9 research outputs found

    Cognitive system to achieve human-level accuracy in automated assignment of helpdesk email tickets

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    Ticket assignment/dispatch is a crucial part of service delivery business with lot of scope for automation and optimization. In this paper, we present an end-to-end automated helpdesk email ticket assignment system, which is also offered as a service. The objective of the system is to determine the nature of the problem mentioned in an incoming email ticket and then automatically dispatch it to an appropriate resolver group (or team) for resolution. The proposed system uses an ensemble classifier augmented with a configurable rule engine. While design of classifier that is accurate is one of the main challenges, we also need to address the need of designing a system that is robust and adaptive to changing business needs. We discuss some of the main design challenges associated with email ticket assignment automation and how we solve them. The design decisions for our system are driven by high accuracy, coverage, business continuity, scalability and optimal usage of computational resources. Our system has been deployed in production of three major service providers and currently assigning over 40,000 emails per month, on an average, with an accuracy close to 90% and covering at least 90% of email tickets. This translates to achieving human-level accuracy and results in a net saving of about 23000 man-hours of effort per annum

    EnHMM: On the Use of Ensemble HMMs and Stack Traces to Predict the Reassignment of Bug Report Fields

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    Bug reports (BR) contain vital information that can help triaging teams prioritize and assign bugs to developers who will provide the fixes. However, studies have shown that BR fields often contain incorrect information that need to be reassigned, which delays the bug fixing process. There exist approaches for predicting whether a BR field should be reassigned or not. These studies use mainly BR descriptions and traditional machine learning algorithms (SVM, KNN, etc.). As such, they do not fully benefit from the sequential order of information in BR data, such as function call sequences in BR stack traces, which may be valuable for improving the prediction accuracy. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, called EnHMM, for predicting the reassignment of BR fields using ensemble Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), trained on stack traces. EnHMM leverages the natural ability of HMMs to represent sequential data to model the temporal order of function calls in BR stack traces. When applied to Eclipse and Gnome BR repositories, EnHMM achieves an average precision, recall, and F-measure of 54%, 76%, and 60% on Eclipse dataset and 41%, 69%, and 51% on Gnome dataset. We also found that EnHMM improves over the best single HMM by 36% for Eclipse and 76% for Gnome. Finally, when comparing EnHMM to Im.ML.KNN, a recent approach in the field, we found that the average F-measure score of EnHMM improves the average F-measure of Im.ML.KNN by 6.80% and improves the average recall of Im.ML.KNN by 36.09%. However, the average precision of EnHMM is lower than that of Im.ML.KNN (53.93% as opposed to 56.71%).Comment: Published in Proceedings of the 28th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER 2021), 11 pages, 7 figure

    Candoia: A Platform and an Ecosystem for Building and Deploying Versatile Mining Software Repositories Tools

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    Research on mining software repositories (MSR) has shown great promise during the last decade in solving many challenging software engineering problems. There exists, however, a ‘valley of death’ between these significant innovations in the MSR research and their deployment in practice. The significant cost of converting a prototype to software; need to provide support for a wide variety of tools and technologies e.g. CVS, SVN, Git, Bugzilla, Jira, Issues, etc, to improve applicability; and the high cost of customizing tools to practitioner-specific settings are some key hurdles in transition to practice. We describe Candoia, a platform and an ecosystem that is aimed at bridging this valley of death between innovations in MSR research and their deployment in practice. We have implemented Candoia and provide facilities to build and publish MSR ideas as Candoia apps. Our evaluation demonstrates that Candoia drastically reduces the cost of converting an idea to an app, thus reducing the barrier to transitioning research findings into practice. We also see versatility, in Candoia app’s ability to work with a variety of tools and technologies that the platform supports. Finally, we find that customizing Candoia app to fit project-specific needs is often well within the grasp of developers

    Techniques for text classification: Literature review and current trends

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    Automated classification of text into predefined categories has always been considered as a vital method to manage and process a vast amount of documents in digital forms that are widespread and continuously increasing. This kind of web information, popularly known as the digital/electronic information is in the form of documents, conference material, publications, journals, editorials, web pages, e-mail etc. People largely access information from these online sources rather than being limited to archaic paper sources like books, magazines, newspapers etc. But the main problem is that this enormous information lacks organization which makes it difficult to manage. Text classification is recognized as one of the key techniques used for organizing such kind of digital data. In this paper we have studied the existing work in the area of text classification which will allow us to have a fair evaluation of the progress made in this field till date. We have investigated the papers to the best of our knowledge and have tried to summarize all existing information in a comprehensive and succinct manner. The studies have been summarized in a tabular form according to the publication year considering numerous key perspectives. The main emphasis is laid on various steps involved in text classification process viz. document representation methods, feature selection methods, data mining methods and the evaluation technique used by each study to carry out the results on a particular dataset

