295,623 research outputs found

    Differential coupling of gibberellin responses by Rht-B1c suppressor alleles and Rht-B1b in wheat highlights a unique role for the DELLA N-terminus in dormancy

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    During the Green Revolution, substantial increases in wheat (Triticum aestivum) yields were realized, at least in part, through the introduction of the Reduced height (Rht)-B1b and Rht-D1b semi-dwarfing alleles. In contrast to Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b, the Rht-B1c allele is characterized by extreme dwarfism and exceptionally strong dormancy. Recently, 35 intragenic Rht-B1c suppressor alleles were created in the spring wheat cultivar Maringa, and termed overgrowth (ovg) alleles. Here, 14 ovg alleles with agronomically relevant plant heights were reproducibly classified into nine tall and five semi-dwarf alleles. These alleles differentially affected grain dormancy, internode elongation rate, and coleoptile and leaf lengths. The stability of these ovg effects was demonstrated for three ovg alleles in different genetic backgrounds and environments. Importantly, two semi-dwarf ovg alleles increased dormancy, which correlated with improved pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) resistance. Since no negative effects on grain yield or quality were observed, these semi-dwarf ovg alleles are valuable for breeding to achieve adequate height reduction and protection of grain quality in regions prone to PHS. Furthermore, this research highlights a unique role for the first 70 amino acids of the DELLA protein, encoded by the Rht-1 genes, in grain dormancy

    KIR2DL2/2DL3-E(35) alleles are functionally stronger than -Q(35) alleles.

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    KIR2DL2 and KIR2DL3 segregate as alleles of a single locus in the centromeric motif of the killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) gene family. Although KIR2DL2/L3 polymorphism is known to be associated with many human diseases and is an important factor for donor selection in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, the molecular determinant of functional diversity among various alleles is unclear. In this study we found that KIR2DL2/L3 with glutamic acid at position 35 (E(35)) are functionally stronger than those with glutamine at the same position (Q(35)). Cytotoxicity assay showed that NK cells from HLA-C1 positive donors with KIR2DL2/L3-E(35) could kill more target cells lacking their ligands than NK cells with the weaker -Q(35) alleles, indicating better licensing of KIR2DL2/L3(+) NK cells with the stronger alleles. Molecular modeling analysis reveals that the glutamic acid, which is negatively charged, interacts with positively charged histidine located at position 55, thereby stabilizing KIR2DL2/L3 dimer and reducing entropy loss when KIR2DL2/3 binds to HLA-C ligand. The results of this study will be important for future studies of KIR2DL2/L3-associated diseases as well as for donor selection in allogeneic stem cell transplantation

    Biology, Genetics, and Environment: Underlying Factors Influencing Alcohol Metabolism.

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    Gene variants encoding several of the alcohol-metabolizing enzymes, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH), are among the largest genetic associations with risk for alcohol dependence. Certain genetic variants (i.e., alleles)--particularly the ADH1B*2, ADH1B*3, ADH1C*1, and ALDH2*2 alleles--have been associated with lower rates of alcohol dependence. These alleles may lead to an accumulation of acetaldehyde during alcohol metabolism, which can result in heightened subjective and objective effects. The prevalence of these alleles differs among ethnic groups; ADH1B*2 is found frequently in northeast Asians and occasionally Caucasians, ADH1B*3 is found predominantly in people of African ancestry, ADH1C*1 varies substantially across populations, and ALDH2*2 is found almost exclusively in northeast Asians. Differences in the prevalence of these alleles may account at least in part for ethnic differences in alcohol consumption and alcohol use disorder (AUD). However, these alleles do not act in isolation to influence the risk of AUD. For example, the gene effects of ALDH2*2 and ADH1B*2 seem to interact. Moreover, other factors have been found to influence the extent to which these alleles affect a person's alcohol involvement, including developmental stage, individual characteristics (e.g., ethnicity, antisocial behavior, and behavioral undercontrol), and environmental factors (e.g., culture, religion, family environment, and childhood adversity)

    Allelic effects on starch structure and properties of six starch biosynthetic genes in a rice recombinant inbred line population

