7 research outputs found

    A Review on Application of Model Based Systems Engineering to Manufacturing and Production Engineering Systems

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    Increasing complexity in today’s manufacturing and production industry due to the need for higher flexibility and competitiveness is leading to inconsistencies in the iterative exchange loops of the system design process. To address these complexities and inconsistencies, an ongoing industry trend for organizations to make a transition from document-centric principles and applications to being model-centric is observed. In this paper, a literature review is presented highlighting the current need for an industry-wide transition from document-centric systems engineering to Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). Further, investigating the tools and languages used by the researchers for facilitating the transition to and the integration of MBSE approach, we identify the most commonly used tools and languages to highlight the applicability of MBSE in the manufacturing and production industry

    Sharing design definitions across product life cycles

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    The research reported in this paper explored the feasibility of embedding multiple design structures into design definitions with a view of sharing design definitions across product life cycles. Two separate case studies using (a) lattice theory and (b) a qualitative data analysis (QDA) software tool were used to illustrate the benefits of embedding. In the first case study, of a robotic arm assembly, lattices in the form of partially ordered sets are used to embed multiple design structures into a given design definition. A software prototype has been built that allows a design bill of materials (BoM) to be extracted from a STEP AP214 file and translated into a lattice that is visualized as a Hasse diagram. This lattice is a sub-lattice of a complete lattice that includes all possible BoM structures for the given collection of component parts in the assembly. New BoM design structures can be defined by selecting the required nodes in the complete lattice and alternative product definitions are then exported as new STEP files. The second case study introduces a collision avoidance robot with associated design structures. It is used to illustrate management of design information using a current technique, design structure matrix (DSM), and compared with how embedding using QDA has the potential to support the establishment of relationships between design structures. Results from these case studies demonstrate that it is feasible to use lattice theory as an underlying formalism and QDA as a means for sharing design definitions

    A Novel Graph-Based Modelling Approach for Reducing Complexity in Model-Based Systems Engineering Environment

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    Field of systems engineering (SE) is developing rapidly and becoming more complex, where multiple issues arise such as overcomplexity, lack of communication or understanding of the design process on different stages of its lifecycle. Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) has been introduced to overcome the communication issues and reduce systems complexity. A novel approach for modelling interactions is proposed to enhance the existing MBSE methodologies and further address the identified challenges. The approach is based on graph theory, where pre-defined rules and relationships are substituted and reorganised dynamically with graphical constructs. A framework for reducing complexity and improving logic modelling in MBSE with metagraph object-oriented approach is presented. This framework is tested in use cases from literature, where the model-based systems approach is applied to design an automobile system to match the acceleration requirements, and to improve a CubeSat nanosatellite communication subsystem. Through the use case scenarios, it has been proven that the methodology framework meets all the identified functional and design requirements and achieves the aim of the research. This work may be viewed as a step forward towards more consistent and automatic modelling of interactions among subsystems and components in MBSE. Automation techniques have multiple applications in systems engineering field as engineers always aim to produce higher quality and cost-effective products in less time and that is achieved by integrating knowledge on every stage of a development lifecycle. In addition to those advantages for SE field, the research provides basis for potential research proposals for future work in various engineering fields such as knowledge based engineering or virtual engineering

    Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben in Produktentwicklung und Design 2019 - 2

