505 research outputs found

    Taxonomy Induction using Hypernym Subsequences

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    We propose a novel, semi-supervised approach towards domain taxonomy induction from an input vocabulary of seed terms. Unlike all previous approaches, which typically extract direct hypernym edges for terms, our approach utilizes a novel probabilistic framework to extract hypernym subsequences. Taxonomy induction from extracted subsequences is cast as an instance of the minimumcost flow problem on a carefully designed directed graph. Through experiments, we demonstrate that our approach outperforms stateof- the-art taxonomy induction approaches across four languages. Importantly, we also show that our approach is robust to the presence of noise in the input vocabulary. To the best of our knowledge, no previous approaches have been empirically proven to manifest noise-robustness in the input vocabulary

    Learning Semantic Text Similarity to rank Hypernyms of Financial Terms

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    Over the years, there has been a paradigm shift in how users access financial services. With the advancement of digitalization more users have been preferring the online mode of performing financial activities. This has led to the generation of a huge volume of financial content. Most investors prefer to go through these contents before making decisions. Every industry has terms that are specific to the domain it operates in. Banking and Financial Services are not an exception to this. In order to fully comprehend these contents, one needs to have a thorough understanding of the financial terms. Getting a basic idea about a term becomes easy when it is explained with the help of the broad category to which it belongs. This broad category is referred to as hypernym. For example, "bond" is a hypernym of the financial term "alternative debenture". In this paper, we propose a system capable of extracting and ranking hypernyms for a given financial term. The system has been trained with financial text corpora obtained from various sources like DBpedia [4], Investopedia, Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO), prospectus and so on. Embeddings of these terms have been extracted using FinBERT [3], FinISH [1] and fine-tuned using SentenceBERT [54]. A novel approach has been used to augment the training set with negative samples. It uses the hierarchy present in FIBO. Finally, we benchmark the system performance with that of the existing ones. We establish that it performs better than the existing ones and is also scalable.Comment: Our code base: https://github.com/sohomghosh/FinSim_Financial_Hypernym_detectio

    A Study of Metrics of Distance and Correlation Between Ranked Lists for Compositionality Detection

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    Compositionality in language refers to how much the meaning of some phrase can be decomposed into the meaning of its constituents and the way these constituents are combined. Based on the premise that substitution by synonyms is meaning-preserving, compositionality can be approximated as the semantic similarity between a phrase and a version of that phrase where words have been replaced by their synonyms. Different ways of representing such phrases exist (e.g., vectors [1] or language models [2]), and the choice of representation affects the measurement of semantic similarity. We propose a new compositionality detection method that represents phrases as ranked lists of term weights. Our method approximates the semantic similarity between two ranked list representations using a range of well-known distance and correlation metrics. In contrast to most state-of-the-art approaches in compositionality detection, our method is completely unsupervised. Experiments with a publicly available dataset of 1048 human-annotated phrases shows that, compared to strong supervised baselines, our approach provides superior measurement of compositionality using any of the distance and correlation metrics considered

    ExTaSem! Extending, Taxonomizing and Semantifying Domain Terminologies

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    We introduce EXTASEM!, a novel approach for the automatic learning of lexical taxonomies from domain terminologies. First, we exploit a very large semantic network to collect thousands of in-domain textual definitions. Second, we extract (hyponym, hypernym) pairs from each definition with a CRF-based algorithm trained on manuallyvalidated data. Finally, we introduce a graph induction procedure which constructs a full-fledged taxonomy where each edge is weighted according to its domain pertinence. EXTASEM! achieves state-of-the-art results in the following taxonomy evaluation experiments: (1) Hypernym discovery, (2) Reconstructing gold standard taxonomies, and (3) Taxonomy quality according to structural measures. We release weighted taxonomies for six domains for the use and scrutiny of the communit

    A Dependency-Based Neural Network for Relation Classification

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    Previous research on relation classification has verified the effectiveness of using dependency shortest paths or subtrees. In this paper, we further explore how to make full use of the combination of these dependency information. We first propose a new structure, termed augmented dependency path (ADP), which is composed of the shortest dependency path between two entities and the subtrees attached to the shortest path. To exploit the semantic representation behind the ADP structure, we develop dependency-based neural networks (DepNN): a recursive neural network designed to model the subtrees, and a convolutional neural network to capture the most important features on the shortest path. Experiments on the SemEval-2010 dataset show that our proposed method achieves state-of-art results.Comment: This preprint is the full version of a short paper accepted in the annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) 2015 (Beijing, China
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