609 research outputs found

    A New Proposed Cost Model for List Accessing Problem using Buffering

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    There are many existing well known cost models for the list accessing problem. The standard cost model developed by Sleator and Tarjan is most widely used. In this paper, we have made a comprehensive study of the existing cost models and proposed a new cost model for the list accessing problem. In our proposed cost model, for calculating the processing cost of request sequence using a singly linked list, we consider the access cost, matching cost and replacement cost. The cost of processing a request sequence is the sum of access cost, matching cost and replacement cost. We have proposed a novel method for processing the request sequence which does not consider the rearrangement of the list and uses the concept of buffering, matching, look ahead and flag bit.Comment: 05 Pages, 2 figure

    On-Line Paging against Adversarially Biased Random Inputs

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    In evaluating an algorithm, worst-case analysis can be overly pessimistic. Average-case analysis can be overly optimistic. An intermediate approach is to show that an algorithm does well on a broad class of input distributions. Koutsoupias and Papadimitriou recently analyzed the least-recently-used (LRU) paging strategy in this manner, analyzing its performance on an input sequence generated by a so-called diffuse adversary -- one that must choose each request probabilitistically so that no page is chosen with probability more than some fixed epsilon>0. They showed that LRU achieves the optimal competitive ratio (for deterministic on-line algorithms), but they didn't determine the actual ratio. In this paper we estimate the optimal ratios within roughly a factor of two for both deterministic strategies (e.g. least-recently-used and first-in-first-out) and randomized strategies. Around the threshold epsilon ~ 1/k (where k is the cache size), the optimal ratios are both Theta(ln k). Below the threshold the ratios tend rapidly to O(1). Above the threshold the ratio is unchanged for randomized strategies but tends rapidly to Theta(k) for deterministic ones. We also give an alternate proof of the optimality of LRU.Comment: Conference version appeared in SODA '98 as "Bounding the Diffuse Adversary

    FIFO anomaly is unbounded

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    Virtual memory of computers is usually implemented by demand paging. For some page replacement algorithms the number of page faults may increase as the number of page frames increases. Belady, Nelson and Shedler constructed reference strings for which page replacement algorithm FIFO produces near twice more page faults in a larger memory than in a smaller one. They formulated the conjecture that 2 is a general bound. We prove that this ratio can be arbitrarily large

    First-Come-First-Served for Online Slot Allocation and Huffman Coding

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    Can one choose a good Huffman code on the fly, without knowing the underlying distribution? Online Slot Allocation (OSA) models this and similar problems: There are n slots, each with a known cost. There are n items. Requests for items are drawn i.i.d. from a fixed but hidden probability distribution p. After each request, if the item, i, was not previously requested, then the algorithm (knowing the slot costs and the requests so far, but not p) must place the item in some vacant slot j(i). The goal is to minimize the sum, over the items, of the probability of the item times the cost of its assigned slot. The optimal offline algorithm is trivial: put the most probable item in the cheapest slot, the second most probable item in the second cheapest slot, etc. The optimal online algorithm is First Come First Served (FCFS): put the first requested item in the cheapest slot, the second (distinct) requested item in the second cheapest slot, etc. The optimal competitive ratios for any online algorithm are 1+H(n-1) ~ ln n for general costs and 2 for concave costs. For logarithmic costs, the ratio is, asymptotically, 1: FCFS gives cost opt + O(log opt). For Huffman coding, FCFS yields an online algorithm (one that allocates codewords on demand, without knowing the underlying probability distribution) that guarantees asymptotically optimal cost: at most opt + 2 log(1+opt) + 2.Comment: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) 201

    Self-organizing search lists using probabilistic back-pointers

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    A class of algorithms is given for maintaining self-organizing sequential search lists, where the only permutation applied is to move the accessed record of each search some distance towards the front of the list. During searches, these algorithms retain a back-pointer to a previously probed record in order to determine the destination of the accessed record's eventual move. The back-pointer does not traverse the list, but rather it is advanced occationally to point to the record just probed by the search algorithm. This avoids the cost of a second traversal through a significant portion of the list, which may be a significant savings when each record access may require a new page to be brought into primary memory. Probabilistic functions for deciding when to advance the pointer are presented and analyzed. These functions demonstrate average case complexities of measures such as asymptotic cost and convergence similar to some of the more common list update algorithms in the literature. In cases where the accessed record is moved forward a distance proportional to the distance to the front of the list, the use of these functions may save up to 50% of the time required for permuting the list

    On the List Update Problem with Advice

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    We study the online list update problem under the advice model of computation. Under this model, an online algorithm receives partial information about the unknown parts of the input in the form of some bits of advice generated by a benevolent offline oracle. We show that advice of linear size is required and sufficient for a deterministic algorithm to achieve an optimal solution or even a competitive ratio better than 15/1415/14. On the other hand, we show that surprisingly two bits of advice are sufficient to break the lower bound of 22 on the competitive ratio of deterministic online algorithms and achieve a deterministic algorithm with a competitive ratio of 5/35/3. In this upper-bound argument, the bits of advice determine the algorithm with smaller cost among three classical online algorithms, TIMESTAMP and two members of the MTF2 family of algorithms. We also show that MTF2 algorithms are 2.52.5-competitive
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