90,375 research outputs found

    Pattern Generation for Three Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem

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    We consider the problem of three-dimensional cutting of a large block that is to be cut into some small block pieces, each with a specific size and request. Pattern generation is an algorithm that has been used to determine cutting patterns in one-dimensional and two-dimensional problems. The purpose of this study is to modify the pattern generation algorithm so that it can be used in three-dimensional problems, and can determine the cutting pattern with the minimum possible cutting residue. The large block will be cut based on the length, width, and height. The rest of the cuts will be cut back if possible to minimize the rest. For three-dimensional problems, we consider the variant in which orthogonal rotation is allowed. By allowing the remainder of the initial cut to be rotated, the dimensions will have six permutations. The result of the calculation using the pattern generation algorithm for three-dimensional problems is that all possible cutting patterns are obtained but there are repetitive patterns because they suggest the same number of cuts.

    Polynomiality for Bin Packing with a Constant Number of Item Types

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    We consider the bin packing problem with d different item sizes s_i and item multiplicities a_i, where all numbers are given in binary encoding. This problem formulation is also known as the 1-dimensional cutting stock problem. In this work, we provide an algorithm which, for constant d, solves bin packing in polynomial time. This was an open problem for all d >= 3. In fact, for constant d our algorithm solves the following problem in polynomial time: given two d-dimensional polytopes P and Q, find the smallest number of integer points in P whose sum lies in Q. Our approach also applies to high multiplicity scheduling problems in which the number of copies of each job type is given in binary encoding and each type comes with certain parameters such as release dates, processing times and deadlines. We show that a variety of high multiplicity scheduling problems can be solved in polynomial time if the number of job types is constant

    A hybrid approach based on genetic algorithms to solve the problem of cutting structural beams in a metalwork company

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    This work presents a hybrid approach based on the use of genetic algorithms to solve efficiently the problem of cutting structural beams arising in a local metalwork company. The problem belongs to the class of one-dimensional multiple stock sizes cutting stock problem, namely 1-dimensional multiple stock sizes cutting stock problem. The proposed approach handles overproduction and underproduction of beams and embodies the reusability of remnants in the optimization process. Along with genetic algorithms, the approach incorporates other novel refinement algorithms that are based on different search and clustering strategies.Moreover, a new encoding with a variable number of genes is developed for cutting patterns in order to make possible the application of genetic operators. The approach is experimentally tested on a set of instances similar to those of the local metalwork company. In particular, comparative results show that the proposed approach substantially improves the performance of previous heuristics.Gracia Calandin, CP.; Andrés Romano, C.; Gracia Calandin, LI. (2013). A hybrid approach based on genetic algorithms to solve the problem of cutting structural beams in a metalwork company. Journal of Heuristics. 19(2):253-273. doi:10.1007/s10732-011-9187-xS253273192Aktin, T., Özdemir, R.G.: An integrated approach to the one dimensional cutting stock problem in coronary stent manufacturing. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 196, 737–743 (2009)Alves, C., Valério de Carvalho, J.M.: A stabilized branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm for the multiple length cutting stock problem. Comput. Oper. Res. 35, 1315–1328 (2008)Anand, S., McCord, C., Sharma, R., et al.: An integrated machine vision based system for solving the nonconvex cutting stock problem using genetic algorithms. J. Manuf. Syst. 18, 396–415 (1999)Belov, G., Scheithauer, G.: A cutting plane algorithm for the one-dimensional cutting stock problem with multiple stock lengths. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 141, 274–294 (2002)Christofides, N., Hadjiconstantinou, E.: An exact algorithm for orthogonal 2-D cutting problems using guillotine cuts. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 83, 21–38 (1995)Elizondo, R., Parada, V., Pradenas, L., Artigues, C.: An evolutionary and constructive approach to a crew scheduling problem in underground passenger transport. J. Heuristics 16, 575–591 (2010)Fan, L., Mumford, C.L.: A metaheuristic approach to the urban transit routing problem. J. Heuristics 16, 353–372 (2010)Gau, T., Wäscher, G.: CUTGEN1: a problem generator for the standard one-dimensional cutting stock problem. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 84, 572–579 (1995)Gilmore, P.C., Gomory, R.E.: A linear programming approach to the cutting stock problem. Oper. 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Omega 7, 145–151 (1979)Hinterding, R., Khan, L.: Genetic algorithms for cutting stock problems: with and without contiguity. In: Yao, X. (ed.) Progress in Evolutionary Computation. LNAI, vol. 956, pp. 166–186. Springer, Berlin (1995)Holthaus, O.: Decomposition approaches for solving the integer one-dimensional cutting stock problem with different types of standard lengths. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 141, 295–312 (2002)Kantorovich, L.V.: Mathematical methods of organizing and planning production. Manag. Sci. 6, 366–422 (1939) (Translation to English 1960)Liang, K., Yao, X., Newton, C., et al.: A new evolutionary approach to cutting stock problems with and without contiguity. Comput. Oper. Res. 29, 1641–1659 (2002)Poldi, K., Arenales, M.: Heuristics for the one-dimensional cutting stock problem with limited multiple stock lengths. Comput. Oper. Res. 36, 2074–2081 (2009)Suliman, S.M.A.: Pattern generating procedure for the cutting stock problem. Int. J. Prod. 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    An anytime tree search algorithm for two-dimensional two- and three-staged guillotine packing problems

