5 research outputs found

    Efficient entry point encoding and decoding algorithms on 2D Hilbert space filling curve

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    The Hilbert curve is an important method for mapping high-dimensional spatial information into one-dimensional spatial information while preserving the locality in the high-dimensional space. Entry points of a Hilbert curve can be used for image compression, dimensionality reduction, corrupted image detection and many other applications. As far as we know, there is no specific algorithms developed for entry points. To address this issue, in this paper we present an efficient entry point encoding algorithm (EP-HE) and a corresponding decoding algorithm (EP-HD). These two algorithms are efficient by exploiting the m consecutive 0s in the rear part of an entry point. We further found that the outputs of these two algorithms are a certain multiple of a certain bit of s, where s is the starting state of these m levels. Therefore, the results of these m levels can be directly calculated without iteratively encoding and decoding. The experimental results show that these two algorithms outperform their counterparts in terms of processing entry points

    M-Grid : A distributed framework for multidimensional indexing and querying of location based big data

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    The widespread use of mobile devices and the real time availability of user-location information is facilitating the development of new personalized, location-based applications and services (LBSs). Such applications require multi-attribute query processing, handling of high access scalability, support for millions of users, real time querying capability and analysis of large volumes of data. Cloud computing aided a new generation of distributed databases commonly known as key-value stores. Key-value stores were designed to extract value from very large volumes of data while being highly available, fault-tolerant and scalable, hence providing much needed features to support LBSs. However complex queries on multidimensional data cannot be processed efficiently as they do not provide means to access multiple attributes. In this thesis we present MGrid, a unifying indexing framework which enables key-value stores to support multidimensional queries. We organize a set of nodes in a P-Grid overlay network which provides fault-tolerance and efficient query processing. We use Hilbert Space Filling Curve based linearization technique which preserves the data locality to efficiently manage multi-dimensional data in a key-value store. We propose algorithms to dynamically process range and k nearest neighbor (kNN) queries on linearized values. This removes the overhead of maintaining a separate index table. Our approach is completely independent from the underlying storage layer and can be implemented on any cloud infrastructure. Experiments on Amazon EC2 show that MGrid achieves a performance improvement of three orders of magnitude in comparison to MapReduce and four times to that of MDHBase scheme --Abstract, pages iii-iv

    Locality-Preserving Properties of Space-Filling Curves

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    Scalable multimedia indexing and similarity search in high dimensionality

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    Orientador: Ricardo da Silva TorresDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: A disseminação de grandes coleções de arquivos de imagens, músicas e vídeos tem aumentado a demanda por métodos de indexação e sistemas de recuperação de informações multimídia. No caso de imagens, os sistemas de busca mais promissores são os sistemas baseados no conteúdo, que ao invés de usarem descrições textuais, utilizam vetores de características, que são representações de propriedades visuais, como cor, textura e forma. O emparelhamento dos vetores de características da imagem de consulta e das imagens de uma base de dados é implementado através da busca por similaridade. A sua forma mais comum é a busca pelos k vizinhos mais próximos, ou seja, encontrar os k vetores mais próximos ao vetor da consulta. Em grandes bases de imagens, um índice é indispensável para acelerar essas consultas. O problema é que os vetores de características podem ter muitas dimensões, o que afeta gravemente o desempenho dos métodos de indexação. Acima de 10 dimensões, geralmente é preciso recorrer aos métodos aproximados, sacrificando a eficácia em troca da rapidez. Dentre as diversas soluções propostas, existe uma abordagem baseada em curvas fractais chamadas curvas de preenchimento do espaço. Essas curvas permitem mapear pontos de um espaço multidimensional em uma única dimensão, de maneira que os pontos próximos na curva correspondam a pontos próximos no espaço. O grande problema dessa alternativa é a existência de regiões de descontinuidade nas curvas, pontos próximos dessas regiões não são mapeados próximos na curva. A principal contribuição deste trabalho é um método de indexação de vetores de características de alta dimensionalidade, que utiliza uma curva de preenchimento do espaço e múltiplos representantes para os dados. Esse método, chamado MONORAIL, gera os representantes explorando as propriedades geométricas da curva. Isso resulta em um ganho na eficácia da busca por similaridade, quando comparado com o método de referência. Outra contribuição não trivial deste trabalho é o rigor experimental usado nas comparações: os experimentos foram cuidadosamente projetados para garantir resultados estatisticamente significativos. A escalabilidade do MONORAIL é testada com três bases de dados de tamanhos diferentes, a maior delas com mais de 130 milhões de vetoresAbstract: The spread of large collections of images, videos and music has increased the demand for indexing methods and multimedia information retrieval systems. For images, the most promising search engines are content-based, which instead of using textual annotations, use feature vectors to represent visual properties such as color, texture, and shape. The matching of feature vectors of query image and database images is implemented by similarity search. Its most common form is the k nearest neighbors search, which aims to find the k closest vectors to the query vector. In large image databases, an index structure is essential to speed up those queries. The problem is that the feature vectors may have many dimensions, which seriously affects the performance of indexing methods. For more than 10 dimensions, it is often necessary to use approximate methods to trade-off effectiveness for speed. Among the several solutions proposed, there is an approach based on fractal curves known as space-filling curves. Those curves allow the mapping of a multidimensional space onto a single dimension, so that points near on the curve correspond to points near on the space. The great problem with that alternative is the existence of discontinuity regions on the curves, where points near on those regions are not mapped near on the curve. The main contribution of this dissertation is an indexing method for high-dimensional feature vectors, using a single space-filling curve and multiple surrogates for each data point. That method, called MONORAIL, generates surrogates by exploiting the geometric properties of the curve. The result is a gain in terms of effectiveness of similarity search, when compared to the baseline method. Another non-trivial contribution of this work is the rigorous experimental design used for the comparisons. The experiments were carefully designed to ensure statistically sound results. The scalability of the MONORAIL is tested with three databases of different sizes, the largest one with more than 130 million vectorsMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Exploring Techniques for Providing Privacy in Location-Based Services Nearest Neighbor Query

