1,077 research outputs found

    Telescience Testbed Pilot Program

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    The Telescience Testbed Pilot Program is developing initial recommendations for requirements and design approaches for the information systems of the Space Station era. During this quarter, drafting of the final reports of the various participants was initiated. Several drafts are included in this report as the University technical reports

    The telerobot testbed: An architecture for remote servicing

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    The NASA/OAST Telerobot Testbed will reach its next increment in development by the end of FY-89. The testbed will have the capability for: force reflection in teleoperation, shared control, traded control, operator designate and relative update. These five capabilities will be shown in a module release and exchange operation using mockups of Orbital Replacement Units (ORU). This development of the testbed shows examples of the technologies needed for remote servicing, particularly under conditions of delay in transmissions to the servicing site. Here, the following topics are presented: the system architecture of the testbed which incorporates these telerobotic technologies for servicing, the implementation of the five capabilities and the operation of the ORU mockups

    The Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) robotics technology testbed

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    Much of the technology planned for use in NASA's Flight Telerobotic Servicer (FTS) and the Demonstration Test Flight (DTF) is relatively new and untested. To provide the answers needed to design safe, reliable, and fully functional robotics for flight, NASA/GSFC is developing a robotics technology testbed for research of issues such as zero-g robot control, dual arm teleoperation, simulations, and hierarchical control using a high level programming language. The testbed will be used to investigate these high risk technologies required for the FTS and DTF projects. The robotics technology testbed is centered around the dual arm teleoperation of a pair of 7 degree-of-freedom (DOF) manipulators, each with their own 6-DOF mini-master hand controllers. Several levels of safety are implemented using the control processor, a separate watchdog computer, and other low level features. High speed input/output ports allow the control processor to interface to a simulation workstation: all or part of the testbed hardware can be used in real time dynamic simulation of the testbed operations, allowing a quick and safe means for testing new control strategies. The NASA/National Bureau of Standards Standard Reference Model for Telerobot Control System Architecture (NASREM) hierarchical control scheme, is being used as the reference standard for system design. All software developed for the testbed, excluding some of simulation workstation software, is being developed in Ada. The testbed is being developed in phases. The first phase, which is nearing completion, and highlights future developments is described

    The NASA/OAST telerobot testbed architecture

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    Through a phased development such as a laboratory-based research testbed, the NASA/OAST Telerobot Testbed provides an environment for system test and demonstration of the technology which will usefully complement, significantly enhance, or even replace manned space activities. By integrating advanced sensing, robotic manipulation and intelligent control under human-interactive supervision, the Testbed will ultimately demonstrate execution of a variety of generic tasks suggestive of space assembly, maintenance, repair, and telescience. The Testbed system features a hierarchical layered control structure compatible with the incorporation of evolving technologies as they become available. The Testbed system is physically implemented in a computing architecture which allows for ease of integration of these technologies while preserving the flexibility for test of a variety of man-machine modes. The development currently in progress on the functional and implementation architectures of the NASA/OAST Testbed and capabilities planned for the coming years are presented

    Passivity-Based Control of Human-Robotic Networks with Inter-Robot Communication Delays and Experimental Verification

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    In this paper, we present experimental studies on a cooperative control system for human-robotic networks with inter-robot communication delays. We first design a cooperative controller to be implemented on each robot so that their motion are synchronized to a reference motion desired by a human operator, and then point out that each robot motion ensures passivity. Inter-robot communication channels are then designed via so-called scattering transformation which is a technique to passify the delayed channel. The resulting robotic network is then connected with human operator based on passivity theory. In order to demonstrate the present control architecture, we build an experimental testbed consisting of multiple robots and a tablet. In particular, we analyze the effects of the communication delays on the human operator's behavior

    System integration of a Telerobotic Demonstration System (TDS) testbed

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    The concept for and status of a telerobotic demonstration system testbed that integrates teleoperation and robotics is described. The components of the telerobotic system are described and the ongoing projects are discussed. The system can be divided into two sections: the autonomous subsystems, and the additional interface and support subsystems including teleoperations. The workings of each subsystem by itself and how the subsystems integrate into a complete system is discussed

    An integrated dexterous robotic testbed for space applications

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    An integrated dexterous robotic system was developed as a testbed to evaluate various robotics technologies for advanced space applications. The system configuration consisted of a Utah/MIT Dexterous Hand, a PUMA 562 arm, a stereo vision system, and a multiprocessing computer control system. In addition to these major subsystems, a proximity sensing system was integrated with the Utah/MIT Hand to provide capability for non-contact sensing of a nearby object. A high-speed fiber-optic link was used to transmit digitized proximity sensor signals back to the multiprocessing control system. The hardware system was designed to satisfy the requirements for both teleoperated and autonomous operations. The software system was designed to exploit parallel processing capability, pursue functional modularity, incorporate artificial intelligence for robot control, allow high-level symbolic robot commands, maximize reusable code, minimize compilation requirements, and provide an interactive application development and debugging environment for the end users. An overview is presented of the system hardware and software configurations, and implementation is discussed of subsystem functions

    Integration of advanced teleoperation technologies for control of space robots

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    Teleoperated robots require one or more humans to control actuators, mechanisms, and other robot equipment given feedback from onboard sensors. To accomplish this task, the human or humans require some form of control station. Desirable features of such a control station include operation by a single human, comfort, and natural human interfaces (visual, audio, motion, tactile, etc.). These interfaces should work to maximize performance of the human/robot system by streamlining the link between human brain and robot equipment. This paper describes development of a control station testbed with the characteristics described above. Initially, this testbed will be used to control two teleoperated robots. Features of the robots include anthropomorphic mechanisms, slaving to the testbed, and delivery of sensory feedback to the testbed. The testbed will make use of technologies such as helmet mounted displays, voice recognition, and exoskeleton masters. It will allow tor integration and testing of emerging telepresence technologies along with techniques for coping with control link time delays. Systems developed from this testbed could be applied to ground control of space based robots. During man-tended operations, the Space Station Freedom may benefit from ground control of IVA or EVA robots with science or maintenance tasks. Planetary exploration may also find advanced teleoperation systems to be very useful

    Diverse applications of advanced man-telerobot interfaces

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    Advancements in man-machine interfaces and control technologies used in space telerobotics and teleoperators have potential application wherever human operators need to manipulate multi-dimensional spatial relationships. Bilateral six degree-of-freedom position and force cues exchanged between the user and a complex system can broaden and improve the effectiveness of several diverse man-machine interfaces

    Telescience testbedding: An implementation approach

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    Telescience is the term used to describe a concept being developed by NASA's Office of Space Science and Applications (OSSA) under the Science and Applications Information System (SAIS) Program. This concept focuses on the development of an ability for all OSSA users to be remotely interactive with all provided information system services for the Space Station era. This concept includes access to services provided by both flight and ground components of the system and emphasizes the accommodation of users from their home institutions. Key to the development of the telescience capability is an implementation approach called rapid-prototype testbedding. This testbedding is used to validate the concept and test the applicability of emerging technologies and operational methodologies. Testbedding will be used to first determine the feasibility of an idea and then the applicability to real science usage. Once a concept is deemed viable, it will be integrated into the operational system for real time support. It is believed that this approach will greatly decrease the expense of implementing the eventual system and will enhance the resultant capabilities of the delivered system