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    [libralesso_anytime_2020] proposed an anytime tree search algorithm for the 2018 ROADEF/EURO challenge glass cutting problem (https://www.roadef.org/challenge/2018/en/index.php). The resulting program was ranked first among 64 participants. In this article, we generalize it and show that it is not only effective for the specific problem it was originally designed for, but is also very competitive and even returns state-of-the-art solutions on a large variety of Cutting and Packing problems from the literature. We adapted the algorithm for two-dimensional Bin Packing, Multiple Knapsack, and Strip Packing Problems, with two- or three-staged exact or non-exact guillotine cuts, the orientation of the first cut being imposed or not, and with or without item rotation. The combination of efficiency, ability to provide good solutions fast, simplicity and versatility makes it particularly suited for industrial applications, which require quickly developing algorithms implementing several business-specific constraints. The algorithm is implemented in a new software package called PackingSolver

    Constructive procedures to solve 2-dimensional bin packing problems with irregular pieces and guillotine cuts

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    This paper presents an approach for solving a new real problem in cutting and packing. At its core is an innovative mixed integer programme model that places irregular pieces and defines guillotine cuts. The two-dimensional irregular shape bin packing problem with guillotine constraints arises in the glass cutting industry, for example, the cutting of glass for conservatories. Almost all cutting and packing problems that include guillotine cuts deal with rectangles only, where all cuts are orthogonal to the edges of the stock sheet and a maximum of two angles of rotation are permitted. The literature tackling packing problems with irregular shapes largely focuses on strip packing i.e. minimizing the length of a single fixed width stock sheet, and does not consider guillotine cuts. Hence, this problem combines the challenges of tackling the complexity of packing irregular pieces with free rotation, guaranteeing guillotine cuts that are not always orthogonal to the edges of the stock sheet, and allocating pieces to bins. To our knowledge only one other recent paper tackles this problem. We present a hybrid algorithm that is a constructive heuristic that determines the relative position of pieces in the bin and guillotine constraints via a mixed integer programme model. We investigate two approaches for allocating guillotine cuts at the same time as determining the placement of the piece, and a two phase approach that delays the allocation of cuts to provide flexibility in space usage. Finally we describe an improvement procedure that is applied to each bin before it is closed. This approach improves on the results of the only other publication on this problem, and gives competitive results for the classic rectangle bin packing problem with guillotine constraint

    A deterministic algorithm for generating optimal three- stage layouts of homogenous strip pieces

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    Purpose: The time required by the algorithms for general layouts to solve the large-scale two-dimensional cutting problems may become unaffordable. So this paper presents an exact algorithm to solve above problems. Design/methodology/approach: The algorithm uses the dynamic programming algorithm to generate the optimal homogenous strips, solves the knapsack problem to determine the optimal layout of the homogenous strip in the composite strip and the composite strip in the segment, and optimally selects the enumerated segments to compose the three-stage layout. Findings: The algorithm not only meets the shearing and punching process need, but also achieves good results within reasonable time. Originality/value: The algorithm is tested through 43 large-scale benchmark problems. The number of optimal solutions is 39 for this paper’s algorithm; the rate of the rest 4 problem’s solution value and the optimal solution is 99. 9%, and the average consumed time is only 2. 18seconds. This paper’s pattern is used to simplify the cutting process. Compared with the classic three-stage, the two-segment and the T-shape algorithms, the solutions of the algorithm are better than that of the above three algorithms. Experimental results show that the algorithm to solve a large-scale piece packing quickly and efficiency.Peer Reviewe