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    BACKGROUND: The genetic diversity of six starch biosynthetic genes (Wx, SSI, SSIIa, SBEI, SBEIIa and SBEIIb) in indica and japonica rices opens an opportunity to produce a new variety with more favourable grain starch quality. However, there is limited information about the effects of these six gene allele combinations on starch structure and properties. A recombinant inbred line population from a cross between indica and japonica varieties offers opportunities to combine specific alleles of the six genes. RESULTS: The allelic (indica vs japonica) effects of six starch biosynthetic genes on starch structure, functional properties, and abundance of granule bound proteins in rice grains were investigated in a common genetic background using a recombinant inbred line population. The indica Wx (Wxi) allele played a major role while indica SSI (SSIi), japonica SSIIa (SSIIaj) and indica SBEI (SBEIi) alleles had minor roles on the increase of amylose content. SSIIaj and japonica SBEIIb (SBEIIbj) alleles had a major and a minor role on high ratio of ∑DP ≤ 10 to ∑DP ≤ 24 fractions (RCL10/24), respectively. Both major alleles (Wxi and SSIIaj) reduced peak viscosity (PV), onset, peak and end gelatinization temperatures (GTs) of amylopectin, and increased amylose-lipid complex dissociation enthalpy compared with their counterpart-alleles, respectively. SBEIIai and SBEIIbj decreased PV, whereas SSIi and SBEIIbj decreased FV. SBEIi reduced setback viscosity and gelatinization enthalpy. RCL10/24 of chain length distribution in amylopectin is negatively correlated with PV and BD of paste property and GTs of thermal properties. We also report RILs with superior starch properties combining Wxi, SSIj, SSIIaj, SBEIi and SBEIIbj alleles. Additionally, a clear relation is drawn to starch biosynthetic gene alleles, starch structure, properties, and abundance of granule bound starch biosynthetic enzymes inside starch granules. CONCLUSIONS: Rice Wxi and SSIIaj alleles play major roles, while SSIi, SBEIi, SBEIIai and SBEIIbj alleles have minor roles in the determination of starch properties between indica and japonica rice through starch structural modification. The combination of these alleles is a key factor for starch quality improvement in rice breeding programs. RCL10/24 value is critical for starch structure and property determination.Jixun Luo was supported by CSC (Chinese Scholarship Council) and Australian National University scholarships. This work was funded by CSIRO Food Future National Research Flagship

    Epitope prediction improved by multitask support vector machines

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    Motivation: In silico methods for the prediction of antigenic peptides binding to MHC class I molecules play an increasingly important role in the identification of T-cell epitopes. Statistical and machine learning methods, in particular, are widely used to score candidate epitopes based on their similarity with known epitopes and non epitopes. The genes coding for the MHC molecules, however, are highly polymorphic, and statistical methods have difficulties to build models for alleles with few known epitopes. In this case, recent works have demonstrated the utility of leveraging information across alleles to improve the performance of the prediction. Results: We design a support vector machine algorithm that is able to learn epitope models for all alleles simultaneously, by sharing information across similar alleles. The sharing of information across alleles is controlled by a user-defined measure of similarity between alleles. We show that this similarity can be defined in terms of supertypes, or more directly by comparing key residues known to play a role in the peptide-MHC binding. We illustrate the potential of this approach on various benchmark experiments where it outperforms other state-of-the-art methods

    Vacuolating cytotoxin (vacA) alleles of Helicobacter pylori comprise two geographically widespread types, m1 and m2, and have evolved through limited recombination

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    Vacuolating cytotoxin (vacA) alleles of Helicobacter pylori vary, particularly in their mid region (which may be type m1 or m2) and their signal peptide coding region (type s1 or s2). We investigated nucleotide diversity among vacA alleles in strains from several locales in Asia, South America, and the USA. Phylogenetic analysis of vacA mid region sequences from 18 strains validated the division into two main groups (m1 and m2) and showed further significant divisions within these groups. Informative site analysis demonstrated one example of recombination between m1 and m2 alleles, and several examples of recombination among alleles within these groups. Recombination was not sufficiently extensive to destroy phylogenetic structure entirely. Synonymous nucleotide substitution rates were markedly different between regions of vacA, suggesting different evolutionary divergence times and implying horizontal transfer of genetic elements within vacA. Non-synonymous/synonymous rate ratios were greater between m1 and m2 sequences than among m1 sequences, consistent with m1 and m2 alleles encoding functions fitting strains for slightly different ecological niches

    The Effect of Recombination on the Speed of Evolution

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    It has been a puzzling question why some organisms reproduce sexually. Fisher and Muller hypothesized that reproducing by sex can speed up the evolution. They explained that in the sexual reproduction, recombination can combine beneficial alleles that lie on different chromosomes, which speeds up the time that those beneficial alleles spread to the entire population. We consider a population model of fixed size NN, in which we will focus on two loci on a chromosome. Each allele at each locus can mutate into a beneficial allele at rate μN\mu_N. The individuals with 0, 1, and 2 beneficial alleles die at rates 1,1−sN1, 1-s_N and 1−2sN1-2s_N respectively. When an individual dies, with probability 1−rN1-r_N, the new individual inherits both alleles from one parent, chosen at random from the population, while with probability rNr_N, recombination occurs, and the new individual receives its two alleles from different parents. Under certain assumptions on the parameters N,μN,sNN, \mu_N, s_N and rNr_N, we obtain an asymptotic approximation for the time that both beneficial alleles spread to the entire population. When the recombination probability is small, we show that recombination does not speed up the time that the two beneficial alleles spread to the entire population, while when the recombination probability is large, we show that recombination decreases the time, which agrees with Fisher-Muller hypothesis, and confirms the advantage of reproducing by sex.Comment: 65 page
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