4 research outputs found

    Supportive and Antagonistic Behaviour in Distributed Computational Creativity via Coupled Empowerment Maximisation

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    Abstract There has been a strong tendency in distributed computational creativity systems to embrace embodied and situated agents for their flexible and adaptive behaviour. Intrinsically motivated agents are particularly successful in this respect, because they do not rely on externally specified goals, and can thus react flexibly to changes in open-ended environments. While supportive and antagonistic behaviour is omnipresent when people interact in creative tasks, existing implementations cannot establish such behaviour without constraining their agents' flexibility by means of explicitly specified interaction rules. More open approaches in contrast cannot guarantee that support or antagonistic behaviour ever comes about. We define the information-theoretic principle of coupled empowerment maximisation as an intrinsically motivated frame for supportive and antagonistic behaviour within which agents can interact with maximum flexibility. We provide an intuition and a formalisation for an arbitrary number of agents. We then draw on several case-studies of co-creative and social creativity systems to make detailed predictions of the potential effect the underlying empowerment maximisation principle might have on the behaviour of creative agents

    Algorithmic Compositional Methods and their Role in Genesis: A Multi-Functional Real-Time Computer Music System

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    Algorithmic procedures have been applied in computer music systems to generate compositional products using conventional musical formalism, extensions of such musical formalism and extra-musical disciplines such as mathematical models. This research investigates the applicability of such algorithmic methodologies for real-time musical composition, culminating in Genesis, a multi-functional real-time computer music system written for Mac OS X in the SuperCollider object-oriented programming language, and contained in the accompanying DVD. Through an extensive graphical user interface, Genesis offers musicians the opportunity to explore the application of the sonic features of real-time sound-objects to designated generative processes via different models of interaction such as unsupervised musical composition by Genesis and networked control of external Genesis instances. As a result of the applied interactive, generative and analytical methods, Genesis forms a unique compositional process, with a compositional product that reflects the character of its interactions between the sonic features of real-time sound-objects and its selected algorithmic procedures. Within this thesis, the technologies involved in algorithmic methodologies used for compositional processes, and the concepts that define their constructs are described, with consequent detailing of their selection and application in Genesis, with audio examples of algorithmic compositional methods demonstrated on the accompanying DVD. To demonstrate the real-time compositional abilities of Genesis, free explorations with instrumentalists, along with studio recordings of the compositional processes available in Genesis are presented in audiovisual examples contained in the accompanying DVD. The evaluation of the Genesis system’s capability to form a real-time compositional process, thereby maintaining real-time interaction between the sonic features of real-time sound objects and its selected algorithmic compositional methods, focuses on existing evaluation techniques founded in HCI and the qualitative issues such evaluation methods present. In terms of the compositional products generated by Genesis, the challenges in quantifying and qualifying its compositional outputs are identified, demonstrating the intricacies of assessing generative methods of compositional processes, and their impact on a resulting compositional product. The thesis concludes by considering further advances and applications of Genesis, and inviting further dissemination of the Genesis system and promotion of research into evaluative methods of generative techniques, with the hope that this may provide additional insight into the relative success of products generated by real-time algorithmic compositional processes

    Apps, Agents, and Improvisation: Ensemble Interaction with Touch-Screen Digital Musical Instruments

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    This thesis concerns the making and performing of music with new digital musical instruments (DMIs) designed for ensemble performance. While computer music has advanced to the point where a huge variety of digital instruments are common in educational, recreational, and professional music-making, these instruments rarely seek to enhance the ensemble context in which they are used. Interaction models that map individual gestures to sound have been previously studied, but the interactions of ensembles within these models are not well understood. In this research, new ensemble-focussed instruments have been designed and deployed in an ongoing artistic practice. These instruments have also been evaluated to find out whether, and if so how, they affect the ensembles and music that is made with them. Throughout this thesis, six ensemble-focussed DMIs are introduced for mobile touch-screen computers. A series of improvised rehearsals and performances leads to the identification of a vocabulary of continuous performative touch-gestures and a system for tracking these collaborative performances in real time using tools from machine learning. The tracking system is posed as an intelligent agent that can continually analyse the gestural states of performers, and trigger a response in the performers' user interfaces at appropriate moments. The hypothesis is that the agent interaction and UI response can enhance improvised performances, allowing performers to better explore creative interactions with each other, produce better music, and have a more enjoyable experience. Two formal studies are described where participants rate their perceptions of improvised performances with a variety of designs for agent-app interaction. The first, with three expert performers, informed refinements for a set of apps. The most successful interface was redesigned and investigated further in a second study with 16 non-expert participants. In the final interface, each performer freely improvised with a limited number of notes; at moments of peak gestural change, the agent presented users with the opportunity to try different notes. This interface is shown to produce performances that are longer, as well as demonstrate improved perceptions of musical structure, group interaction, enjoyment and overall quality. Overall, this research examined ensemble DMI performance in unprecedented scope and detail, with more than 150 interaction sessions recorded. Informed by the results of lab and field studies using quantitative and qualitative methods, four generations of ensemble-focussed interface have been developed and refined. The results of the most recent studies assure us that the intelligent agent interaction does enhance improvised performances

    Identifying the Neurocognitive bases of creativity to increase human and computational creativity

