5 research outputs found

    Interdisciplinary design methodology for systems of mechatronic systems focus on highly dynamic environmental applications

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    This paper discusses a series of research challenges in the design of systems of mechatronic systems. A focus is given to environmental mechatronic applications within the chain “Renewable energy production - Smart grids - Electric vehicles”. For the considered mechatronic systems, the main design targets are formulated, the relations to state and parameter estimation, disturbance observation and rejection as well as control algorithms are highlighted. Finally, the study introduces an interdisciplinary design approach based on the intersectoral transfer of knowledge and collaborative experimental activities

    Concept of Socio-Cyber-Physical Work Systems for Industry 4.0

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    In this paper the concepts of advanced production systems based on the challenges that bring the new industrial revolution named - Industry 4.0 are presented. The presented concept of socio-cyber-physical work systems is based on connecting social, cyber and physical working environments into a single functional, productive entity of the appointed elementary socio-cyber-physical work system.The elementary socio-cyber-physical work system is a basic building block of the cyber-physical production systems at the manufacturing level. The cyber system of the elementary socio-cyber-physical work system enables autonomous decision-making and cooperation in the network system. The possibility of implementing the proposed concept is based on the introduction of agency technologies in the domain of modern production systems and the development of information-communication technologies for the advanced management and control of cyber-physical production systems. Some illustrative examples reflect the experimental results of a research work in the field of cyber-physical systems and demonstrate the potential possibilities of implementing the concept of socio-cyber-physical work systems in the real industrial environment

    Is Malaysia ready for Industry 4.0? Issues and Challenges in Manufacturing Industry

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    Despite as a strong manufacturing economist in ASEAN, manufacturers in Malaysia are the beginners who are lack of proper understanding of the concepts and practices of Industry 4.0. The purpose of this paper is to identify the issues and challenges of Industry 4.0 from industry-based companies' aspect by conducting a literature review. This paper also highlighted the comparison between the potential challenges stated in the Malaysia National Policy on Industry 4.0 with the challenges proposed by previous studies of other countries. This paper is a literature review on previous studies regards to challenges or issues on implementation of Industry 4.0 from 2015 to 2019. Total 11 challenges in the processes of implementation Industry 4.0 into manufacturing companies are reviewed. Compared to previous studies, Malaysia National Policy on Industry 4.0 overlooked 3 challenges on Industry 4.0. This is the first review paper to compare the existing challenges in Industry 4.0 with the potential challenges stated in the Malaysia National Policy on Industry 4.0. &nbsp

    Ontology Validation of Manufacturing Execution Systems Through the Analysis of Semantic Descriptions

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    Current manufacturing systems are comprised of heterogeneous software and hardware components that exchange information on various levels. These levels have distinct functionalities and target different timeframes but they have to communicate for the effective and efficient operation of an enterprise. On one hand, the present trend in industry 4.0 promotes smart manufacturing systems. On the other hand, new product variants, assets, machinery, and diverse manufacturing technologies are constantly added to the manufacturing systems. Hence, the capability of a manufacturing system to follow the dynamic changes of the industry and customers becomes essential. In order to realize this, integration is required to link those individual levels, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), and subsequently perform physical operations in the shop floor. In that sense, using standards becomes significant in order to avoid inconsistent and redundant systems and integration architectures. The ISA-95 standard, from the International Society of Automation (ISA), describes the interface needed for integration of enterprise and control levels by specifying a uniform terminology and a coherent collection of concepts and models. The objective of this thesis work is to demonstrate an approach for designing a generic manufacturing systems model using a Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR&R) formalism, i.e., an ontology, conformant to ISA-95 that allows easy extendibility. The main contribution of the approach lies in the addition of standard and use case specific semantic rules that connect the core concepts and increase the expressivity and reasoning capabilities of the model. Ontologies are flexible and easy to update and enable the reuse of knowledge, which should be considered with the abundance of data available in modern systems. The proposed model describes the system based on products, processes, and resources involved in manufacturing. The applicability, extendibility, and reusability of the proposed model has been validated by its application in an industrial use case as a proof of concept

    Metodologia de implementação de um manufacturing execution system na indústria de máquinas e equipamentos