    Pattern Reduction in Paper Cutting

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    A large part of the paper industry involves supplying customers with reels of specified width in specifed quantities. These 'customer reels' must be cut from a set of wider 'jumbo reels', in as economical a way as possible. The first priority is to minimize the waste, i.e. to satisfy the customer demands using as few jumbo reels as possible. This is an example of the one-dimensional cutting stock problem, which has an extensive literature. Greycon have developed cutting stock algorithms which they include in their software packages. Greycon's initial presentation to the Study Group posed several questions, which are listed below, along with (partial) answers arising from the work described in this report. (1) Given a minimum-waste solution, what is the minimum number of patterns required? It is shown in Section 2 that even when all the patterns appearing in minimum-waste solutions are known, determining the minimum number of patterns may be hard. It seems unlikely that one can guarantee to find the minimum number of patterns for large classes of realistic problems with only a few seconds on a PC available. (2) Given an n → n-1 algorithm, will it find an optimal solution to the minimum- pattern problem? There are problems for which n → n - 1 reductions are not possible although a more dramatic reduction is. (3) Is there an efficient n → n-1 algorithm? In light of Question 2, Question 3 should perhaps be rephrased as 'Is there an efficient algorithm to reduce n patterns?' However, if an algorithm guaranteed to find some reduction whenever one existed then it could be applied iteratively to minimize the number of patterns, and we have seen this cannot be done easily. (4) Are there efficient 5 → 4 and 4 → 3 algorithms? (5) Is it worthwhile seeking alternatives to greedy heuristics? In response to Questions 4 and 5, we point to the algorithm described in the report, or variants of it. Such approaches seem capable of catching many higher reductions. (6) Is there a way to find solutions with the smallest possible number of single patterns? The Study Group did not investigate methods tailored specifically to this task, but the algorithm proposed here seems to do reasonably well. It will not increase the number of singleton patterns under any circumstances, and when the number of singletons is high there will be many possible moves that tend to eliminate them. (7) Can a solution be found which reduces the number of knife changes? The algorithm will help to reduce the number of necessary knife changes because it works by bringing patterns closer together, even if this does not proceed fully to a pattern reduction. If two patterns are equal across some of the customer widths, the knives for these reels need not be changed when moving from one to the other

    Models and Solutions of Resource Allocation Problems based on Integer Linear and Nonlinear Programming

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    In this thesis we deal with two problems of resource allocation solved through a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming approach and a Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Chance Constraint Programming approach. In the first part we propose a framework to model general guillotine restrictions in two dimensional cutting problems formulated as Mixed-Integer Linear Programs (MILP). The modeling framework requires a pseudo-polynomial number of variables and constraints, which can be effectively enumerated for medium-size instances. Our modeling of general guillotine cuts is the first one that, once it is implemented within a state of-the-art MIP solver, can tackle instances of challenging size. Our objective is to propose a way of modeling general guillotine cuts via Mixed Integer Linear Programs (MILP), i.e., we do not limit the number of stages (restriction (ii)), nor impose the cuts to be restricted (restriction (iii)). We only ask the cuts to be guillotine ones (restriction (i)). We mainly concentrate our analysis on the Guillotine Two Dimensional Knapsack Problem (G2KP), for which a model, and an exact procedure able to significantly improve the computational performance, are given. In the second part we present a Branch-and-Cut algorithm for a class of Nonlinear Chance Constrained Mathematical Optimization Problems with a finite number of scenarios. This class corresponds to the problems that can be reformulated as Deterministic Convex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming problems, but the size of the reformulation is large and quickly becomes impractical as the number of scenarios grows. We apply the Branch-and-Cut algorithm to the Mid-Term Hydro Scheduling Problem, for which we propose a chance-constrained formulation. A computational study using data from ten hydro plants in Greece shows that the proposed methodology solves instances orders of magnitude faster than applying a general-purpose solver for Convex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Problems to the deterministic reformulation, and scales much better with the number of scenarios
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