310 research outputs found

    Design of a Programmable Passive SoC for Biomedical Applications Using RFID ISO 15693/NFC5 Interface

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    Low power, low cost inductively powered passive biotelemetry system involving fully customized RFID/NFC interface base SoC has gained popularity in the last decades. However, most of the SoCs developed are application specific and lacks either on-chip computational or sensor readout capability. In this paper, we present design details of a programmable passive SoC in compliance with ISO 15693/NFC5 standard for biomedical applications. The integrated system consists of a 32-bit microcontroller, a sensor readout circuit, a 12-bit SAR type ADC, 16 kB RAM, 16 kB ROM and other digital peripherals. The design is implemented in a 0.18 μ m CMOS technology and used a die area of 1.52 mm × 3.24 mm. The simulated maximum power consumption of the analog block is 592 μ W. The number of external components required by the SoC is limited to an external memory device, sensors, antenna and some passive components. The external memory device contains the application specific firmware. Based on the application, the firmware can be modified accordingly. The SoC design is suitable for medical implants to measure physiological parameters like temperature, pressure or ECG. As an application example, the authors have proposed a bioimplant to measure arterial blood pressure for patients suffering from Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

    A Flexible, Highly Integrated, Low Power pH Readout

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    Medical devices are widely employed in everyday life as wearable and implantable technologies make more and more technological breakthroughs. Implantable biosensors can be implanted into the human body for monitoring of relevant physiological parameters, such as pH value, glucose, lactate, CO2 [carbon dioxide], etc. For these applications the implantable unit needs a whole functional set of blocks such as micro- or nano-sensors, sensor signal processing and data generation units, wireless data transmitters etc., which require a well-designed implantable unit.Microelectronics technology with biosensors has caused more and more interest from both academic and industrial areas. With the advancement of microelectronics and microfabrication, it makes possible to fabricate a complete solution on an integrated chip with miniaturized size and low power consumption.This work presents a monolithic pH measurement system with power conditioning system for supply power derived from harvested energy. The proposed system includes a low-power, high linearity pH readout circuits with wide pH values (0-14) and a power conditioning unit based on low drop-out (LDO) voltage regulator. The readout circuit provides square-wave output with frequency being highly linear corresponding to the input pH values. To overcome the process variations, a simple calibration method is employed in the design which makes the output frequency stay constant over process, supply voltage and temperature variations. The prototype circuit is designed and fabricated in a standard 0.13-μm [micro-meter] CMOS process and shows good linearity to cover the entire pH value range from 0-14 while the voltage regulator provides a stable supply voltage for the system

    Datenakquisitionsentwicklung und Untergrundstudien für den Weltraumdetektor AMS-02 und den CMOS-Detektor MIMOSA-V

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    This thesis deals with the development of space qualified electronics, detector simulations and realtime data acquisition software. The covered detector designs reach from the AMS-02 experiment, as a large scale multi purpose detector with several sub-detectors for cosmic particle research, to the small single type CMOS-detector MIMOSA-V for autoradiography of micro-arrays within the REGINS project. The presented background study focuses on problems with the simulation of diffractive scattering


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    The work described herein serves as a foundation for the development of CMOS imaging in lab-on-a-chip microsystems. Lab-on-a-chip (LOC) systems attempt to emulate the functionality of a cell biology lab by incorporating multiple sensing modalidites into a single microscale system. LOC are applicable to drug development, implantable sensors, cell-based bio-chemical detectors and radiation detectors. The common theme across these systems is achieving performance under severe resource constraints including noise, bandwidth, power and size. The contributions of this work are in the areas of two core lab-on-a-chip imaging functions: object detection and optical measurements

    Low mass hybrid pixel detectors for the high luminosity LHC upgrade

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    Reducing material in silicon trackers is of major importance for a good overall detector performance, and poses severe challenges to the design of the tracking system. To match the low mass constraints for trackers in High Energy Physics experiments at high luminosity, dedicated technological developments are required. This dissertation presents three technologies to design low mass hybrid pixel detectors for the high luminosity upgrades of the LHC. The work targets specifically the reduction of the material from the detector services and modules, with novel powering schemes, flip chip and interconnection technologies. A serial powering scheme is prototyped, featuring a new regulator concept, a control and protection element, and AC-coupled data transmission. A modified flip chip technology is developed for thin, large area Front-End chips, and a via last Through Silicon Via process is demonstrated on existing pixel modules. These technologies, their developments, and the achievable material reduction are discussed using the upgrades of the ATLAS pixel detector as a case study

