28 research outputs found

    An analysis of ensemble pruning techniques based on ordered aggregation

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    Ensemble Pruning for Glaucoma Detection in an Unbalanced Data Set

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    Background: Random forests are successful classifier ensemble methods consisting of typically 100 to 1000 classification trees. Ensemble pruning techniques reduce the computational cost, especially the memory demand, of random forests by reducing the number of trees without relevant loss of performance or even with increased performance of the sub-ensemble. The application to the problem of an early detection of glaucoma, a severe eye disease with low prevalence, based on topographical measurements of the eye background faces specific challenges. Objectives: We examine the performance of ensemble pruning strategies for glaucoma detection in an unbalanced data situation. Methods: The data set consists of 102 topographical features of the eye background of 254 healthy controls and 55 glaucoma patients. We compare the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), and the Brier score on the total data set, in the majority class, and in the minority class of pruned random forest ensembles obtained with strategies based on the prediction accuracy of greedily grown sub-ensembles, the uncertainty weighted accuracy, and the similarity between single trees. To validate the findings and to examine the influence of the prevalence of glaucoma in the data set, we additionally perform a simulation study with lower prevalences of glaucoma. Results: In glaucoma classification all three pruning strategies lead to improved AUC and smaller Brier scores on the total data set with sub-ensembles as small as 30 to 80 trees compared to the classification results obtained with the full ensemble consisting of 1000 trees. In the simulation study, we were able to show that the prevalence of glaucoma is a critical factor and lower prevalence decreases the performance of our pruning strategies. Conclusions: The memory demand for glaucoma classification in an unbalanced data situation based on random forests could effectively be reduced by the application of pruning strategies without loss of performance in a population with increased risk of glaucoma

    Optimization of the Regression Ensemble Size

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    Ensemble learning algorithms such as bagging often generate unnecessarily large models, which consume extra computational resources and may degrade the generalization ability. Pruning can potentially reduce ensemble size as well as improve performance; however, researchers have previously focused more on pruning classifiers rather than regressors. This is because, in general, ensemble pruning is based on two metrics: diversity and accuracy. Many diversity metrics are known for problems dealing with a finite set of classes defined by discrete labels. Therefore, most of the work on ensemble pruning is focused on such problems: classification, clustering, and feature selection. For the regression problem, it is much more difficult to introduce a diversity metric. In fact, the only such metric known to date is a correlation matrix based on regressor predictions. This study seeks to address this gap. First, we introduce the mathematical condition that allows checking whether the regression ensemble includes redundant estimators, i.e., estimators, whose removal improves the ensemble performance. Developing this approach, we propose a new ambiguity-based pruning (AP) algorithm that bases on error-ambiguity decomposition formulated for a regression problem. To check the quality of AP, we compare it with the two methods that directly minimize the error by sequentially including and excluding regressors, as well as with the state-of-art Ordered Aggregation algorithm. Experimental studies confirm that the proposed approach allows reducing the size of the regression ensemble with simultaneous improvement in its performance and surpasses all compared methods

    ECOC pruning using accuracy, diversity and Hamming distance information

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    Existing ensemble pruning algorithms in the literature have mainly been defined for unweighted or weighted voting ensembles, whose extensions to the Error Correcting Output Coding (ECOC) framework is not successful. This paper presents a novel pruning algorithm to be used in the pruning of ECOC, via using a new accuracy measure together with diversity and Hamming distance information. The results show that the novel method outperforms those existing in the state-of-the-art

    Smart Bagged Tree-based Classifier optimized by Random Forests (SBT-RF) to Classify Brain- Machine Interface Data

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    Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is a new technology that uses electrodes and sensors to connect machines and computers with the human brain to improve a person\u27s mental performance. Also, human intentions and thoughts are analyzed and recognized using BCI, which is then translated into Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. However, certain brain signals may contain redundant information, making classification ineffective. Therefore, relevant characteristics are essential for enhancing classification performance. . Thus, feature selection has been employed to eliminate redundant data before sorting to reduce computation time. BCI Competition III Dataset Iva was used to investigate the efficacy of the proposed system. A Smart Bagged Tree-based Classifier (SBT-RF) technique is presented to determine the importance of the features for selecting and classifying the data. As a result, SBT-RF is better at improving the mean accuracy of the dataset. It also decreases computation cost and training time and increases prediction speed. Furthermore, fewer features mean fewer electrodes, thus lowering the risk of damage to the brain. The proposed algorithm has the greatest average accuracy of ~98% compared to other relevant algorithms in the literature. SBT-RF is compared to state-of-the-art algorithms based on the following performance metrics: Confusion Matrix, ROC-AUC, F1-Score, Training Time, Prediction speed, and Accuracy