1,782 research outputs found

    The Sound of Strongly Coupled Field Theories: Quasinormal Modes In AdS

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    The AdS/CFT correspondence has developed over the last years into a very useful and powerful tool for studying strongly coupled field theories at finite temperature and density. Of particular interest is the regime of near equilibrium real time evolution that can be captured via linear response theory. The AdS/CFT correspondence allows the calculation of retarded two point functions of gauge invariant operators by studying fluctuations around asymptotically AdS black holes. A major role is played by the poles of these holographic response functions: the quasinormal frequencies. I will review the applications of these ideas to the hydrodynamics of the strongly coupled quark gluon plasma and the holographic realization of strongly coupled superfluids.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 1 cow, Contribution to Proceedings of ERE2011, v2: minor changes, refs adde

    Measuring the gap in ARPES experiments

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    Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is considered as the only experimental tool from which the momentum distribution of both the superconducting and pseudo-gap can be quantitatively derived. The binding energy of the leading edge of the photoemission spectrum, usually called the leading edge gap (LEG), is the model-independent quantity which can be measured in the modern ARPES experiments with the very high accuracy--better than 1 meV. This, however, may be useless as long as the relation between the LEG and the real gap is unknown. We present a systematic study of the LEG as a function of a number of physical and experimental parameters. The absolute gap values which have been derived from the numerical simulation prove, for example that the nodal direction in the underdoped Bi-2212 in superconducting state is really the node--the gap is zero. The other consequences of the simulations are discussed.Comment: revtex4, 9 pages, 6 figure

    Longitudinal and Transverse Zeeman Ladders in the Ising-Like Chain Antiferromagnet BaCo2V2O8

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    We explore the spin dynamics emerging from the N\'eel phase of the chain compound antiferromagnet BaCo2V2O8. Our inelastic neutron scattering study reveals unconventional discrete spin excitations, so called Zeeman ladders, understood in terms of spinon confinement, due to the interchain attractive linear potential. These excitations consist in two interlaced series of modes, respectively with transverse and longitudinal polarization. The latter have no classical counterpart and are related to the zero-point fluctuations that weaken the ordered moment in weakly coupled quantum chains. Our analysis reveals that BaCo2V2O8, with moderate Ising anisotropy and sizable interchain interactions, remarkably fulfills the conditions necessary for the observation of these longitudinal excitations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 2 additional pages of supplemental material with 2 figures; Journal ref. added; 1 page erratum added at the end with 1 figur

    Topological superconductivity of spin-3/2 carriers in a three-dimensional doped Luttinger semimetal

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    We investigate topological Cooper pairing, including gapless Weyl and fully gapped class DIII superconductivity, in a three-dimensional doped Luttinger semimetal. The latter describes effective spin-3/2 carriers near a quadratic band touching and captures the normal-state properties of the 227 pyrochlore iridates and half-Heusler alloys. Electron-electron interactions may favor non-ss-wave pairing in such systems, including even-parity dd-wave pairing. We argue that the lowest energy dd-wave pairings are always of complex (e.g., d+idd + i d) type, with nodal Weyl quasiparticles. This implies ϱ(E)∼∣E∣2\varrho(E) \sim |E|^2 scaling of the density of states (DoS) at low energies in the clean limit, or ϱ(E)∼∣E∣\varrho(E) \sim |E| over a wide critical region in the presence of disorder. The latter is consistent with the TT-dependence of the penetration depth in the half-Heusler compound YPtBi. We enumerate routes for experimental verification, including specific heat, thermal conductivity, NMR relaxation time, and topological Fermi arcs. Nucleation of any dd-wave pairing also causes a small lattice distortion and induces an ss-wave component; this gives a route to strain-engineer exotic s+ds+d pairings. We also consider odd-parity, fully gapped pp-wave superconductivity. For hole doping, a gapless Majorana fluid with cubic dispersion appears at the surface. We invent a generalized surface model with ν\nu-fold dispersion to simulate a bulk with winding number ν\nu. Using exact diagonalization, we show that disorder drives the surface into a critically delocalized phase, with universal DoS and multifractal scaling consistent with the conformal field theory (CFT) SO(nn)ν{}_\nu, where n→0n \rightarrow 0 counts replicas. This is contrary to the naive expectation of a surface thermal metal, and implies that the topology tunes the surface renormalization group to the CFT in the presence of disorder.Comment: Published Version in PRB (Editors' Suggestion): 49 Pages, 17 Figures, 3 Table

    High mobility in a van der Waals layered antiferromagnetic metal

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    Magnetic van der Waals (vdW) materials have been heavily pursued for fundamental physics as well as for device design. Despite the rapid advances, so far magnetic vdW materials are mainly insulating or semiconducting, and none of them possesses a high electronic mobility - a property that is rare in layered vdW materials in general. The realization of a magnetic high-mobility vdW material would open the possibility for novel magnetic twistronic or spintronic devices. Here we report very high carrier mobility in the layered vdW antiferromagnet GdTe3. The electron mobility is beyond 60,000 cm2 V-1 s-1, which is the highest among all known layered magnetic materials, to the best of our knowledge. Among all known vdW materials, the mobility of bulk GdTe3 is comparable to that of black phosphorus, and is only surpassed by graphite. By mechanical exfoliation, we further demonstrate that GdTe3 can be exfoliated to ultrathin flakes of three monolayers, and that the magnetic order and relatively high mobility is retained in approximately 20-nm-thin flakes
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