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    Smartphone market is growing very quickly with embedding new technologies. Many global and local brands are entering aggressively to Turkish market. In Turkey, there are different channels for this business; technology superstores’, telecom retailer and mix retail channel. Mainly 3 technology chains have around 200 important shops. Telecom retail channel has around 8.000 shops with different operators and different owners which needs long-term investment, Mix channel also has around 11.000 independent stores which needs high field force investment to contact with all independent dealers. We may say that technology superstores seems more suitable for fast growing brands, Because technology superstore channel has only 200 stores with high capacity which can be controllable more easily.All brands are looking for a way to raise their sales and make the correct sales activities to be able to compete in the competitive smartphone market. Due to sales person is one of the key points that faces the consumer in the shops and ends the sales, companies positioning sales person (promoters) in technology chain stores. Additional to positioning sales person, companies provide sales promotions to sales person as tool to increase sales performance. We may list sales promotions as; price discount, bundle gift, marketing activities -to attract customer to stores- sales person bonus incentive, in store marketing material and activities. Sales person is the first point that facing with consumer in the retail store. Furthermore we believe sales person’s opinion is very valuable while defining sales actions for the companies in smartphone market. In this study, survey is executed with sales persons (sales staff, promoter) to find out sales person idea to improve sales performance and budget allocation about shop’s sales activities. We believe this study will guide and help smartphone companies for planning their sales promotion & activities and sales budget allocation.Рынок смартфонов растет очень быстро, используя новые технологии. Много мировых и локальных брендов активно внедряются на турецкий рынок. В Турции для этого бизнеса существуют различные каналы: гипермаркеты техники, розничные телекоммуникационные продавцы и смешанная розничная торговля. Данное исследование направлено на помощь компаниям смартфонов для стимулирования продаж, а также распределения бюджета продаж.Ринок смартфонів зростає дуже швидко, використовуючи нові технології. Багато світових та локальних брендів активно впроваджуються на турецький ринок. У Туреччині для цього бізнесу існують різні канали: гіпермаркети техніки, роздрібні телекомунікаційні продавці та змішана роздрібна торгівля. Переважно 3 мережі з збуту техніки налічують близько 200 важливих магазинів. Телекомунікаційний роздрібний канал має близько 8000 магазинів з різними операторами та різними власниками, які потребують довгострокових інвестицій. Змішаний канал реалізації також має близько 11000 незалежних магазинів, які потребують великих інвестицій для контактів з усіма незалежними дилерами. Ми можемо сказати, що гіпермаркети техніки видаються більш зручнішими для швидкозростаючих брендів. Оскільки гіпермаркети техніки мають тільки 200 магазинів з великим обсягом, який можна легко контролювати.Всі бренди шукають спосіб збільшити свої продажі та зробити їх оптимальними, щоб конкурувати на ринку смартфонів. Завдяки продавцю, одним з ключових моментів, з яким стикається споживач в магазинах і закінчує продаж, це позиціонування компанії продавця (промоутера) в мережах магазинів техніки. Додатково до позиціонування продавця, компанії забезпечують стимулювання продажів для продавців як інструмент підвищення ефективності продажів. Основними джерелами стимулювання продажу, є: зниження ціни, подарунки до товару, маркетингова діяльність – для залучення клієнта до магазину – бонусне заохочення продавця, торгівельний маркетинговий продукт тощо. Продавець є першим, з ким стикається споживач у роздрібному магазині. Крім того, думка продавця дуже цінна при придбанні товару для компаній на ринку смартфонів. У цьому дослідженні, виконуються опитування серед продавців (співробітників відділу продажу, промоутерів), щоб дізнатись ідеї продавця про підвищення ефективності продажів та бюджету розподілу щодо торговельної діяльності магазину. Дослідження спрямоване допомогти компаніям продавцям смартфонів стимулювати продажі та підвищити ефективність діяльності, а також розподілу бюджету продаж

    Three Essays On Retail Branding, The Makings Of A Great Retail Brand: Antecedents, Outcomes, And Retailer Ad Spending Strategies

