197 research outputs found

    Reversible jump MCMC for two-state multivariate Poisson mixtures

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    summary:The problem of identifying the source from observations from a Poisson process can be encountered in fault diagnostics systems based on event counters. The identification of the inner state of the system must be made based on observations of counters which entail only information on the total sum of some events from a dual process which has made a transition from an intact to a broken state at some unknown time. Here we demonstrate the general identifiability of this problem in presence of multiple counters

    Model based clustering of multinomial count data

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    We consider the problem of inferring an unknown number of clusters in replicated multinomial data. Under a model based clustering point of view, this task can be treated by estimating finite mixtures of multinomial distributions with or without covariates. Both Maximum Likelihood (ML) as well as Bayesian estimation are taken into account. Under a Maximum Likelihood approach, we provide an Expectation--Maximization (EM) algorithm which exploits a careful initialization procedure combined with a ridge--stabilized implementation of the Newton--Raphson method in the M--step. Under a Bayesian setup, a stochastic gradient Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm embedded within a prior parallel tempering scheme is devised. The number of clusters is selected according to the Integrated Completed Likelihood criterion in the ML approach and estimating the number of non-empty components in overfitting mixture models in the Bayesian case. Our method is illustrated in simulated data and applied to two real datasets. An R package is available at https://github.com/mqbssppe/multinomialLogitMix.Comment: to appear in ADA

    Contributions to MCMC Methods in Constrained Domains with Applications to Neuroimaging

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    Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods form a rich class of computational techniques that help its user ascertain samples from target distributions when direct sampling is not possible or when their closed forms are intractable. Over the years, MCMC methods have been used in innumerable situations due to their flexibility and generalizability, even in situations involving nonlinear and/or highly parametrized models. In this dissertation, two major works relating to MCMC methods are presented. The first involves the development of a method to identify the number and directions of nerve fibers using diffusion-weighted MRI measurements. For this, the biological problem is first formulated as a model selection and estimation problem. Using the framework of reversible jump MCMC, a novel Bayesian scheme that performs both the above tasks simultaneously using customizable priors and proposal distributions is proposed. The proposed method allows users to set a prior level of spatial separation between the nerve fibers, allowing more crossing paths to be detected when desired or a lower number to potentially only detect robust nerve tracts. Hence, estimation that is specific to a given region of interest within the brain can be performed. In simulated examples, the method has been shown to resolve up to four fibers even in instances of highly noisy data. Comparative analysis with other state-of-the-art methods on in-vivo data showed the method\u27s ability to detect more crossing nerve fibers. The second work involves the construction of an MCMC algorithm that efficiently performs (Bayesian) sampling of parameters with support constraints. The method works by embedding a transformation called inversion in a sphere within the Metropolis-Hastings sampler. This creates an image of the constrained support that is amenable to sampling using standard proposals such as Gaussian. The proposed strategy is tested on three domains: the standard simplex, a sector of an n-sphere, and hypercubes. In each domain, a comparison is made with existing sampling techniques

    Application of Parameter Estimation for Diffusions and Mixture Models

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    Adaptive MCMC with online relabeling

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    When targeting a distribution that is artificially invariant under some permutations, Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms face the label-switching problem, rendering marginal inference particularly cumbersome. Such a situation arises, for example, in the Bayesian analysis of finite mixture models. Adaptive MCMC algorithms such as adaptive Metropolis (AM), which self-calibrates its proposal distribution using an online estimate of the covariance matrix of the target, are no exception. To address the label-switching issue, relabeling algorithms associate a permutation to each MCMC sample, trying to obtain reasonable marginals. In the case of adaptive Metropolis (Bernoulli 7 (2001) 223-242), an online relabeling strategy is required. This paper is devoted to the AMOR algorithm, a provably consistent variant of AM that can cope with the label-switching problem. The idea is to nest relabeling steps within the MCMC algorithm based on the estimation of a single covariance matrix that is used both for adapting the covariance of the proposal distribution in the Metropolis algorithm step and for online relabeling. We compare the behavior of AMOR to similar relabeling methods. In the case of compactly supported target distributions, we prove a strong law of large numbers for AMOR and its ergodicity. These are the first results on the consistency of an online relabeling algorithm to our knowledge. The proof underlines latent relations between relabeling and vector quantization.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/13-BEJ578 in the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm
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