4,253 research outputs found

    A survey of the material and intellectual consequences of trading in undocumented ancient coins : a case study on the North American trade

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    Ancient coins are among the most widely collected and demanded objects among American collectors of antiquities. A vocal lobby of ancient coin dealers/collectors has arisen to protect the importation of undocumented material into the United States and also seeks to make a distinction between antiquities trafficking and that in ancient coins. Coins are an equally important historical source and are no less important 'antiquities' than a Greek painted vase. I examine the scale of the trade in ancient coins in North America and address some points made by proponents of a continued unfettered ancient coin trade

    Fatimid coins in the National Museum of Damascus. An overview

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    The Fatimid coins in the National Museum of Damascus were only partially published so far. This contribution presents one hundred and one pieces from the Syrian museum, of which fifty were previously unpublished and only two of which had been illustrated before. Through this new material, and its detailed catalogue, it is now possible to add new data to Fatimid numismatic history and to document the holdings of an important museum collection

    Microstructure and chemical composition of Roman orichalcum coins emitted after the monetary reform of Augustus (23 B.C.)

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    A collection of ancient Roman orichalcum coins, i.e., a copper-zinc alloy, minted under the reigns from Caesar to Domitianus, have been characterised using scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS) and electron microprobe analysis (EMPA). We studied, for the first time, coins emitted by Romans after the reforms of Augustus (23 B.C.) and Nero (63-64 A.D). These coins, consisting of asses, sestertii, dupondii and semisses, were analysed using non- and invasive analyses, aiming to explore microstructure, corrosive process and to acquire quantitative chemical analysis. The results revealed that the coins are characterized by porous external layers, which are affected by dezincification and decuprification processes. As pictured by the X-ray maps, the elemental distribution of Cu and Zn shows patterns of depletion that in some cases penetrate in deep up to 1 mm. The composition of the un-corroded nucleus is a Cu-Zn alloy containing up to 30% of Zn, typical of coins produced via cementation process

    International Numismatic Libraries

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    Numismatic libraries have been in existence for centuries. Yet, very little has been written about them and very few studies have been conducted. This paper presents a comprehensive and informative study on international numismatic libraries. Numismatic libraries play a vital and essential role in supporting numismatic research. Their collections usually consists of all the essential books, periodicals, catalogues, including auction catalogues, manuscripts, and other resources needed for numismatic research. But these libraries often remain hidden behind the parent organization. This presentation focuses on a recent study of thirty-eight international numismatic libraries from national coin cabinets, museums, independent national organizations, specialized collector organizations, and general research collections with numismatic collections. Surveys were sent between 2011-2013 to gather information about the libraries including staffing, history, research holdings and collections, policies, usage, accessibility, automation, classification systems and cataloging, and overall organization of their collections

    History of the Chinese Collection at the American Numismatic Society

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    International audienc

    Huntington Coin Collection and Donation Protection

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    Mr. Archer M. Huntington (1870-1955) was one of the greatest collector and donor in American history at the early 20th century. He was the founder of Hispanic Society of America and the president of American Numismatic Society. During his lifetime, he set up one of the most important Hispanic coin collection and donated all these coins to Hispanic Society of America in the meanwhile loaned to American Numismatic for study and research purpose. After he passed by, at 2008 Hispanic Society of America sued against America Numismatic Society for getting back the Huntington coin collection with other related documents and photos. Hispanic Society of America won the case and got back the coins. After that, they sold all the coin’s collection with the help of Sotheby. Based on my study, this auction violated the will of the donor and the relevant government authority were also not fulfilling their obligations. Through my article, I would analysis the whole case and try to use evidence to proof that Hispanic Society of America does not have the moral right to auction Huntington Coin Collection and the Charity Bureau does not make enough work to prevent such culture tragedy. Further discussion about how to prevent such culture tragedy would also be discussed. This article could be reference to those people who would like to donate their collections to museums and institutions

    Journal of another plague year

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    Recent years have seen a catalogue of plagues and sundry other contagions. Hard on the scaly heels of avian flu follows global warming, swine flu, obesity, and now the economic plague. This litany of woes has affect’d me deeply, as these few entries from my diary this past year shew. Rose early to enjoy reading the latest bill of mortality of estate agents in the Parish of St Giles, which show’d again a monthly increase. The Bankers, too, have this past year been struck low, and it transpires that their understanding of the term "Bank" has left much to be desired; they have been sinking our shillings in miscellaneous crackpot schemes in the Colonies that few understand, and fewer profit from: to wit, hedge funds, subprime mortgages, Ponzi schemes, plans to build golden stairways to the moon, and God knows how many other feeble minded schemes

    Spartan Daily, April 26, 1951

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    Volume 39, Issue 128https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/11549/thumbnail.jp
