8 research outputs found

    Encapsulation and Dynamic Modularity in the Pi-Calculus

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    We describe a process calculus featuring high level constructs for component-oriented programming in a distributed setting. We propose an extension of the higher-order pi-calculus intended to capture several important mechanisms related to component-based programming, such as dynamic update, reconfiguration and code migration. In this paper, we are primarily concerned with the possibility to build a distributed implementation of our calculus. Accordingly, we define a low-level calculus, that describes how the high-level constructs are implemented, as well as details of the data structures manipulated at runtime. We also discuss current and future directions of research in relation to our analysis of component-based programming

    A model checking-based approach for security policy verification of mobile systems

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    International audienceThis article describes an approach for the automated verification of mobile systems. Mobile systems are characterized by the explicit notion of (e.g., sites where they run) and the ability to execute at different locations, yielding a number of security issues. To this aim, we formalize mobile systems as Labeled Kripke Structures, encapsulating the notion of that describes the hierarchical nesting of the threads constituting the system. Then, we formalize a generic that includes rules for expressing and manipulating the code location. In contrast to many other approaches, our technique supports both access control and information flow specification. We developed a prototype framework for model checking of mobile systems. It works directly on the program code (in contrast to most traditional process-algebraic approaches that can model only limited details of mobile systems) and uses abstraction-refinement techniques, based also on location abstractions, to manage the program state space. We experimented with a number of mobile code benchmarks by verifying various security policies. The experimental results demonstrate the validity of the proposed mobile system modeling and policy specification formalisms and highlight the advantages of the model checking-based approach, which combines the validation of security properties with other checks, such as the validation of buffer overflows

    Oz/K: A Kernel Language for Component-Based Open Programming

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    International audienceProgramming in an open environment remains challenging because it requires combining modularity, security, concurrency, distribution, and dynamicity. In this paper, we propose an approach to open distributed programming that exploits the notion of locality, which has been used in the past decade as a basis for several distributed process calculi such as Mobile Ambients, DĎ€, and Seal. We use the locality concept as a form of component that serves as a unit of modularity, of isolation, and of passivation. Specifically, we introduce in this paper OZ/K, a kernel programming language, that adds to the OZ computation model a notion of locality borrowed from the Kell calculus. We present an operational semantics for the language and several examples to illustrate how OZ/K supports open distributed programming

    Modeling of application- and middleware-layer interaction protocols

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    The CONNECT Integrated Project aims at enabling continuous composition of networked systems to respond to the evolution of functionalities provided to and required from the networked environment. CONNECT aims at dropping the interoperability barrier by adopting a revolutionary approach to the seamless networking of digital systems, that is, synthesizing on-the-fly the connectors via which networked systems communicate. The resulting emergent connectors are effectively synthesized according to the behavioral semantics of application- down to middleware-layer protocols run by the interacting parties. The role of work package WP3 is to devise automated and compositional approaches to connector synthesis, which can be performed at run-time. Given the respective interaction behavior of networked systems, we want to synthesize the behavior of the connector(s) needed for them to interact. These connectors serve as mediators of the networked systems' interaction at both application and middleware layers. In this deliverable, we set the scene for a formal theory of the automated synthesis of application- and middleware-layer protocol mediators. We formally characterize mediating connectors between mismatching application-layer protocols by rigorously defining the necessary conditions that must hold for protocols to be mediated. The outcome of this formalization is the definition of two relationships between heterogenous protocols: matching and mapping. The former is concerned with checking whether a mediator letting two protocols interoperate exists or not. The latter concerns the algorithm that should be executed to synthesize the required mediator. Furthermore, we analyze the different dimensions of interoperability at the middleware layer and exploit this analysis to formalize existing solutions to middleware-layer interoperability. Since the work on application-layer mediator synthesis is based on the assumption that a model of the interaction protocol for a networked system is dynamically discovered, we finally present an approach, based on data-flow analysis and testing, for the automated elicitation of application-layer protocols from software implementations. This approach presents similarities, but also several differences, with the work of work package WP4 (protocol learning). Furthermore, it allowed us to proceed in parallel with the work of WP4 and to state the requirements that the learning approaches have to satisfy to enable mediator synthesis. For this reason, we keep this work separate from the work on protocol learning and discuss it in this deliverable. All the approaches mentioned above are applied to several examples and scenarios

    Capturing functional and non-functional connector

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    The CONNECT Integrated Project aims to develop a novel networking infrastructure that will support composition of networked systems with on-the-fly connector synthesis. The role of this work package is to investigate the foundations and verification methods for composable connectors. In this deliverable, we set the scene for the formulation of the modelling framework by surveying existing connector modelling formalisms. We covered not only classical connector algebra formalisms, but also, where appropriate, their corresponding quantitative extensions. All formalisms have been evaluated against a set of key dimensions of interest agreed upon in the CONNECT project. Based on these investigations, we concluded that none of the modelling formalisms available at present satisfy our eight dimensions. We will use the outcome of the survey to guide the formulation of a compositional modelling formalism tailored to the specific requirements of the CONNECT project. Furthermore, we considered the range of non-functional properties that are of interest to CONNECT, and reviewed existing specification formalisms for capturing them, together with the corresponding modelchecking algorithms and tool support. Consequently, we described the scientific advances concerning model-checking algorithms and tools, which are partial contribution towards future deliverables: an approach for online verification (part of D2.2), automated abstraction-refinement for probabilistic realtime systems (part of D2.2 and D2.4), and compositional probabilistic verification within PRISM, to serve as a foundation of future research on quantitative assume-guarantee compositional reasoning (part of D2.2 and D2.4)

    Process Models for Distributed Event-Based Systems

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    Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBSs) are middleware supporting the interaction of publisher and subscriber components via events. In DEBSs, the subscribers to be notified when an event is announced are decided at run-time without requiring publisher components to know the name or locations of the subscribers, nor the subscribers to know the name or locations of the publishers. This low coupling between components makes DEBSs suitable for applications with a large or unpredictable number of autonomous components. The development of applications in DEBSs is an ad hoc process poorly supported by current software engineering methodologies. Moreover, the behaviours exhibited by these systems and their applications are not well understood, and no suitable models exist where these behaviours can be described and analyzed. The main concern of this thesis is the development of such models. Specifically, we develop formalisms and models supporting the specification, prediction, and validation of the behaviour exhibited by the middleware and the applications executing on it. Our main contributions to the area are: new formalisms for the representation of DEBSs and their applications, and for the specification of both, system and application properties; a categorization of the features related to the definition, announcement, and notification of events in DEBSs and, in general, event-based systems; models representing the categorized DEBS features; case studies detailing models and properties for specific systems; a prototype tool for the verification of DEBSs and applications. The formalisms developed expose the location of the actions in the modelled systems and support the specification of several forms of location-awareness and adaptive behaviour