5 research outputs found

    Design of sEMG assembly to detect external anal sphincter activity: a proof of concept

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    Objective: Conditional trans-rectal stimulation of the pudendal nerve could provide a viable solution to treat hyperreflexive bladder in spinal cord injury. A set threshold of the amplitude estimate of the external anal sphincter surface electromyography (sEMG) may be used as the trigger signal. The efficacy of such a device should be tested in a large scale clinical trial. As such a probe should remain in situ for several hours while patients attend to their daily routine, the recording electrodes should be designed to be large enough to maintain good contact while observing design constraints. The objective of this study was to arrive at a design for intra-anal sEMG recording electrodes for the subsequent clinical trials while deriving the possible recording and processing parameters. 
 Approach: Having in mind existing solutions and based on theoretical and anatomical considerations, a set of four multi-electrode probes were designed and developed. These were tested in a healthy subject and the measured sEMG traces were recorded and appropriately processed.
 Main results: It was shown that while comparatively large electrodes record sEMG traces that are not sufficiently correlated with the external anal sphincter contractions, smaller electrodes may not maintain a stable electrode tissue contact. It was shown that 3 mm wide and 1 cm long electrodes with 5 mm inter-electrode spacing, in agreement with Nyquist sampling, placed 1 cm from the orifice may intra-anally record a sEMG trace sufficiently correlated with external anal sphincter activity.
 Significance: The outcome of this study can be used in any biofeedback, treatment or diagnostic application where the activity of the external anal sphincter sEMG should be detected for an extended period of time

    tutorial surface emg detection in space and time best practices

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    Abstract This tutorial is aimed to non-engineers using, or planning to use, surface electromyography (sEMG) as an assessment tool in the prevention, monitoring and rehabilitation fields. Its first purpose is to address the issues related to the origin and nature of the signal and to its detection (electrode size, distance, location) by one-dimensional (bipolar and linear arrays) and two-dimensional (grids) electrode systems while avoiding advanced mathematical, physical or physiological issues. Its second purpose is to outline best practices and provide general guidelines for proper signal detection. Issues related to the electrode-skin interface, signal conditioning and interpretation will be discussed in subsequent tutorials

    Complexity analysis of surface electromyography for assessing the myoelectric manifestation of muscle fatigue: A review

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    The surface electromyography (sEMG) records the electrical activity of muscle fibers during contraction: one of its uses is to assess changes taking place within muscles in the course of a fatiguing contraction to provide insights into our understanding of muscle fatigue in training protocols and rehabilitation medicine. Until recently, these myoelectric manifestations of muscle fatigue (MMF) have been assessed essentially by linear sEMG analyses. However, sEMG shows a complex behavior, due to many concurrent factors. Therefore, in the last years, complexity-based methods have been tentatively applied to the sEMG signal to better individuate the MMF onset during sustained contractions. In this review, after describing concisely the traditional linear methods employed to assess MMF we present the complexity methods used for sEMG analysis based on an extensive literature search. We show that some of these indices, like those derived from recurrence plots, from entropy or fractal analysis, can detect MMF efficiently. However, we also show that more work remains to be done to compare the complexity indices in terms of reliability and sensibility; to optimize the choice of embedding dimension, time delay and threshold distance in reconstructing the phase space; and to elucidate the relationship between complexity estimators and the physiologic phenomena underlying the onset of MMF in exercising muscles

    Amplitude indicators and spatial aliasing in high density surface electromyography recordings

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    tAverage Rectified Value (ARV) and Root Mean Square (RMS) are amplitude indicators commonly usedin the field of EMG either in time or space. These two indicators are compared (a) analytically for a onedimensional sinusoid, sum of sinusoids, two dimensional sinusoids, and (b) numerically by simulating ahigh density detection system, sampling in space the distribution of propagating surface action potentialsgenerated by a muscle motor unit (MU). For any signal sampled above the Nyquist frequency the esti-mated RMS does not depend on the sampling rate while the estimated ARV does. The surface potentialis often sampled in space below the Nyquist frequency, by high density surface EMG detection systems(HDsEMG), generating aliasing in space. For point-like electrodes, the lowest spatial sampling frequencycorresponding to the largest inter-electrode distance (IED), which avoids spatial aliasing for a simulatedMU action potential, is 100 samples/m (IED = 10 mm). Therefore, IEDs below this value are recommendedfor measurements of EMG image features. From the theoretical point of view, the spatial RMS of sEMGimages is more robust than the ARV with respect to the IED and should be preferre

    Analysis of sEMG on biceps brachii and brachioradialis in static conditions: Effect of joint angle and contraction level

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    Despite several previous investigations, the direct correlation between the elbow joint angle and the activities of related muscles is still an unresolved topic. The sEMG signals were recorded from biceps brachii (6x8 electrodes, 10mm IED, d=3mm) and brachioradialis (1x8 electrodes, 5mm IED, d=3mm) of ten subjects. The subjects were asked to perform isometric elbow flexion at five joint angles with four contraction levels with respect to the maximum contraction (MVC) at that joint angle. The RMS values of biceps brachii (BB) and brachioradialis (BR) are computed within 500ms epoch and averaged over the muscle’s active region. These values increase along as force increases regardless the joint angle. Concerning the different joint angle, we found that as the arm extended, the RMS values of seven subjects decreased, while the RMS values of three subjects increased. This behavior suggests different strategies of muscle contribution to the task in different subjects but may also be attributed to the technical issues discussed in Chapter 2 - 7. Prior to this investigation, several issues related to the sEMG signals recording and processing were evaluated. Analysis on the effect of different elbow joint angle on the position of the innervations zone (IZ) of biceps brachii muscle indicates that the IZ shifts distally 24±9mm as the subjects extend their arms. Thus to assure sEMG signal recording, a grid of electrodes is selected instead of bipolar electrodes. The issue of spatial aliasing, which has not been addressed before, was studied. Greater electrode’s diameter implies higher spatial low pass filtering effect which gives an advantage as anti-aliasing filter in space. On the other hand, this low pass filtering effect increase the error on the power for the single sEMG image (d=10mm, 10mm IED) to 3±13.5% compared to the continuous image. Larger IED introduces RMS estimation error up to ±18% for the single sEMG image (15mm IED). However, taking the mean of a group of maps, the error of the mean is negligible (<3%). Furthermore, the envelope of the rectified EMG has been investigated. Five digital low pass filters (Butterworth, Chebyshev, Inverse Chebyshev, and Elliptic) with five different orders, four cut off frequencies and one or bi-directional filtering were tested using simulated sEMG interference signals. The results show that different filters are optimal for different applications. Power line interference is one of the sources of impurity of the sEMG signals. Notch filter, spectral interpolation, adaptive filter, and adaptive noise canceller with phase locked loop were compared. Another factor that affects the amplitude of sEMG is the subcutaneous layer thickness (ST). Higher contraction level and greater elbow joint angle lead to thinner ST. RMS values tend to decrease for thicker ST at a rate of 1.62 decade/decade