: Workflows, Geometry & Semantics 14 Session 2 – Visualisation, communication & Teaching 27 Session 3 – Applying Machine Learning in Geosciences 36 Session 4 – Digital Outcrop Characterisation & Analysis 49 Session 5 – Airborne & Remote Mapping 58 Session 6 – Recent Developments in Geomorphic Process and Hazard Monitoring 69 Session 7 – Applications in Hydrology & Ecology 82 Poster Contributions 9

    Improving interoperability on industrial standards through ontologies

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    Interoperability refers to the effective exchange of information and understanding to collectively pursue common objectives. System developers commonly use ontologies to enhance semantic and syntactic interoperability within this context. This work aims to evaluate the contribution of ontology in making explicit the meaning of the entities described in a Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) model and to provide an architecture that allows the representation of a P&ID in ontological knowledge bases. To understand the semantics of the P&ID entities and relations, we map each class of the P&ID to the corresponding entity of the Offshore Petroleum Production Plant Ontology (O3PO). The ontology describes the definition of each vocable associated with the axioms that clarify and regulate the meaning and utilization of this vocabulary. We intend to guarantee that the integration of P&ID with other models respects the original semantics and avoids unintended data exchanges. We follow this ontological analysis with a case study of a model that conforms to the Data Exchange in the Process Industry (DEXPI) specification, intended to provide homogeneous data interchange between CAD systems from diverse vendors. The ontological analysis of the DEXPI P&ID specification, to build a relation with a well-founded ontology, raises a set of desirable properties for a model intended for use in interoperability. While achieving technical interoperability between DEXPI P&IDs and ontologies represented in OWL is evident, we identified several challenges within the realm of semantic interoperability, specifically concerning clarity/intelligibility, conciseness, extendibility, consistency, and essence. These issues present significant hurdles to achieving seamless systems integration. Moreover, if the DEXPI standard were to evolve into a de facto standard for representing P&IDs across a broader range of domains than initially intended, these highlighted issues could potentially bottleneck its adoption and hinder its integration into different systems.Interoperabilidade se refere à troca efetiva de informação e entendimento na busca por objetivos comuns. Neste contexto, desenvolvedores de sistemas comumente utilizam ontologias para aprimorar a interoperabilidade semântica e sintática. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a contribuição da ontologia para tornar explícito o significado das entidades descritas em um modelo de Diagrama de Tubulação e Instrumentação (DTI) e fornecer uma arquitetura que permita a representação de um DTI em bases de conhecimento ontológicas. Para entender a semântica das entidades e relações do DTI, mapeamos cada classe do DTI para a entidade correspondente da Ontologia de Planta de Produção de Petróleo Offshore (O3PO). A ontologia descreve a definição de cada vocábulo associado com os axiomas que esclarecem e regulam o significado e a utilização desse vocabulário. Pretendemos garantir que a integração do DTI com outros modelos respeite a semântica original e, assim, evite trocas de dados não intencionais. Seguimos essa análise ontológica com um estudo de caso de um modelo que se conforma à especificação "Data Exchange in the Process Industry" (DEXPI), destinada a fornecer uma troca de dados homogênea entre sistemas CAD de diversos fabricantes. A análise ontológica da especificação DEXPI DTI, para construir uma relação com uma ontologia bem fundamentada, levanta um conjunto de propriedades desejáveis para um modelo destinado a ser usado na interoperabilidade. Embora a conquista da interoperabilidade técnica entre DTIs DEXPI e ontologias representadas em OWL seja evidente, diversos desafios foram identificados no âmbito da interoperabilidade semântica, especificamente em relação à clareza/inteligibilidade, concisão, extensibilidade, consistência e essência. Essas questões representam obstáculos significativos para alcançar uma integração de sistemas perfeita. Além disso, se o padrão DEXPI evoluir para um padrão de facto para a representação de DTIs em um conjunto mais amplo de domínios do que inicialmente pretendido, essas questões destacadas poderiam potencialmente atrasar sua adoção e dificultar sua integração em sistemas diferentes

    Three-dimensional geological mapping: Workshop extended abstracts

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    Continent-Ocean Transition or Boundary? : Crowd-sourced seismic interpretations of the East-India Passive Margin

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    AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank the full SEISMIX 2016 organization team and participants for facilitating and taking part in the experiment in Aviemore (Scotland). ION is thanked for supplying the seismic profile used in the experiments. Dr. Eagles and Dr. Pérez-Díaz are thanked for kindly sharing the interpretations of the E-India margin. JA is funded by “Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación” fellow-ship IJC2018-036074-I and “Ramón y Cajal” fellowship RYC2021-033872-I, funded by MCIN/AEI/https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. We thank the reviewers for their constructive comments, and Jonathan Aitchison for the editorial guidance.Peer reviewedPostprintPublisher PD

