5 research outputs found

    Web-kehityksen haasteet : React-käyttöliittymäkirjaston ongelmat Stack Overflow -sivuston kysymyksissä

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    Tässä tutkielmassa käsitellään web-kehityksessä kohdattuja haasteita, ongelmia ja virhetilanteita. Tutkimusosuudessa perehdytään React-käyttöliittymäkirjaston parissa kohdattuihin ongelmiin Stack Overflow -kysymysten perusteella. Kysymyksille suoritetaan LDA-analyysi. React (myös ReactJS, React.js) on ilmainen avoimen lähdekoodin selainpuolen JavaScript-kirjasto, joka on tarkoitettu käyttöliittymien rakentamiseen. Stack Overflow on ohjelmointiin suuntautunut kysymys-vastaus-sivusto. Latent Dirichlet Allocation -menetelmän (LDA-menetelmä) avulla voidaan luokitella tekstidokumenteille aiheita ja aihemalleille olennaisimpia avainsanoja. Stack Overflow -sivustolta ladataan vuoden ajalta kaikki reactjs-tunnisteella löytyvät kysymykset (96 698 kappaletta). Kysymyksille suoritetaan esikäsittely eli muun muassa siistimistä, sulkusanojen poisto ja stemmaus. Lopuksi käsitellyille kysymyksille suoritetaan LDA-analyysi. LDA-algoritmissa käytetään 11 aihetta ja tuloksia havainnollistetaan taulukko- ja kuvamuodossa. Aiheet nimettiin manuaalisesti. Aiheiden nimet ja prosenttiosuudet kaikista kysymyksistä ovat seuraavat: komponenttien hahmontaminen (18,5), virheet projekteissa (15,2), data ja taulukot (12,6), kuvat (11,5), ohjelmointirajapinnat ja palvelinpuoli (10,6), komponentit (7,3), tila (6,3), käyttöliittymän ulkoasu (5,8), reititys (5,4), lomakkeet (4,7) ja node-moduulit (2,0). Suurin osa Reactin ongelmista koskivat komponentteja, mutta noin kolmannes liittyi palvelinpuoleen ja yleisiin virheisiin projekteissa. Aivan samankaltaista LDA-menetelmää ja tietyn käyttöliittymäkirjaston kysymyksiä analysoivaa tutkimusta ei ole aiemmin tehty, mutta pientä yhtäläisyyttä tämän ja aiempien tutkimusten aiheiden prosenttiosuuksien kanssa löytyi. Aikaisempien tutkimusten kysymysten aihealueen ollessa eri, suuria yleistyksiä ei voida kuitenkaan tehdä

    An Analysis of HTML and CSS Syntax Errors in a Web Development Course

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    Cloud-Based Access Portal for Designer Documentation in SoC Development

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    Document Management System plays an important role in any organization especially when it comes to retrieving hundreds of documents. Various companies use Document Management Systems for their specified purposes like accessing and managing the documents, editing online etc. Each Document Management System functionality varies according to the required features. Keeping in mind above mentioned criteria, Documentation Technology team in our department came up with an idea to create an access portal where the Designer Team can access required documents through one access point. Designer documentation in our department is scattered in various platforms and tools. It’s hard to keep track of each document, whether it’s HW, SW, Modelling, Design, or Verification related. The Access Portal front end is based on HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. While Django Framework and Python are used to build the back end. PostgreSQL serves as a database to store the documents. Docker is used as a cloud container to run the website on our company’s internal cloud UNIX server

    openHTML: Assessing Barriers and Designing Tools for Learning Web Development

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    In this dissertation, I argue that society increasingly recognizes the value of widespread computational literacy and that one of the most common ways that people are exposed to creative computing today is through web development. Prior research has investigated how beginners learn a wide range of programming languages in a variety of domains, from computer science majors taking introductory programming courses to end-user developers maintaining spreadsheets. Yet, surprisingly little is known about the experiences people have learning web development. What barriers do beginners face when authoring their first web pages? What mistakes do they commonly make when writing HTML and CSS? What are the computational skills and concepts with which they engage? How can tools and practices be designed to support these activities? Through a series of studies, interleaved with the iterative design of an experimental web editor for novices called openHTML, this dissertation aims to fill this gap in the literature and address these questions. In drawing connections between my findings and the existing computing education literature, my goal is to attain a deeper understanding of the skills and concepts at play when beginners learn web development, and to broaden notions about how people can develop computational literacy. This dissertation makes the following contributions: * An account of the barriers students face in an introductory web development course, contextualizing difficulties with learning to read and write code within the broad activity of web development. * The implementation of a web editor called openHTML, which has been designed to support learners by mitigating non-coding aspects of web development so that they can attend to learning HTML and CSS. * A detailed taxonomy of errors people make when writing HTML and CSS to construct simple web pages, derived from an intention-based analysis. * A fine-grained analysis of HTML and CSS syntax errors students make in the initial weeks of a web development course, how they resolve them, and the role validation plays in these outcomes. * Evidence for basic web development as a rich activity involving numerous skills and concepts that can support foundational computational literacy.Ph.D., Information Studies -- Drexel University, 201

    Integration of Reciprocal Teaching-ICT Model To Improve Students’Mathematics Critical Thinking Ability

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    This research examines the effectiveness on how mathematics teachers have begun to integrate information and communication technology (ICT) with reciprocal teaching model to improve students’ mathematics critical thinking ability into seventh junior high school classroom practice. This study was experimental research with a quasi-experimental design. The samples of the study are 36 students for classroom experiments and 36 students for classroom control. The instruments employed in this study were pre-test and post-test. All the instruments are made in essays forms. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. Based on the research findings, it was gotten that (1) the development of teaching instructional multimedia of the seven grade students of junior high school; (2) the improvement of students’ mathematics critical thinking ability in experimental class; (3) the aspect of attractiveness shows that the developed instructional multimedia was very interesting; and (4) reciprocal learning has good impact on students’ mathematics critical thinking ability