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    Die Konferenz Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben hat bereits zum vierten Mal ein einzigartiges Konferenz- und Ausstellungsformat zum Austausch zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis in Produktentwicklung und Design angeboten. Am 27. und 28. Juni 2019 ermöglichten die Professuren Konstruktionstechnik/CAD und Technisches Design der Technischen Universität Dresden in Kooperation mit weiteren Partnern den 200 Teilnehmenden die fachübergreifende Diskussion zu den Themen • Interdisziplinärer Entwurf adaptiver Produktsysteme, • Entwickeln vernetzter Anwendungen für Industrie 4.0, • Konstruktion mit hybriden Werkstoffen und für additive Fertigungsprozesse, • Entwicklungsunterstützung durch Produktdatenmanagement und VR/AR, • Design nutzerzentriertem Erleben komplexer Produkt-Service-Systeme.:Finishing Perspective (Endbehandlung Perspektive) Ingmar S. Franke, Mario Linke, Christian Bendicks und Rainer Groh 9 Card Sorting basierter Ansatz zur Erarbeitung einer nutzungsgerechten Methodensammlung am Beispiel des IDE-Toolkits Martin Wiesner, Björn Kokoschko, Linh Bùi Duy und Laura Augustin 29 Feasibility-Labor“ – erste Vorstellung neuer Ansätze zur Optimierung der Designumsetzung im Automobilbau Knut Lender 41 MBSE-basierte Produktkonfiguratoren zur Analyse der Modularisierung bei der Entwicklung modularer Baukastensysteme Florian Seiler, Lea-Nadine Schwede und Dieter Krause 55 Branchenübergreifendes Benchmarking von variantenreichen Produktportfolios auf Basis von Produktstrukturen Christian Wyrwich und Georg Jacobs 71 Aspekte der Authentizität bei der Umsetzung eines künstlerischen Entwurfs mit 3D-Software-Werkzeugen Wolfgang Steger, Christine Schöne und Helmut Nitsche 91 Das Visionsmodell: Präzise Darstellung von Entwicklungszielen Laura Augustin, Michael Schabacker 105 Wissen und Heterogenität in der Produktentwicklung Alexandra Göhring 111 Kombination der experimentellen und numerischen Simulation zur Entwicklung dreidimensionaler Elektronik Florian Schaller, Fabian Kayatz und Cedric Sanjon 123 Lösungsansätze für eine nachhaltigkeitsorientierte, interdisziplinäre Produktentwicklung Barbara Gröbe-Boxdorfer 133 Szenariobasierte Validierung von Produktprofilen in der frühen Phase der PGE-Produktgenerationsentwicklung Florian Marthaler, Vincent Kutschera, Jonas Reinemann, Nikola Bursac und Albert Albers 149 Vergleich von Produktinnovationsarten – Worin die Unterschiede wirklich begründet liegen Jonas Heimicke, Valentin Zimmermann, Monika Klippert, Markus Spadinger und Albert Albers 165 Zusammenarbeit von Ingenieuren und Designern – die überarbeitete VDI/VDE-Richtlinie 2424 Robert Watty, Christian Zimmermann und Gerhard Reichert 181 IM-UX – Fragebogen zu intrinsischer Motivation in der User Experience Jette Selent und Michael Minge 195 Konzept zur Identifikation relevanter Produkteigenschaften zur Unterstützung einer positiven User Experience Tina Schröppel, Jörg Miehling und Sandro Wartzack 205 User Experience Design für Sicherheitstechnik – Ansatz und Methodik bei Dräger Safety Marlene Vogel, Matthias Willner, Christian Wölfel und Jens Krzywinski 219 3D-volldigitalisierte Behandlungsplanung bei Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalten Christiane Kunert-Keil, Dominik Haim, Karol Kozak, Ines Zeidler-Rentzsch, Bernhard Weiland, Olaf Müller, Thomas Treichel und Günter Lauer 231 Automatische Vermessung der Knietopologie zur Unterstützung der Prothesenplanung für Kniearthroplastiken Sebastian Heerwald und Marc Mörig 243 Design und additive Fertigung von individualisierten biofunktionellen Implantaten in klinisch relevanten Dimensionen David Kilian, Philipp Sembdner, Stefan Holtzhausen, Tilman Ahlfeld, Christine Schöne, Anja Lode, Ralph Stelzer und Michael Gelinsky 253 Design von Medizinprodukten – Einfluss regulatorischer Anforderungen auf den Designprozess Christian Thomas 267 5G Sports – tragbare Technologiedemonstratoren im taktilen Internet Lisa-Marie Lüneburg, Emese Papp und Jens Krzywinski 277 Verbesserte Ergonomie durch Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration als sozio-technisches System Daniel Rücker, Kristin Paetzold und Rüdiger Hornfeck 295 Modellbasierter Systems Engineering Ansatz zur effizienten Aufbereitung von VR-Szenen Atif Mahboob, Stephan Husung, Christian Weber, Andreas Liebal und Heidi Krömker 309 Akzeptanz und Nutzererleben von körpergetragenen Assistenzsystemen im industriellen Anwendungsbereich Emese Papp und Christian Wölfel 323 Modell zur Unterstützung von Designentscheidungen auf strategischer Unternehmensebene im Industrial Design Frank Thomas Gärtner 335 Der Einfluss stilistischer Merkmale einer Entwurfsvisualisierung auf die semantischen Produkteigenschaften Frank Mühlbauer 347 Konstruktionslösungen mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz Willi Gründer und Denis Polyakov 361 Das Analysekompetenz-Marktpriorität-Portfolio zum Vergleich von Datenanalyseprojekten in der Produktentwicklung Sebastian Klement, Bernhard Saske, Stephan Arndt und Ralph Stelzer 375 Einsatz von Graphdatenbanken für das Produktdatenmanagement im Kontext von Industrie 4.0 Christopher Sauer, Benjamin Schleich und Sandro Wartzack 393 Predictive Quality Management mit modellbasierten Services in kollaborierenden Netzwerken Andreas Trautheim-Hofmann 409 Softwareentwicklung ECM/WCM im Spannungsfeld KMUs–Großunternehmen Oliver Schwarz und Christian Kowalewski 41

    A Development Method for the Conceptual Design of Multi-View Modeling Tools with an Emphasis on Consistency Requirements

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    The main objective of this thesis is to bridge the gap between modeling method experts on the one side and tool developers on the other. More precisely, the focus is on the specification of requirements for multi-view modeling tools. In this regard, the thesis introduces a methodological approach that supports the specification of conceptual designs for multi-view modeling tools in a stepwise manner: the MuVieMoT approach. MuVieMoT utilizes generic multi-view modeling concepts and the model-driven engineering paradigm to establish an overarching specification of multi-view modeling tools with an emphasis on consistency requirements. The approach builds on and extends the theoretical foundation of metamodeling and multi-view modeling: generic multi-view modeling concepts, integrated multi-view modeling approaches, and possibilities for formalized modeling method specifications. Applicability and utility of MuVieMoT are evaluated using an illustrative scenario, therefore specifying a conceptual design for a multi-view modeling tool for the Semantic Object Model enterprise modeling method. The thesis moreover introduces the MuVieMoT modeling environment, enabling the efficient application of the approach as well as the model-driven development of initial multi-view modeling tools based on the conceptual models created with MuVieMoT. Consequently, the approach fosters an intersubjective and unambiguous understanding of the tool requirements between method experts and tool developers