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    A constante transformação é um fator de destaque na competitividade do setor industrial, qualificando a inovação como um elemento-chave na estratégia de sobrevivência de qualquer empresa. A excessiva procura do mercado de produtos diferenciados, que satisfaçam as suas necessidades, aliada a outros eventos disruptivos, exige das indústrias melhorias ao nível do desempenho por meio de otimização e diferenciação dos seus processos e atividades. Alcançar o ambiente ideal de sinergia e interação entre pessoas, processos e tecnologia dentro de qualquer indústria exige, de forma contínua, grandes esforços e transformações. Nas últimas décadas, a implementação de um sistema de gestão da produção, Lean Manufacturing, tem vindo a desempenhar um papel crucial na conquista da melhoria contínua e sucesso operacional das empresas. Contudo, é consensual afirmar que, com a evolução das tecnologias, na geração atual, é possível garantir uma melhoria contínua mais eficiente a todos os níveis. A diferenciação de uma empresa resume-se numa palavra: Digitalização. As tecnologias digitais estão a transformar a indústria. Surgem, constantemente, oportunidades inovadoras com a capacidade de aumentar, exponencialmente, o desempenho de uma empresa com a automação do sistema de produção. O presente trabalho procura encontrar uma solução digital para uma empresa em específico: a ADIRA Metal Forming Solutions. A ADIRA debate-se, diariamente, com problemas associados à baixa, quase inexistente, visibilidade sobre o próprio processo produtivo, refletindo-se no desempenho global da organização. A realização de uma investigação concluiu que as ferramentas Lean utilizadas pela empresa encontravam-se desatualizadas afetando, diretamente, a informação gerada e, consequentemente, a tomada de decisão. A integração de um Manufacturing Execution System na dinâmica da fábrica foi a solução encontrada para dar resposta ao problema da ADIRA. A recolha e tratamento de dados, em tempo real, de forma automática, garante a manutenção constante das ferramentas Lean utilizando dados precisos. Nesse contexto, é proposta uma metodologia, abrangente à Indústria de Máquinas e Equipamentos, que orienta todo o processo de implementação de um Manufacturing Execution System. A metodologia proposta apresenta a sequência de etapas que deve ser seguida para criar um fluxo lógico durante a implementação do sistema. Cada etapa compreende um conjunto de atividades e ferramentas suporte que deverão ser consideradas durante todo o processo. Como resultado da utilização da metodologia proposta, no caso de estudo da ADIRA, foi desenhado um protótipo do sistema que se revelou eficiente e apto para servir como base para a criação do sistema real. A validação do sistema, por parte dos utilizadores finais, demonstra que a sequência proposta na metodologia para a execução das etapas, orienta, com sucesso, a implementação de um sistema Manufacturing Execution System instruído para responder às necessidades atuais da empresa.Constant transformation is a standout factor in the competitiveness of the industrial sector, making innovation a key element in the survival strategy of any company. The market's excessive demand for differentiated products that meet its needs, coupled with other disruptive events, requires industries to improve their performance through optimization and differentiation of their processes and activities. To achieve the ideal environment of synergy and interaction among people, processes, and technology within any industry requires continuous efforts and transformations. In recent decades, the implementation of a production management system, Lean Manufacturing, has played a crucial role in achieving continuous improvement and operational success for companies. However, it is widely agreed that with the evolution of technologies in the current generation, it is possible to ensure more efficient continuous improvement at all levels. The differentiation of a company can be summarized in one word: Digitalization. Digital technologies are transforming the industry. Innovative opportunities constantly emerge with the ability to exponentially increase a company's performance through the automation of the production system. This study aims to find a digital solution for a specific company: ADIRA Metal Forming Solutions. ADIRA faces daily challenges associated with low, almost non-existent, visibility into its own production process, which reflects in the overall performance of the organization. An investigation revealed that the Lean tools used by the company were outdated, directly affecting the generated information and consequently, decision-making. The integration of a Manufacturing Execution System into the factory's dynamics was the solution found to address ADIRA's problem. Real-time data collection and automated processing ensure the constant maintenance of Lean tools using accurate data. In this context, a comprehensive methodology is proposed for the Machinery and Equipment Industry, guiding the entire implementation process of a Manufacturing Execution System. The proposed methodology presents the sequence of steps that should be taken to follow a logical flow during system implementation. Each step comprises a set of activities and supporting tools that should be considered throughout the entire process. As a result of using the proposed methodology in the ADIRA case study, a prototype of the system was designed, which proved to be efficient and suitable as a basis for the creation of the actual system. The validation of the system by end-users demonstrates that the proposed sequence in the methodology for executing the stages successfully guides the implementation of a Manufacturing Execution System tailored to meet the company's current needs