    Automatic bug triaging techniques using machine learning and stack traces

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    When a software system crashes, users have the option to report the crash using automated bug tracking systems. These tools capture software crash and failure data (e.g., stack traces, memory dumps, etc.) from end-users. These data are sent in the form of bug (crash) reports to the software development teams to uncover the causes of the crash and provide adequate fixes. The reports are first assessed (usually in a semi-automatic way) by a group of software analysts, known as triagers. Triagers assign priority to the bugs and redirect them to the software development teams in order to provide fixes. The triaging process, however, is usually very challenging. The problem is that many of these reports are caused by similar faults. Studies have shown that one way to improve the bug triaging process is to detect automatically duplicate (or similar) reports. This way, triagers would not need to spend time on reports caused by faults that have already been handled. Another issue is related to the prioritization of bug reports. Triagers often rely on the information provided by the customers (the report submitters) to prioritize bug reports. However, this task can be quite tedious and requires tool support. Next, triagers route the bug report to the responsible development team based on the subsystem, which caused the crash. Since having knowledge of all the subsystems of an ever-evolving industrial system is impractical, having a tool to automatically identify defective subsystems can significantly reduce the manual bug triaging effort. The main goal of this research is to investigate techniques and tools to help triagers process bug reports. We start by studying the effect of the presence of stack traces in analyzing bug reports. Next, we present a framework to help triagers in each step of the bug triaging process. We propose a new and scalable method to automatically detect duplicate bug reports using stack traces and bug report categorical features. We then propose a novel approach for predicting bug severity using stack traces and categorical features, and finally, we discuss a new method for predicting faulty product and component fields of bug reports. We evaluate the effectiveness of our techniques using bug reports from two large open-source systems. Our results show that stack traces and machine learning methods can be used to automate the bug triaging process, and hence increase the productivity of bug triagers, while reducing costs and efforts associated with manual triaging of bug reports

    Traceability improvement for software miniaturization

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    On the one hand, software companies try to reach the maximum number of customers, which often translate into integrating more features into their programs, leading to an increase in size, memory footprint, screen complexity, and so on. On the other hand, hand-held devices are now pervasive and their customers ask for programs similar to those they use everyday on their desktop computers. Companies are left with two options, either to develop new software for hand-held devices or perform manual refactoring to port it on hand-held devices, but both options are expensive and laborious. Software miniaturization can aid companies to port their software to hand-held devices. However, traceability is backbone of software miniaturization, without up-to-date traceability links it becomes diffi cult to recover desired artefacts for miniaturized software. Unfortunately, due to continuous changes, it is a tedious and time-consuming task to keep traceability links up-to-date. Often traceability links become outdated or completely vanish. Several traceability recovery approaches have been developed in the past. Each approach has some benefits and limitations. However, these approaches do not tell which factors can affect traceability recovery process. Our current research proposal is based on the premise that controlling potential quality factors and combining different traceability approaches can improve traceability quality for software miniaturization. In this research proposal, we introduce traceability improvement for software miniaturization (TISM) process. TISM has three sub processes, namely, traceability factor controller (TFC), hybrid traceability (HT), and software miniaturization optimization (SMO). TFC is a semi automatic process, it provides solution for factors, that can affect traceability process. TFC uses a generic format to document trace quality affecting factors. TFC results will help practitioners and researcher to improve their tool, techniques, and approaches. In the HT different traceability, recovery approaches are combined to trace functional and non-functional requirements. HT also works on improving precision and recall with the help of TFC. Finally these links have been used by SMO to identify required artefacts and optimize using scalability, performance, and portability parameters. We will conduct two case studies to aid TISM. The contributions of this research proposal can be summarised as follow: (i) traceability support for software miniaturization and optimization, (ii) a hybrid approach that combines the best of available traceability approaches to trace functional, non-functional requirements, and provides return-on-investment analysis, (iii) traceability quality factor controller that records the quality factors and provide support for avoiding or controlling them

    An approach to classify software maintenance requests

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    When a software system critical for an organization exhibits a problem during its operation, it is relevant to fix it in a short period of time, to avoid serious economical losses. The problem is therefore noticed to the organization having in charge the maintenance, and it should be correctly and quickly dispatched to the right maintenance team. We propose to automatically classify incoming maintenance requests (also said tickets), routing them to specialized maintenance teams. The final goal is to develop a router, working around the clock, that, without human intervention, dispatches incoming tickets with the lowest misclassification error, measured with respect to a given routing policy. 6000 maintenance tickets from a large, multi-site, software system, spanning about two years of system in-field operation, were used to compare and assess the accuracy of different classification approaches (i.e., Vector Space model, Bayesian model, support vectors, classification trees and k-nearest neighbor classification). The application and the tickets were divided into eight areas and pre-classified by human experts. Preliminary results were encouraging, up to 84 % of the incoming tickets were correctly classified