4 research outputs found

    An Approach to Abductive Reasoning in Equational Logic

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    http://ijcai.org/papers13/contents.php - Posters: Constraints, Satisfiability, and Search (ijcai13.org)International audienceAbduction has been extensively studied in propositional logic because of its many applications in artificial intelligence. However, its intrinsic complexity has been a limitation to the implementation of abductive reasoning tools in more expressive logics. We have devised such a tool in ground flat equational logic, in which literals are equations or disequations between constants. Our tool is based on the computation of prime implicates. It uses a relaxed paramodulation calculus, designed to generate all prime implicates of a formula, together with a carefully defined data structure storing the implicates and able to efficiently detect, and remove, redundancies. In addition to a detailed description of this method, we present an analysis of some experimental results

    A Generic Framework for Implicate Generation Modulo Theories

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    International audienceThe clausal logical consequences of a formula are called its implicates. The generation of these implicates has several applications, such as the identification of missing hypotheses in a logical specification. We present a procedure that generates the implicates of a quantifier-free formula modulo a theory. No assumption is made on the considered theory, other than the existence of a decision procedure. The algorithm has been implemented (using the solvers MiniSAT, CVC4 and Z3) and experimental results show evidence of the practical relevance of the proposed approach