    Technical Design Report for the PANDA Micro Vertex Detector

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    This document illustrates the technical layout and the expected performance of the Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) of the PANDA experiment. The MVD will detect charged particles as close as possible to the interaction zone. Design criteria and the optimisation process as well as the technical solutions chosen are discussed and the results of this process are subjected to extensive Monte Carlo physics studies. The route towards realisation of the detector is outlined

    Design and Implementation of a Low‐Power Wireless Respiration Monitoring Sensor

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    Wireless devices for monitoring of respiration activities can play a major role in advancing modern home-based health care applications. Existing methods for respiration monitoring require special algorithms and high precision filters to eliminate noise and other motion artifacts. These necessitate additional power consuming circuitry for further signal conditioning. This dissertation is particularly focused on a novel approach of respiration monitoring based on a PVDF-based pyroelectric transducer. Low-power, low-noise, and fully integrated charge amplifiers are designed to serve as the front-end amplifier of the sensor to efficiently convert the charge generated by the transducer into a proportional voltage signal. To transmit the respiration data wirelessly, a lowpower transmitter design is crucial. This energy constraint motivates the exploration of the design of a duty-cycled transmitter, where the radio is designed to be turned off most of the time and turned on only for a short duration of time. Due to its inherent duty-cycled nature, impulse radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) transmitter is an ideal candidate for the implementation of a duty-cycled radio. To achieve better energy efficiency and longer battery lifetime a low-power low-complexity OOK (on-off keying) based impulse radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) transmitter is designed and implemented using standard CMOS process. Initial simulation and test results exhibit a promising advancement towards the development of an energy-efficient wireless sensor for monitoring of respiration activities

    Belle II Technical Design Report

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    The Belle detector at the KEKB electron-positron collider has collected almost 1 billion Y(4S) events in its decade of operation. Super-KEKB, an upgrade of KEKB is under construction, to increase the luminosity by two orders of magnitude during a three-year shutdown, with an ultimate goal of 8E35 /cm^2 /s luminosity. To exploit the increased luminosity, an upgrade of the Belle detector has been proposed. A new international collaboration Belle-II, is being formed. The Technical Design Report presents physics motivation, basic methods of the accelerator upgrade, as well as key improvements of the detector.Comment: Edited by: Z. Dole\v{z}al and S. Un


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    This work addresses the development of a lab-on-a-chip (LOC) system for olfactory sensing. The method of sensing employed is cell-based, utilizing living cells to sense stimuli that are otherwise not easily sensed using conventional transduction techniques. Cells have evolved over millions of years to be exquisitely sensitive to their environment, with certain types of cells producing electrical signals in response to stimuli. The core device that is introduced here is comprised of living olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) on top of a complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) integrated circuit (IC). This hybrid bioelectronic approach to sensing leverages the sensitivity of OSNs with the electronic signal processing capability of modern ICs. Intimately combining electronics with biology presents a number of unique challenges to integration that arise from the disparate requirements of the two separate domains. Fundamentally the obstacles arise from the facts that electronic devices are designed to work in dry environments while biology requires not only a wet environment, but also one that is precisely controlled and non-toxic. Design and modeling of such heterogeneously integrated systems is complicated by the lack of tools that can address the multiple domains and techniques required for integration, namely IC design, fluidics, packaging, and microfabrication, and cell culture. There also arises the issue of how to handle the vast amount of data that can be generated by such systems, and specifically how to efficiently identify signals of interest and communicate them off-chip. The primary contributions of this work are the development of a new packaging scheme for integration of CMOS ICs into fluidic LOC systems, a methodology for cross-coupled multi-domain iterative modeling of heterogeneously integrated systems, demonstration of a proof-of-concept bioelectronic olfactory sensor, and a novel event-based technique to minimize the bandwidth required to communicate the information contained in bio-potential signals produced by dense arrays of electrically active cells