198,239 research outputs found

    Exegesis of Sect. III.B from “Fundamentals of the Mechanics of Continua” by E. Hellinger

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    This is our third and last exegetic essay on the fundamental review article DIE ALLGEMEINEN ANSÄTZE DER MECHANIK DER KONTINUA in the Encyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften mit Einschluss ihrer Anwendungen, Bd. IV-4, Hft. 5 (1913) by Ernst Hellinger which contains the translation and the commentary of the remaining text starting from p. 663. The six subsections, No. 9–15, deal with the applications of the previously developed conceptual tools to formulate: an effective theory of elasticity, the dynamics of ideal fluids, models for internal friction and elastic hysteresis, a theory of capillarity, optics, the fundamental equations of electrodynamics, an introduction of the thermodynamical foundations and the relationship between the theory of continua and the theory of relativity. Hellinger refers to relevant literature while consolidating in an effective way the contemporary knowledge in 1913. Considering notational differences as being irrelevant for the characterization of the presented scientific content, Hellinger's article shows that an effective compendium of a large part of the insights given in Truesdell and Toupin and Truesdell and Noll has already been available in 1913. We include in this paper an assessment of the different roles played by pioneers, who are innovating their scientific discipline, and by erudite scholars whose role consists in re-ordering existent knowledge and advertising to a wider audience the most important technical results already obtained in a given discipline

    The Hewlett Foundation's Approach to Philanthropy

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    Discusses the way in which the foundation works through its programs and other philanthropic activities. Identifies strategies used to achieve the foundation's goals and objectives, including organizing the foundation for effective philanthropy

    The logical anti-psychologism of Frege and Husserl

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    Frege and Husserl are both recognized for their significant contributions to the overthrowing of logical psychologism, at least in its 19th century forms. Between Frege's profound impact on modern logic that extended the influence of his anti-psychologism and Husserl's extensive attempts at the refutation of logical psychologism in the Prolegomena to Logical Investigations, these arguments are generally understood as successful. This paper attempts to account for the development of these two anti-psychologistic conceptions of logical objects and for some of the basic differences between them. It identifies some problems that are common to strongly anti-psychologistic conceptions of logic and compares the extent to which Frege's and Husserl's views are open to these problems. Accordingly, this paper is divided into two parts. Part I develops a conception of the problems of logical psychologism as they are distinctively understood by each philosopher, out of the explicit arguments and criticisms made against the view in the texts. This conception is in each case informed by the overall historical trajectories of each philosopher's philosophical development. Part II examines the two views in light of common problems of anti-psychologism

    Public Accountability for Private Action

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    Sharing what we're doing and learning has long been a priority at Wallace, and the past several years have seen a growing number of foundations also taking steps to "open their doors and windows." Some aspects are easy to report on: program initiatives, the purpose of individual grants to specific organizations, a foundation's overall financial health. Less easy to measure, and more difficult to discuss publicly, are the results of a foundation's work. What progress have we made toward our ambitious social change goals? How do we know? How can we talk about what didn't work? These are the issues that we and other foundations are wrestling with

    Mathematics and language

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    This essay considers the special character of mathematical reasoning, and draws on observations from interactive theorem proving and the history of mathematics to clarify the nature of formal and informal mathematical language. It proposes that we view mathematics as a system of conventions and norms that is designed to help us make sense of the world and reason efficiently. Like any designed system, it can perform well or poorly, and the philosophy of mathematics has a role to play in helping us understand the general principles by which it serves its purposes well

    The Cognitive Status of Risk: A Response to Thompson

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    Discussing the role that probability theory should play in Risk analysis and management, Dr. Valverde argues that Thompson\u27s approach puts too much emphasis on the distinction between Risk subjectivism and Risk objectivism in addressing the question, When are Risks real

    Huebner\u27s Critical Encounter with the Philosophy of Heidegger in \u3cem\u3eBeing and Time\u3c/em\u3e: Learning, Understanding, and the Authentic Unfolding of History in the Curriculum

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    This paper responds to the following question: What are the issues concerned with potential educational reform that arise from Huebner\u27s critical encounter with Heidegger and the tradition in education and curriculum theory? In attempting a rejoinder, I revisit Huebner\u27s groundbreaking essay, Curriculum as Concern for Man\u27s Temporality, which introduces the phenomenological method in education and curriculum studies, with the goal of examining in detail the underlying themes, issues, and concepts, which ground Huebner\u27s reconceptualization of curriculum reform, as they emerge from Heidegger\u27s philosophy. I show that Huebner\u27s understanding of Being-in-the-world in terms of the design of the educational environment, not only mirrors, but as well, embodies the flux, flow, and rhythmic dynamics of history\u27s dialectic unfolding as a temporal phenomenon, which for Heidegger represents our authentic historizing in the moment of vision, or Augenblick, and this for Heidegger is the definitive embodiment of Dasein\u27s authentic mode of existence as historical Being-in-the-world as Being-with Others
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