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    Increasing numbers of people are subscribing to location-based services, but as the popularity grows so are the privacy concerns. Varieties of research exist to address these privacy concerns. Each technique tries to address different models with which location-based services respond to subscribers. In this work, we present ideas to address privacy concerns for the two main models namely: the snapshot nearest neighbor query model and the continuous nearest neighbor query model. First, we address snapshot nearest neighbor query model where location-based services response represents a snapshot of point in time. In this model, we introduce a novel idea based on the concept of an open set in a topological space where points belongs to a subset called neighborhood of a point. We extend this concept to provide anonymity to real objects where each object belongs to a disjointed neighborhood such that each neighborhood contains a single object. To help identify the objects, we implement a database which dynamically scales in direct proportion with the size of the neighborhood. To retrieve information secretly and allow the database to expose only requested information, private information retrieval protocols are executed twice on the data. Our study of the implementation shows that the concept of a single object neighborhood is able to efficiently scale the database with the objects in the area. The size of the database grows with the size of the grid and the objects covered by the location-based services. Typically, creating neighborhoods, computing distances between objects in the area, and running private information retrieval protocols causes the CPU to respond slowly with this increase in database size. In order to handle a large number of objects, we explore the concept of kernel and parallel computing in GPU. We develop GPU parallel implementation of the snapshot query to handle large number of objects. In our experiment, we exploit parameter tuning. The results show that with parameter tuning and parallel computing power of GPU we are able to significantly reduce the response time as the number of objects increases. To determine response time of an application without knowledge of the intricacies of GPU architecture, we extend our analysis to predict GPU execution time. We develop the run time equation for an operation and extrapolate the run time for a problem set based on the equation, and then we provide a model to predict GPU response time. As an alternative, the snapshot nearest neighbor query privacy problem can be addressed using secure hardware computing which can eliminate the need for protecting the rest of the sub-system, minimize resource usage and network transmission time. In this approach, a secure coprocessor is used to provide privacy. We process all information inside the coprocessor to deny adversaries access to any private information. To obfuscate access pattern to external memory location, we use oblivious random access memory methodology to access the server. Experimental evaluation shows that using a secure coprocessor reduces resource usage and query response time as the size of the coverage area and objects increases. Second, we address privacy concerns in the continuous nearest neighbor query model where location-based services automatically respond to a change in object*s location. In this model, we present solutions for two different types known as moving query static object and moving query moving object. For the solutions, we propose plane partition using a Voronoi diagram, and a continuous fractal space filling curve using a Hilbert curve order to create a continuous nearest neighbor relationship between the points of interest in a path. Specifically, space filling curve results in multi-dimensional to 1-dimensional object mapping where values are assigned to the objects based on proximity. To prevent subscribers from issuing a query each time there is a change in location and to reduce the response time, we introduce the concept of transition and update time to indicate where and when the nearest neighbor changes. We also introduce a database that dynamically scales with the size of the objects in a path to help obscure and relate objects. By executing the private information retrieval protocol twice on the data, the user secretly retrieves requested information from the database. The results of our experiment show that using plane partitioning and a fractal space filling curve to create nearest neighbor relationships with transition time between objects reduces the total response time