42 research outputs found

    Unstructured hexahedral mesh generation of complex vascular trees using a multi-block grid-based approach

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    The trend towards realistic numerical models of (pathologic) patient-specific vascular structures brings along larger computational domains and more complex geometries, increasing both the computation time and the operator time. Hexahedral grids effectively lower the computational run time and the required computational infrastructure, but at high cost in terms of operator time and minimal cell quality, especially when the computational analyses are targeting complex geometries such as aneurysm necks, severe stenoses and bifurcations. Moreover, such grids generally do not allow local refinements. As an attempt to overcome these limitations, a novel approach to hexahedral meshing is proposed in this paper, which combines the automated generation of multi-block structures with a grid-based method. The robustness of the novel approach is tested on common complex geometries, such as tree-like structures (including trifurcations), stenoses, and aneurysms. Additionally, the performance of the generated grid is assessed using two numerical examples. In the first example, a grid sensitivity analysis is performed for blood flow simulated in an abdominal mouse aorta and compared to tetrahedral grids with a prismatic boundary layer. In the second example, the fluid-structure interaction in a model of an aorta with aortic coarctation is simulated and the effect of local grid refinement is analyzed

    Numerical modelling of the fluid-structure interaction in complex vascular geometries

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    A complex network of vessels is responsible for the transportation of blood throughout the body and back to the heart. Fluid mechanics and solid mechanics play a fundamental role in this transport phenomenon and are particularly suited for computer simulations. The latter may contribute to a better comprehension of the physiological processes and mechanisms leading to cardiovascular diseases, which are currently the leading cause of death in the western world. In case these computational models include patient-specific geometries and/or the interaction between the blood flow and the arterial wall, they become challenging to develop and to solve, increasing both the operator time and the computational time. This is especially true when the domain of interest involves vascular pathologies such as a local narrowing (stenosis) or a local dilatation (aneurysm) of the arterial wall. To overcome these issues of high operator times and high computational times when addressing the bio(fluid)mechanics of complex geometries, this PhD thesis focuses on the development of computational strategies which improve the generation and the accuracy of image-based, fluid-structure interaction (FSI) models. First, a robust procedure is introduced for the generation of hexahedral grids, which allows for local grid refinements and automation. Secondly, a straightforward algorithm is developed to obtain the prestress which is implicitly present in the arterial wall of a – by the blood pressure – loaded geometry at the moment of medical image acquisition. Both techniques are validated, applied to relevant cases, and finally integrated into a fluid-structure interaction model of an abdominal mouse aorta, based on in vivo measurements

    Novel mesh generation method for accurate image-based computational modelling of blood vessels

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    Modeling and hexahedral meshing of cerebral arterial networks from centerlines

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    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation provides valuable information on blood flow from the vascular geometry. However, it requires extracting precise models of arteries from low-resolution medical images, which remains challenging. Centerline-based representation is widely used to model large vascular networks with small vessels, as it encodes both the geometric and topological information and facilitates manual editing. In this work, we propose an automatic method to generate a structured hexahedral mesh suitable for CFD directly from centerlines. We addressed both the modeling and meshing tasks. We proposed a vessel model based on penalized splines to overcome the limitations inherent to the centerline representation, such as noise and sparsity. The bifurcations are reconstructed using a parametric model based on the anatomy that we extended to planar n-furcations. Finally, we developed a method to produce a volume mesh with structured, hexahedral, and flow-oriented cells from the proposed vascular network model. The proposed method offers better robustness to the common defects of centerlines and increases the mesh quality compared to state-of-the-art methods. As it relies on centerlines alone, it can be applied to edit the vascular model effortlessly to study the impact of vascular geometry and topology on hemodynamics. We demonstrate the efficiency of our method by entirely meshing a dataset of 60 cerebral vascular networks. 92% of the vessels and 83% of the bifurcations were meshed without defects needing manual intervention, despite the challenging aspect of the input data. The source code is released publicly

    High-quality conforming hexahedral meshes of patient-specific abdominal aortic aneurysms including their intraluminal thrombi

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    In order to perform finite element (FE) analyses of patient-specific abdominal aortic aneurysms, geometries derived from medical images must be meshed with suitable elements. We propose a semi-automatic method for generating conforming hexahedral meshes directly from contours segmented from medical images. Magnetic resonance images are generated using a protocol developed to give the abdominal aorta high contrast against the surrounding soft tissue. These data allow us to distinguish between the different structures of interest. We build novel quadrilateral meshes for each surface of the sectioned geometry and generate conforming hexahedral meshes by combining the quadrilateral meshes. The three-layered morphology of both the arterial wall and thrombus is incorporated using parameters determined from experiments. We demonstrate the quality of our patient-specific meshes using the element Scaled Jacobian. The method efficiently generates high-quality elements suitable for FE analysis, even in the bifurcation region of the aorta into the iliac arteries. For example, hexahedral meshes of up to 125,000 elements are generated in less than 130 s, with 94.8 % of elements well suited for FE analysis. We provide novel input for simulations by independently meshing both the arterial wall and intraluminal thrombus of the aneurysm, and their respective layered morphologies

    Evaluation of Different Meshing Techniques for the Case of a Stented Artery

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    The formation and progression of in-stent restenosis (ISR) in bifurcated vessels may vary depending on the technique used for stenting. This study evaluates the effect of a variety of mesh styles on the accuracy and reliability of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models in predicting these regions, using an idealized stented nonbifurcated model. The wall shear stress (WSS) and the near-stent recirculating vortices are used as determinants. The meshes comprise unstructured tetrahedral and polyhedral elements. The effects of local refinement, as well as higher-order elements such as prismatic inflation layers and internal hexahedral core, have also been examined. The uncertainty associated with individual mesh style was assessed through verification of calculations using the grid convergence index (GCI) method. The results obtained show that the only condition which allows the reliable comparison of uncertainty estimation between different meshing styles is that the monotonic convergence of grid solutions is in the asymptotic range. Comparisons show the superiority of a flow-adaptive polyhedral mesh over the commonly used adaptive and nonadaptive tetrahedral meshes in terms of resolving the near-stent flow features, GCI value, and prediction of WSS. More accurate estimation of hemodynamic factors was obtained using higher-order elements, such as hexahedral or prismatic grids. Incorporating these higher-order elements, however, was shown to introduce some degrees of numerical diffusion at the transitional area between the two meshes, not necessarily translating into high GCI value. Our data also confirmed the key role of local refinement in improving the performance and accuracy of nonadaptive mesh in predicting flow parameters in models of stented artery. The results of this study can provide a guideline for modeling biofluid domain in complex bifurcated arteries stented in regards to various stenting techniques

    Computer simulations in stroke prevention : design tools and strategies towards virtual procedure planning

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    Solid NURBS Conforming Scaffolding for Isogeometric Analysis

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    This work introduces a scaffolding framework to compactly parametrise solid structures with conforming NURBS elements for isogeometric analysis. A novel formulation introduces a topological, geometrical and parametric subdivision of the space in a minimal plurality of conforming vectorial elements. These determine a multi-compartmental scaffolding for arbitrary branching patterns. A solid smoothing paradigm is devised for the conforming scaffolding achieving higher than positional geometrical and parametric continuity. Results are shown for synthetic shapes of varying complexity, for modular CAD geometries, for branching structures from tessellated meshes and for organic biological structures from imaging data. Representative simulations demonstrate the validity of the introduced scaffolding framework with scalable performance and groundbreaking applications for isogeometric analysis