3 research outputs found

    Usability Work in Agile Systems Development Practice:A Systematic Review

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    Systematic mapping study of usability in post-implementation on agile software development

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    Abstract. Need for new software information systems is increasing year by year and information software systems have become present in everyday life of people. As the number of systems has increased so has the need of these systems to be usable and work properly. This thesis used systematic mapping study method to get overview of the current state of usability in agile software development. In the study, initially 269 papers were retrieved from SCOPUS and after exclusion of irrelevant papers 92 papers were selected to the study of which 75 papers got through inclusion criteria to the final stage of the study. In this thesis a look to current state of usability in agile software development is presented. Study suggested that usability usage in agile environment is still trying to find its place but there is research being done constantly to make it more prevalent in the field. From those agile software development projects, that had included the usage of some sort of usability method to development, too few included usability throughout the whole development cycle.Tiivistelmä. Tarve uusille tietojärjestelmille on kasvanut vuosi vuodelta suuremmaksi. Tietojärjestelmistä on tullut osa meidän jokapäiväistä elämäämme. Samalla, kun tietojärjestelmien määrä on kasvanut, on kasvanut myös tarve tehdä niistä entistä käytettävämpiä ja toimivia. Tässä tutkielmassa on käytetty systemaattista tutkimuskirjallisuuden kartoitus menetelmää, jonka avulla on hankittu yleiskuva tämän hetkisestä käytettävyyden tilasta ketterässä ohjelmistokehityksessä. Tutkimukseen otettiin alun perin 269 julkaisua, jotka haettiin SCOPUS tietokannasta. Tulosten seulonnan jälkeen 92 julkaisun todettiin liittyvän olennaisesti aiheeseen. Näistä 92 julkaisusta tutkimuksen viimeiseen vaiheeseen hyväksyttiin 75 julkaisua. Tässä tutkielmassa annetaan yleiskuva käytettävyydestä ketterässä ohjelmistokehityksessä tämän hetken kirjallisuuden perusteella. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että käytettävyyden käyttö ketterässä ohjelmistokehityksessä yrittää vielä löytää omaa paikkaansa, mutta tutkimuksessa tapahtuu jatkuvaa kehitystä, jotta käytettävyys saataisiin selkeäksi myös ketterässä ohjelmistokehityksessä. Niissä projekteissa, joissa ketterää ohjelmistokehitystä harjoitettiin ja käytettävyys oli otettu huomioon, liian harva sisällytti käytettävyyden menetelmiä tukemaan kehitystä läpi koko ohjelmiston kehityskaaren

    An Agile Process Model For Inclusive Software Development

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    The Internet represents a new dimension for software development. It can be understood as an opportunity to develop systems to promote social inclusion and citizenship. These systems impose a singular way for developing software, where accessibility and usability are key requirements. This paper proposes a process model for agile software development, which takes into account these requirements. This method brings together multidisciplinary practices coming from Participatory Design, and Organizational Semiotics with concepts of agile models. The paper presents the instantiation of the process model during the development of a social network system, which aims to promote the social and digital inclusion. The results and the adjustments of the proposed development process model are also discussed. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.24 LNBIP807818Agile Alliance: Manifesto for Agile Software Development, , http://agilemanifesto.org, accessed February 12, 2008Agile Alliance: How The Agile Alliance Operates, , http://www.agilealliance.org/show/1646, accessed February 12, 2008Ambler, S.W.: The Object Primer: Agile Model-Driven Development with UML 2, 3rd edn. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2004)Baranauskas, M.C.C., (2007) e-Cidadania: Systems and Methods for the Constitution of a Culture mediated by Information and Communication Technology, , Proposal for the Microsoft Research-FAPESP InstituteConstantine, L., Biddle, R., Noble, J., Usage-Centered Design and Software Engineering: Models for Integration. In: IFIP Working Group 2.7/13.4 (2003) ICSE 2003 Workshop on Bridging the Gap Between Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 3-10. , Portland, Oregon, USA, ppGronbaek, K., Kyng, M., Mogensen, P., Toward a Cooperative Experimental System Development Approach (1997) Computers and Design in Context, , Kyng, M, Mathiassen, L, eds, MIT Press, BostonKyng, M., Designing for Cooperation: Cooperating in Design (1991) Communications of the ACM, , Doi: 10.1145/125319.125323Koch, A.S., (2005) Agile Software Development: Evaluating the Methods for Your Organization, , Artech House, NorwoodLiu, K., (2000) Semiotics in information systems engineering, , Cambridge University Press, CambridgeMelo, A.M., (2007) Design Inclusivo de sistemas de informao na web, , PhD Thesis, University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil in PortugueseMelo, A.M., Baranauskas, M.C.C., An inclusive approach to cooperative evaluation of the web user interfaces (2006) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pp. 23-27. , Paphos, Cyprus, ppMorris, C.W., Foundations of the theory of signs (1938) International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, 1 (2)Muller, M.J., Haslwanter, J.H., Dayton, T., Participatory Practices in the Software Lifecycle (1997) Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction, , Helander, M.G, Landauer, T.K, Prabhu, P.V, eds, 2nd edn. North-Holland, Elsevier, AmsterdamNorman, D.A., Draper, S.W., (1986) User centered system design: New perspectives on human-computer interaction, , Lawrence Erlbaum, HillsdaleNorman, D.A., Human-Centered Design Considered Harmful (2005) Interactions, 12 (4), pp. 14-19Pekkola, S., Kaarilahti, N., Pohjola, P., Towards Formalised EndUser Participation in Information Systems Development Process: Bridging the Gap between Participatory Design and ISD Methodologies (2006) Proceedings of the 9th Participatory Design Conference, pp. 1-5. , Trento, Italy, ppPeirce, C.S., (1958), Collected Papers. Harvard University Press, CambridgeSchuler, D., Namioka, A., (1993) Participatory design: Principles and practices, , Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, MahwahStamper, R.K., Social Norms in requirements analysis - an outline of MEASUR (1993) Requirements Engineering, Technical and Social Aspects, , Jirotka, M, Goguen, J, Bickerton, M, eds, Academic Press, New YorkStamper, R.K., Organisational Semiotics: Informatics without the Computer? (2001) Information, Organisation and Technology: Studies in Organisational Semiotics, , Liu, K, Clarke, R, Andersen, P.B, Stamper, R.K, eds, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrechthttp://www.w3.org, accessed February 12, 200