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    En esta Tesis Doctoral se ha identificado la estructura neurocognitiva que sustenta la creatividad humana a partir del análisis conjunto de más de 800 referencias bibliográficas que muestran las investigaciones más importantes realizadas hasta la fecha. Sobre la base de esta estructura, se ha identificado un paradigma neurocognitivo de la creatividad humana y se ha propuesto un modelo neurocognitivo del proceso creativo. Finalmente, también se ha propuesto un paradigma creativo neurocognitivo computacional y se ha diseñado la estructura de un sistema computacional creativo, basado en una estructura multiagente. La investigación que se ha realizado sobre el tema hasta la fecha es muy especializada y se centra en aspectos muy concretos de la creatividad, y en muchos casos tienen poca relación entre sí. Por ello, y para tener una idea conjunta y holística de los procesos neurocognitivos de la creatividad humana, es necesario estudiar todas estas investigaciones de forma interconectada. Esta idea conjunta permitiría dirigir investigaciones más específicas para ser más efectivos. Por ello, lo primero que se ha hecho ha sido clasificar, agrupar, analizar, entrelazar y estructurar, de forma ordenada, las investigaciones más importantes que se han realizado hasta la fecha. Sin embargo, el trabajo realizado va mucho más allá, ya que estructurando y entrelazando las investigaciones existentes ha sido posible identificar ciertos patrones, correlaciones y paralelismos, y realizar ciertas deducciones, que en su conjunto, han permitido identificar los procesos neurocognitivos fundamentales. bases de la creatividad humana. La Tesis se estructura en los siguientes capítulos: Capitulo 2 Análisis de los principales métodos para estimular la creatividad Se analizan las principales definiciones de creatividad, y se ha decidido que el mejor enfoque para su análisis es estructurarla taxonómicamente, bajo el modelo 4P. Se ha realizado una recopilación y análisis de los métodos más efectivos que estimulan la creatividad humana, mostrando las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno. Capítulo 3 Estructura funcional del cerebro humano y su relación con el proceso creativo Se identifica la estructura neurocognitiva general del cerebro humano que permite generar los procesos fundamentales y básicos de su actividad creativa. Capítulo 4 El papel fundamental de la DMN en el proceso creativo Se ha observado que la red de modo predeterminado (DMN) tiene un papel principal en la creatividad. Por ello, se ha dedicado un capítulo a su estudio, y se han identificado varios factores que la involucran directamente en la actividad creativa del cerebro humano. Capítulo 5 Identificación y análisis de las bases neurocognitivas de la creatividad humana Se ha identificado el conjunto general de factores neurocognitivos que sustentan los procesos creativos en el cerebro humano. Capítulo 6 Paradigma neurocognitivo de la creatividad humana Se ha propuesto un modelo neurocognitivo del proceso creativo que reestructura, completa y detalla todos los modelos conceptuales propuestos hasta el momento. Capítulo 7 Paradigma computacional de la creatividad basado en la estructura neurocognitiva humana Analizando las diferentes bases neurocognitivas que sustentan la creatividad humana, se han establecido paralelismos computacionales y se han realizado diferentes sugerencias para el diseño de un sistema computacional creativo.In this Doctoral Thesis, the neurocognitive structure that supports human creativity has been identified based on the joint analysis of more than 800 bibliographical references that show the most important investigations carried out to date. Based on this structure, a neurocognitive paradigm of human creativity has been described, and a neurocognitive model of creative process has been proposed. Finally, a computational neurocognitive creative paradigm has been also proposed, and the structure of a creative computational multi-agent system has been designed. The research that has been carried out on the subject is very specialized and focuses on very specific aspects of creativity, and in many cases they have little relationship with each other. For this reason, and in order to have a joint and holistic idea of the neurocognitive processes of human creativity, it is necessary to study all these investigations in an interconnected way. This joint idea would allow directing more specific investigations in order to be more effective. For this reason, the first thing that has been done has been to classify, group, analyze, intertwine and structure, in an orderly manner, the most important investigations that have been carried out to date. However, the work carried out goes much further, since by structuring and intertwining the existing research it has been possible to identify certain patterns, correlations and parallelisms, and make certain deductions, which as a whole, have made it possible to identify the fundamental neurocognitive bases of human creativity. Chapter 2 Analysis of the main methods to stimulate creativity The main definitions of creativity are analyzed, and it has been decided that the best approach for its analysis is to structure it taxonomically, under the 4P model. A compilation and analysis of the most effective methods that stimulate human creativity has been carried out, showing the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Chapter 3 Functional structure of the human brain and its relationship with the creative process The general neurocognitive structure of the human brain that allows the generation of the fundamental and basic processes of its creative activity are identified. Chapter 4 The fundamental role of the DMN in the creative process It has been observed that the Default mode network (DMN) has a main role in creativity. For this reason, a chapter has been dedicated to its study, and several factors have been identified that directly involve it in the creative activity of the human brain. Chapter 5 Identification and analysis of the neurocognitive bases of human creativity The general set of neurocognitive factors that underpin creative processes in the human brain has been identified. Chapter 6 Neurocognitive paradigm of human creativity A neurocognitive model of the creative process has been proposed, which restructures, completes and details all the conceptual models proposed so far. Chapter 7 Computational paradigm of creativity based on the human neurocognitive structure Analyzing the different neurocognitive bases that support human creativity, computational parallels have been established and different suggestions have been made for the design of a creative computational system