4 research outputs found

    An Accelerated Iterative Method with Diagonally Scaled Oblique Projections for Solving Linear Feasibility Problems

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    The Projected Aggregation Methods (PAM) for solving linear systems of equalities and/or inequalities, generate a new iterate xᵏ⁺¹ by projecting the current point xᵏ onto a separating hyperplane generated by a given linear combination of the original hyperplanes or halfspaces. In Scolnik et al. (2001, 2002a) and Echebest et al. (2004) acceleration schemes for solving systems of linear equations and inequalities respectively were introduced, within a PAM like framework. In this paper we apply those schemes in an algorithm based on oblique projections reflecting the sparsity of the matrix of the linear system to be solved. We present the corresponding theoretical convergence results which are a generalization of those given in Echebest et al. (2004). We also present the numerical results obtained applying the new scheme to two algorithms introduced by García-Palomares and González-Castaño (1998) and also the comparison of its efficiency with that of Censor and Elfving (2002).Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Incomplete oblique projections method for solving regularized least-squares problems in image reconstruction

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    In this paper we improve on the incomplete oblique projections (IOP) method introduced previously by the authors for solving inconsistent linear systems, when applied to image reconstruction problems. That method uses IOP onto the set of solutions of the augmented system Ax - r = b, and converges to a weighted least-squares solution of the system Ax=b. In image reconstruction problems, systems are usually inconsistent and very often rank-deficient because of the underlying discretized model. Here we have considered a regularized least-squares objective function that can be used in many ways such as incorporating blobs or nearest-neighbor interactions among adjacent pixels, aiming at smoothing the image. Thus, the oblique incomplete projections algorithm has been modified for solving this regularized model. The theoretical properties of the new algorithm are analyzed and numerical experiments are presented showing that the new approach improves the quality of the reconstructed images.Material digitalizado en SEDICI gracias a la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Ingeniería (UNLP).Facultad de Ciencias Exacta