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    Brands are valuable intangible assets with long-term benefits. In the retail industry, branding is of particular importance because of the highly competitive nature of the industry. Even though many of the important branding principles apply, retail brands are distinct from product brands. This dissertation aims to clarify the nature and dimensionality of retail brand equity and explore the effect of retail advertising on its market and financial performance. In the first essay, the primary antecedents of retail brand equity are examined using both functional and experiential dimensions of retail brand association. The results illustrate the salient role of the consumer shopping experience in cultivating retail brand equity and suggest that retailers are worth more than just the products they sell. Additionally, the assessment of several sources of shopping value and the consumer shopping experience in a retail setting can provide a good diagnostic tool for marketing practitioners. The second essay proposes and validates the resource premium as an outcome measure of retail brand equity. We developed our measurement in a retail clothing setting and validated it for retail grocery to prove its generalizability. We further validated the measure by examining its correlation with other commonly available measures and assessed the predictive validity of the measure by examining its relationship with a firm’s brand performance (Tobin’s q). The results show that our measure reflects the main underlying construct of retail brand equity and can also tap into dimensions of retail brand equity that other measures do not reflect. Finally, as retail continues to spend the most on advertising across all industries, the third essay aims to explore the effect of retail advertising on different retail brand performance metrics. Using longitudinal data of 113 retailers from 2008–2015, this study is the first to empirically examine whether the timing of advertising can influence a retailer’s performance, and in what way. The findings underscore the importance of advertising concentration and reveal a more comprehensive picture of how retail advertising really works

    Channel and Coordination

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    Facebook Marketing and Its Influence on Consumer Purchase Behaviour in the Context of Bangladesh

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    Facebook is a widely used social media platform where people usually spend a lot of time. Presently, it is considered a great way to outspread information globally through its artificial intelligence-based targeted control. As a result, Facebook also plays a vital role in the expansion of businesses due to its huge number of audiences around the universe. Nowadays to reach these customers very quickly and easily, businessmen around the world are utilizing Facebook as one of the best tools for marketing purposes. In Bangladesh, almost every person who possesses a smartphone or has internet accessibility uses Facebook as their primary social networking website. This frequent use of Facebook should have an influence on digital marketing. In this paper, we have tried to evaluate the influence of Facebook Marketing on customers’ purchase behavior in the context of Bangladesh through an online survey and some face-to-face interviews. Secondary data are also collected from existing research, journals papers, online reports, and websites. After the analyses, it can be stated that Facebook Marketing, having a list of positive customer feedback, has a great influence on customer purchase behavior in Bangladesh. From the positive reviews of existing customers, it can also be said that the influence rate of new customers is very high as well. Keywords:Facebook Marketing, Customers Buying Behaviour, Influence of Facebook Marketing, Digital Marketing DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-21-03 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Cross-National Heterogeneity in Retail Spending: Evidence from Longitudinal Country-Level Data

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    Economies worldwide vary greatly in terms of how much their consumers spend on various types of retail activities. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the regulatory characteristics as well as the natures and strategies of businesses are related to retail spending. We employed random effect time series cross sectional (TSCS) models linear in parameters for forty eight economies using annual data for the 1999-2008 period. The results provided strong support that economic freedom, foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow and access and availability as measured by the density of retail stores positively affect retail spending. We also found that tax and social security contributions as a proportion of the GDP is positively related to per capita grocery retail spending

    An Integrated Bargaining Solution Analysis For Vertical Cooperative Sales Promotion Campaigns Based On The Win-Win-Win Papakonstantinidis Model

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    Authors intention was to examine the possibility to investigate win-win-win papakonstantinidis model in order to develop an integrated bargaining solution analysis for vertical cooperative sales promotion campaigns. Based on previous theoretical extensions (Spais and Papakonstantinidis, 2011; Spais, Papakonstantinidis and Papakonstantinidis, 2009), this study presented an integrated bargaining solution analysis for cases of optimal allocation of a promotion budget in a cooperative sales promotion campaign in vertical marketing channels. This integrated bargaining solution analysis included: a) three (3) adjusted utility functions, considering the parameters of sales response budgeting method, the break-even sales analysis and the marketing channel members trade promotion goals; b) the referee solution, the optimal solution for the three players and the constraints; c) the definition of the third win in terms of a continuous sensitization process and perfect information; and d) the presentation of the potential outputs from a bargaining process regarding to the sharing of the cooperative sales promotion cost among A, B and C parties/players for different sales promotion offerings. Encouragingly, the review of the modern literature and the four (4) critical case studies of cooperative marketing programs confirmed the need for a win-win-win approach in cooperative sales promotion planning in vertical marketing channels

    Investigating and prioritizing the effective factors on online impulse buying in electronic commerce (case study: discount group sites in Iran)

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    This paper explores the concept of online impulse purchasing behavior. Drawing upon cognitive emotion theory, we developed a model and showed how beliefs about functional convenience (online store merchandise attractiveness and ease of use) and about representational delight (enjoyment and website communication style) related to online impulse buying. The model was tested using survey data from 410 customers of discount group websites in IRAN. Our results showed significant effects of merchandise attractiveness, enjoyment, and online store communication style, ease of use mediated by consumers’ emotions. And all of hypothesis accepted in this article. And according to Freidman test the most important factors that effect on emotion then in impulse buying is merchandise attractiveness then enjoyment, after these two factors that are important in order are, website communication style and ease of use, so the designers of discount group websites should attention to these factors that cause impulse buying