2,096 research outputs found

    Exploiting Unlabeled Data in CNNs by Self-supervised Learning to Rank

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    For many applications the collection of labeled data is expensive laborious. Exploitation of unlabeled data during training is thus a long pursued objective of machine learning. Self-supervised learning addresses this by positing an auxiliary task (different, but related to the supervised task) for which data is abundantly available. In this paper, we show how ranking can be used as a proxy task for some regression problems. As another contribution, we propose an efficient backpropagation technique for Siamese networks which prevents the redundant computation introduced by the multi-branch network architecture. We apply our framework to two regression problems: Image Quality Assessment (IQA) and Crowd Counting. For both we show how to automatically generate ranked image sets from unlabeled data. Our results show that networks trained to regress to the ground truth targets for labeled data and to simultaneously learn to rank unlabeled data obtain significantly better, state-of-the-art results for both IQA and crowd counting. In addition, we show that measuring network uncertainty on the self-supervised proxy task is a good measure of informativeness of unlabeled data. This can be used to drive an algorithm for active learning and we show that this reduces labeling effort by up to 50%.Comment: Accepted at TPAMI. (Keywords: Learning from rankings, image quality assessment, crowd counting, active learning). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1803.0309

    CrowdCLIP: Unsupervised Crowd Counting via Vision-Language Model

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    Supervised crowd counting relies heavily on costly manual labeling, which is difficult and expensive, especially in dense scenes. To alleviate the problem, we propose a novel unsupervised framework for crowd counting, named CrowdCLIP. The core idea is built on two observations: 1) the recent contrastive pre-trained vision-language model (CLIP) has presented impressive performance on various downstream tasks; 2) there is a natural mapping between crowd patches and count text. To the best of our knowledge, CrowdCLIP is the first to investigate the vision language knowledge to solve the counting problem. Specifically, in the training stage, we exploit the multi-modal ranking loss by constructing ranking text prompts to match the size-sorted crowd patches to guide the image encoder learning. In the testing stage, to deal with the diversity of image patches, we propose a simple yet effective progressive filtering strategy to first select the highly potential crowd patches and then map them into the language space with various counting intervals. Extensive experiments on five challenging datasets demonstrate that the proposed CrowdCLIP achieves superior performance compared to previous unsupervised state-of-the-art counting methods. Notably, CrowdCLIP even surpasses some popular fully-supervised methods under the cross-dataset setting. The source code will be available at https://github.com/dk-liang/CrowdCLIP.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 202

    Fine-grained Domain Adaptive Crowd Counting via Point-derived Segmentation

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    Due to domain shift, a large performance drop is usually observed when a trained crowd counting model is deployed in the wild. While existing domain-adaptive crowd counting methods achieve promising results, they typically regard each crowd image as a whole and reduce domain discrepancies in a holistic manner, thus limiting further improvement of domain adaptation performance. To this end, we propose to untangle \emph{domain-invariant} crowd and \emph{domain-specific} background from crowd images and design a fine-grained domain adaption method for crowd counting. Specifically, to disentangle crowd from background, we propose to learn crowd segmentation from point-level crowd counting annotations in a weakly-supervised manner. Based on the derived segmentation, we design a crowd-aware domain adaptation mechanism consisting of two crowd-aware adaptation modules, i.e., Crowd Region Transfer (CRT) and Crowd Density Alignment (CDA). The CRT module is designed to guide crowd features transfer across domains beyond background distractions. The CDA module dedicates to regularising target-domain crowd density generation by its own crowd density distribution. Our method outperforms previous approaches consistently in the widely-used adaptation scenarios.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, and 9 table

    Unsupervised Methods for Camera Pose Estimation and People Counting in Crowded Scenes

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    Most visual crowd counting methods rely on training with labeled data to learn a mapping between features in the image and the number of people in the scene. However, the exact nature of this mapping may change as a function of different scene and viewing conditions, limiting the ability of such supervised systems to generalize to novel conditions, and thus preventing broad deployment. Here I propose an alternative, unsupervised strategy anchored on a 3D simulation that automatically learns how groups of people appear in the image and adapts to the signal processing parameters of the current viewing scenario. To implement this 3D strategy, knowledge of the camera parameters is required. Most methods for automatic camera calibration make assumptions about regularities in scene structure or motion patterns, which do not always apply. I propose a novel motion based approach for recovering camera tilt that does not require tracking. Having an automatic camera calibration method allows for the implementation of an accurate crowd counting algorithm that reasons in 3D. The system is evaluated on various datasets and compared against state-of-art methods

    Learning Segmentation Masks with the Independence Prior

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    An instance with a bad mask might make a composite image that uses it look fake. This encourages us to learn segmentation by generating realistic composite images. To achieve this, we propose a novel framework that exploits a new proposed prior called the independence prior based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). The generator produces an image with multiple category-specific instance providers, a layout module and a composition module. Firstly, each provider independently outputs a category-specific instance image with a soft mask. Then the provided instances' poses are corrected by the layout module. Lastly, the composition module combines these instances into a final image. Training with adversarial loss and penalty for mask area, each provider learns a mask that is as small as possible but enough to cover a complete category-specific instance. Weakly supervised semantic segmentation methods widely use grouping cues modeling the association between image parts, which are either artificially designed or learned with costly segmentation labels or only modeled on local pairs. Unlike them, our method automatically models the dependence between any parts and learns instance segmentation. We apply our framework in two cases: (1) Foreground segmentation on category-specific images with box-level annotation. (2) Unsupervised learning of instance appearances and masks with only one image of homogeneous object cluster (HOC). We get appealing results in both tasks, which shows the independence prior is useful for instance segmentation and it is possible to unsupervisedly learn instance masks with only one image.Comment: 7+5 pages, 13 figures, Accepted to AAAI 201
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