14,138 research outputs found

    An Efficient Code-Based Threshold Ring Signature Scheme with a Leader-Participant Model

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    Digital signature schemes with additional properties have broad applications, such as in protecting the identity of signers allowing a signer to anonymously sign a message in a group of signers (also known as a ring). While these number-theoretic problems are still secure at the time of this research, the situation could change with advances in quantum computing. There is a pressing need to design PKC schemes that are secure against quantum attacks. In this paper, we propose a novel code-based threshold ring signature scheme with a leader-participant model. A leader is appointed, who chooses some shared parameters for other signers to participate in the signing process. This leader-participant model enhances the performance because every participant including the leader could execute the decoding algorithm (as a part of signing process) upon receiving the shared parameters from the leader. The time complexity of our scheme is close to Courtois et al.’s (2001) scheme. The latter is often used as a basis to construct other types of code-based signature schemes. Moreover, as a threshold ring signature scheme, our scheme is as efficient as the normal code-based ring signature

    Cryptanalysis of a One-Time Code-Based Digital Signature Scheme

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    We consider a one-time digital signature scheme recently proposed by Persichetti and show that a successful key recovery attack can be mounted with limited complexity. The attack we propose exploits a single signature intercepted by the attacker, and relies on a statistical analysis performed over such a signature, followed by information set decoding. We assess the attack complexity and show that a full recovery of the secret key can be performed with a work factor that is far below the claimed security level. The efficiency of the attack is motivated by the sparsity of the signature, which leads to a significant information leakage about the secret key.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Identity-Based Threshold Signatures from Isogenies

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    The identity-based signature, initially introduced by Shamir [Sha84], plays a fundamental role in the domain of identity-based cryptography. It offers the capability to generate a signature on a message, allowing any user to verify the authenticity of the signature using the signer\u27s identifier information (e.g., an email address), instead of relying on a public key stored in a digital certificate. Another significant concept in practical applications is the threshold signature, which serves as a valuable tool for distributing the signing authority. The notion of an identity-based threshold signature scheme pertains to the distribution of a secret key associated with a specific identity among multiple entities, rather than depending on a master secret key generated by a public key generator. This approach enables a qualified group of participants to jointly engage in the signing process. In this paper, we present two identity-based threshold signature schemes based on isogenies, each of which addresses a different aspect of security. The first scheme prioritizes efficiency but offers security with abort, while the second scheme focuses on robustness. Both schemes ensure active security in the quantum random oracle model. To build these identity-based threshold signatures, we begin by modifying the identity-based signature scheme proposed by Shaw and Dutta [SD21], to accommodate the CSI-SharK signature scheme. Subsequently, we leverage the resulting identity-based signature and build two threshold schemes within the CSIDH (Commutative Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman) framework. Our proposed identity-based threshold signatures are designed based on CSI-SharK and can be easily adapted with minimal adjustments to function with CSI-FiSh

    Decentralized Threshold Signatures with Dynamically Private Accountability

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    Threshold signatures are a fundamental cryptographic primitive used in many practical applications. As proposed by Boneh and Komlo (CRYPTO'22), TAPS is a threshold signature that is a hybrid of privacy and accountability. It enables a combiner to combine t signature shares while revealing nothing about the threshold t or signing quorum to the public and asks a tracer to track a signature to the quorum that generates it. However, TAPS has three disadvantages: it 1) structures upon a centralized model, 2) assumes that both combiner and tracer are honest, and 3) leaves the tracing unnotarized and static. In this work, we introduce Decentralized, Threshold, dynamically Accountable and Private Signature (DeTAPS) that provides decentralized combining and tracing, enhanced privacy against untrusted combiners (tracers), and notarized and dynamic tracing. Specifically, we adopt Dynamic Threshold Public-Key Encryption (DTPKE) to dynamically notarize the tracing process, design non-interactive zero knowledge proofs to achieve public verifiability of notaries, and utilize the Key-Aggregate Searchable Encryption to bridge TAPS and DTPKE so as to awaken the notaries securely and efficiently. In addition, we formalize the definitions and security requirements for DeTAPS. Then we present a generic construction and formally prove its security and privacy. To evaluate the performance, we build a prototype based on SGX2 and Ethereum

    Low-Bandwidth Threshold ECDSA via Pseudorandom Correlation Generators

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    Digital signature schemes are a fundamental component of secure distributed systems, and the theft of a signing-key might have huge real-world repercussions e.g., in applications such as cryptocurrencies. Threshold signature schemes mitigate this problem by distributing shares of the secret key on several servers and requiring that enough of them interact to be able to compute a signature. In this paper, we provide a novel threshold protocol for ECDSA, arguably the most relevant signature scheme in practice. Our protocol is the first one where the communication complexity of the preprocessing phase is only logarithmic in the number of ECDSA signatures to be produced later, and it achieves therefore a so-called silent preprocessing. Our protocol achieves active security against any number of arbitrarily corrupted parties