    Engineering-geological modeling for supporting local seismic response studies. Insights from the 3D model of the subsoil of Rieti (Italy)

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    A high-resolution 3D engineering-geological model of the subsoil can be derived by integrating stratigraphic and geophysical data in order to represent reliably the geological setting, and therefore support several geological studies such as local seismic response analyses. In this study, we show how an accurate 3D engineering-geological model suggests the proper seismic response modeling approach (1D or 2D) in a peculiar and complex geological context, such as the historical city center of Rieti (Italy), selected as test site, and characterized by important lateral heterogeneities between stiff travertine and alluvial soft deposits. The proposed methodology involves three steps: (i) conceptual geological modelling, obtained from data and maps of literature; (ii) engineering-geological modeling, validated through geophysical data; and (iii) a 3D model restitution achieved by a geodatabase (built basing on the previous steps), that collects, stores, reliably represents, and integrates properly the geospatial data. The analysis of seismic ambient noise measurements specifically available for the study area allowed to infer the shear wave velocity value for each lithotecnical unit and to retrieve some additional stratigraphies. These synthetic log stratigraphies allowed to improve the detail of the geodatabase and therefore a more accurate 3D geological model. Such a reliable engineering-geological model of the subsoil is required to perform a site-specific seismic response characterization which is a fundamental tool in the framework of seismic risk management


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    Inter-well heterogeneities influencing fluid migration in deltaic reservoirs are controlled by lateral lithofacies changes and vertical complexities such as low permeability thin-beds. Subsurface tools often cannot predict the spatial and stratigraphic organization of these architectural elements, nor their influence on effective reservoir properties and connectivity. This study integrates sedimentological, stratigraphic, and fluid simulation data to 1) document the facies architecture and depositional evolution of the Turonian Wall Creek Member (WCM) of the Frontier Formation, and 2) quantify the role of multi-scale stratigraphic heterogeneity on reservoir behavior. Upscaled permeability properties derived from fluid simulation of nested, small-scale facies models condition the observed architecture within a 500m x 715m geocellular model. Key surfaces recognized across the study area separate the WCM into three depositional sequences, each of which contain multiple parasequences that form the geomodel framework. Sequence 1 consists of a top-truncated package of river-dominated delta lobes, interpreted as highstand deposits (HST1); sequence 2 is made of wave-dominated delta sandstones deposited during subsequent highstand (HST2); sequence 3 consists of heterolithic tidal bar deposits of a tidally-influenced delta (LST). Detailed mapping of the HST1/HST2 show the spatial distribution of intra-parasequence lithofacies is largely controlled by their proximity to high energy conditions above wave-base and near distributary channels. Modelling results show that permeability of the fine-grained component within heterolithic deposits is the most critical parameter in reservoir behavior. In wave-dominated environments, relatively simple bed geometries of thin-beds induce low vertical permeability. Conversely, more architecturally complex tidal deposits maintain better vertical connectivity but limited horizontal permeability. Flow compartmentalization on any scale happens only when thin-beds are assumed to be impermeable barriers; mud drapes with lower clay content act only as flow baffles. Fine-scale heterogeneities carry through as controlling factors in geomodel (500m x715m) reservoir simulations. In the wave-dominated setting, continuous horizons of low vertical permeability facies delineate parasequence-scale flow units. Within individual parasequences, the lithofacies distribution plays an important role on effective permeability pathways and total volume in place. Results from this outcrop-to-geomodel study can be applied to WCM reservoirs in the subsurface and used as guidance to build more accurate geomodels in other basins

    Preliminary 3-D geological models of Los Humeros and Acoculco geothermal fields (Mexico) – H2020 GEMex Project

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    As part of the GEMex Project, an on-going European-Mexican effort to develop geothermal energy from non-conventional sources, preliminary geological models have been constructed for two sites located in the easternmost region of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. The first site, Los Humeros, which has produced geothermal electricity for decades, is investigated for its probable superhot geothermal resources. The second site, Acoculco, is a less known but promising area where application of an Enhanced Geothermal System is being studied. In order to have a coherent geological interpretation of both sites, preliminary 3-D models were constructed in a collaborative manner by European and Mexican partners. These models are based on data available at the start of the project, including geological maps, cross-sections and well logs. The data were mainly provided by the Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE), and the Mexican Centre for Innovation in Geothermal Energy (CeMIE-Geo consortium). A regional model was developed for each site and an additional local model was constructed for Los Humeros. The preliminary geological models serve as a framework for GEMex work on heat-transport and fluid-flow simulations; they will be updated and refined during the project, using new data and interpretations from ongoing and future field work on geology, geophysics, and geochemistry.</p