212 research outputs found

    Fast arithmetic computing with neural networks

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    The authors introduce a restricted model of a neuron which is more practical as a model of computation then the classical model of a neuron. The authors define a model of neural networks as a feedforward network of such neurons. Whereas any logic circuit of polynomial size (in n) that computes the product of two n-bit numbers requires unbounded delay, such computations can be done in a neural network with constant delay. The authors improve some known results by showing that the product of two n-bit numbers and sorting of n n-bit numbers can both be computed by a polynomial size neural network using only four unit delays, independent of n . Moreover, the weights of each threshold element in the neural networks require only O(log n)-bit (instead of n-bit) accuracy

    Boolean Operations, Joins, and the Extended Low Hierarchy

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    We prove that the join of two sets may actually fall into a lower level of the extended low hierarchy than either of the sets. In particular, there exist sets that are not in the second level of the extended low hierarchy, EL_2, yet their join is in EL_2. That is, in terms of extended lowness, the join operator can lower complexity. Since in a strong intuitive sense the join does not lower complexity, our result suggests that the extended low hierarchy is unnatural as a complexity measure. We also study the closure properties of EL_ and prove that EL_2 is not closed under certain Boolean operations. To this end, we establish the first known (and optimal) EL_2 lower bounds for certain notions generalizing Selman's P-selectivity, which may be regarded as an interesting result in its own right.Comment: 12 page

    Subspace-Invariant AC0^0 Formulas

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    We consider the action of a linear subspace UU of {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n on the set of AC0^0 formulas with inputs labeled by literals in the set {X1,Xβ€Ύ1,…,Xn,Xβ€Ύn}\{X_1,\overline X_1,\dots,X_n,\overline X_n\}, where an element u∈Uu \in U acts on formulas by transposing the iith pair of literals for all i∈[n]i \in [n] such that ui=1u_i=1. A formula is {\em UU-invariant} if it is fixed by this action. For example, there is a well-known recursive construction of depth d+1d+1 formulas of size O(nβ‹…2dn1/d)O(n{\cdot}2^{dn^{1/d}}) computing the nn-variable PARITY function; these formulas are easily seen to be PP-invariant where PP is the subspace of even-weight elements of {0,1}n\{0,1\}^n. In this paper we establish a nearly matching 2d(n1/dβˆ’1)2^{d(n^{1/d}-1)} lower bound on the PP-invariant depth d+1d+1 formula size of PARITY. Quantitatively this improves the best known Ξ©(2184d(n1/dβˆ’1))\Omega(2^{\frac{1}{84}d(n^{1/d}-1)}) lower bound for {\em unrestricted} depth d+1d+1 formulas, while avoiding the use of the switching lemma. More generally, for any linear subspaces UβŠ‚VU \subset V, we show that if a Boolean function is UU-invariant and non-constant over VV, then its UU-invariant depth d+1d+1 formula size is at least 2d(m1/dβˆ’1)2^{d(m^{1/d}-1)} where mm is the minimum Hamming weight of a vector in UβŠ₯βˆ–VβŠ₯U^\bot \setminus V^\bot

    Lower Bounds for (Non-Monotone) Comparator Circuits

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    Comparator circuits are a natural circuit model for studying the concept of bounded fan-out computations, which intuitively corresponds to whether or not a computational model can make "copies" of intermediate computational steps. Comparator circuits are believed to be weaker than general Boolean circuits, but they can simulate Branching Programs and Boolean formulas. In this paper we prove the first superlinear lower bounds in the general (non-monotone) version of this model for an explicitly defined function. More precisely, we prove that the n-bit Element Distinctness function requires ?((n/ log n)^(3/2)) size comparator circuits

    On the Depth of Deep Neural Networks: A Theoretical View

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    People believe that depth plays an important role in success of deep neural networks (DNN). However, this belief lacks solid theoretical justifications as far as we know. We investigate role of depth from perspective of margin bound. In margin bound, expected error is upper bounded by empirical margin error plus Rademacher Average (RA) based capacity term. First, we derive an upper bound for RA of DNN, and show that it increases with increasing depth. This indicates negative impact of depth on test performance. Second, we show that deeper networks tend to have larger representation power (measured by Betti numbers based complexity) than shallower networks in multi-class setting, and thus can lead to smaller empirical margin error. This implies positive impact of depth. The combination of these two results shows that for DNN with restricted number of hidden units, increasing depth is not always good since there is a tradeoff between positive and negative impacts. These results inspire us to seek alternative ways to achieve positive impact of depth, e.g., imposing margin-based penalty terms to cross entropy loss so as to reduce empirical margin error without increasing depth. Our experiments show that in this way, we achieve significantly better test performance.Comment: AAAI 201

    Learning pseudo-Boolean k-DNF and Submodular Functions

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    We prove that any submodular function f: {0,1}^n -> {0,1,...,k} can be represented as a pseudo-Boolean 2k-DNF formula. Pseudo-Boolean DNFs are a natural generalization of DNF representation for functions with integer range. Each term in such a formula has an associated integral constant. We show that an analog of Hastad's switching lemma holds for pseudo-Boolean k-DNFs if all constants associated with the terms of the formula are bounded. This allows us to generalize Mansour's PAC-learning algorithm for k-DNFs to pseudo-Boolean k-DNFs, and hence gives a PAC-learning algorithm with membership queries under the uniform distribution for submodular functions of the form f:{0,1}^n -> {0,1,...,k}. Our algorithm runs in time polynomial in n, k^{O(k \log k / \epsilon)}, 1/\epsilon and log(1/\delta) and works even in the agnostic setting. The line of previous work on learning submodular functions [Balcan, Harvey (STOC '11), Gupta, Hardt, Roth, Ullman (STOC '11), Cheraghchi, Klivans, Kothari, Lee (SODA '12)] implies only n^{O(k)} query complexity for learning submodular functions in this setting, for fixed epsilon and delta. Our learning algorithm implies a property tester for submodularity of functions f:{0,1}^n -> {0, ..., k} with query complexity polynomial in n for k=O((\log n/ \loglog n)^{1/2}) and constant proximity parameter \epsilon
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