    Provably Secure Group Signature Schemes from Code-Based Assumptions

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    We solve an open question in code-based cryptography by introducing two provably secure group signature schemes from code-based assumptions. Our basic scheme satisfies the CPA-anonymity and traceability requirements in the random oracle model, assuming the hardness of the McEliece problem, the Learning Parity with Noise problem, and a variant of the Syndrome Decoding problem. The construction produces smaller key and signature sizes than the previous group signature schemes from lattices, as long as the cardinality of the underlying group does not exceed 2242^{24}, which is roughly comparable to the current population of the Netherlands. We develop the basic scheme further to achieve the strongest anonymity notion, i.e., CCA-anonymity, with a small overhead in terms of efficiency. The feasibility of two proposed schemes is supported by implementation results. Our two schemes are the first in their respective classes of provably secure groups signature schemes. Additionally, the techniques introduced in this work might be of independent interest. These are a new verifiable encryption protocol for the randomized McEliece encryption and a novel approach to design formal security reductions from the Syndrome Decoding problem.Comment: Full extension of an earlier work published in the proceedings of ASIACRYPT 201

    On short digital signatures with Eulerian transformations

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    Let n stands for the length of digital signatures with quadratic multivariate public rule in n variables. We construct postquantum secure procedure to sign O(n^t), t ≥1 digital documents with the signature of size n in time O(n^{3+t}). It allows to sign O(n^t), t 1 documents of size n in time O(n^{t+3}), t>1. The multivariate encryption map has linear degree O(n) and density O(n^4). We discuss the idea of public key with Eulerian transformations which allows to sign O(n^t), t≥0 documents in time O(n^{t+2}). The idea of delivery and usage of several Eulerian and quadratic transformations is also discussed

    Heuristically secure threshold lattice-based cryptography schemes

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    In public-key encryption, a long-term private key can be an easy target for hacking and deserves extra protection. One way to enhance its security is to share the long-term private key among multiple (say n) distributed servers; any threshold number (t, t ≤ n) of these servers are needed to collectively use the shared private key without reconstructing it. As a result, an attacker who has compromised less than t servers will still not be able to reconstruct the shared private key. In this thesis, we studied threshold decryption schemes for lattice-based public-key en- cryption, which is one of the most promising post-quantum public-key encryption schemes. We developed threshold decryption schemes for Stinson’s, the standard NTRU, and NTRU with Ring Learning with Errors (R-LWE) cryptosystems. Prototype implementations were developed for validating the functionality of these threshold decryption schemes. Our de- signs achieve heuristic security, and its security is supported by mechanisms similar to that of R-LWE

    Identity-based edge computing anonymous authentication protocol

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    With the development of sensor technology and wireless communication technology, edge computing has a wider range of applications. The privacy protection of edge computing is of great significance. In the edge computing system, in order to ensure the credibility of the source of terminal data, mobile edge computing (MEC) needs to verify the signature of the terminal node on the data. During the signature process, the computing power of edge devices such as wireless terminals can easily become the bottleneck of system performance. Therefore, it is very necessary to improve efficiency through computational offloading. Therefore, this paper proposes an identity-based edge computing anonymous authentication protocol. The protocol realizes mutual authentication and obtains a shared key by encrypting the mutual information. The encryption algorithm is implemented through a thresholded identity-based proxy ring signature. When a large number of terminals offload computing, MEC can set the priority of offloading tasks according to the user’s identity and permissions, thereby improving offloading efficiency. Security analysis shows that the scheme can guarantee the anonymity and unforgeability of signatures. The probability of a malicious node forging a signature is equivalent to cracking the discrete logarithm puzzle. According to the efficiency analysis, in the case of MEC offloading, the computational complexity is significantly reduced, the computing power of edge devices is liberated, and the signature efficiency is improved

    Analysis of code-based digital signature schemes

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    Digital signatures are in high demand because they allow authentication and non-repudiation. Existing digital signature systems, such as digital signature algorithm (DSA), elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA), and others, are based on number theory problems such as discrete logarithmic problems and integer factorization problems. These recently used digital signatures are not secure with quantum computers. To protect against quantum computer attacks, many researchers propose digital signature schemes based on error-correcting codes such as linear, Goppa, polar, and so on. We studied 16 distinct papers based on various error-correcting codes and analyzed their various features such as signing and verification efficiency, signature size, public key size, and security against multiple attacks
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