415 research outputs found

    60-nm-span wavelength-tunable vortex fiber laser with intracavity plasmon metasurfaces

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    Wavelength-tunable vortex fiber lasers that could generate beams carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) hold great interest in large-capacity optical communications. The wavelength tunability of conventional vortex fiber lasers is however limited by the range of 35 nm due to narrow bandwidth and/or insertion loss of mode conversion components. Optical metasurfaces apart from being compact planar components can flexibly manipulate light with high efficiency in a broad wavelength range. Here, we propose and demonstrate for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, a metasurface-assisted vortex fiber laser that can directly generate OAM beams with changeable topological charges. Due to the designed broadband gap-surface plasmon metasurface, combined with an intracavity tunable filter, the laser enables OAM beam with center wavelength continuously tunable from 1015 nm to 1075 nm, nearly twice of other vortex fiber lasers ever reported. The metasurface can be designed at will to satisfy requirements for either low pump threshold or high slope efficiency of the laser. Furthermore, the cavity-metasurface configuration can be extended to generate higher-order OAM beams or more complex structured beams in different wavelength regions, which greatly broadens the possibilities for developing low-cost and high-quality structured-beam laser sources

    Switchable dual-wavelength cylindrical vector beam generation from a passively mode-locked fiber laser based on carbon nanotubes

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    Cylindrical vector beams (CVBs) with axial symmetry in both polarization and field intensity have attracted much attention because of their unique optical properties. Conventional methods to obtain CVBs including direct modulation of light beams in free space and high-order mode excitation by offset splicing single-mode fiber (SMF) with few-mode fiber (FMF) usually works at single wavelength with rather narrow bandwidth. Here, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, we demonstrate switchable dual-wavelength CVB generation from a passively mode-locked fiber laser using carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as saturable absorber for mode-locking and a home-made mode-selective coupler (MSC) as both mode converter and birefringence filter. In experiments, the mode-locked fiber laser delivers CVB pulses of dual-wavelength (1532.5 nm, 1555.5 nm) and corresponding single wavelength with duration of hundreds of femtosecond, respectively. Moreover, the output polarization status is switchable between radially and azimuthally polarized states. The mode-locked CVBs with wavelength and polarization flexibility may have potential applications in mode-division multiplexing optical fiber communication, nanoparticle manipulation, material processing, nonlinear optics, and so on

    Tungsten Disulphide Based All Fiber Q-Switching Cylindrical-Vector Beam Generation

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    We proposed and demonstrated an all fiber passively Q-switching laser to generate cylindrical-vectorbeam, a two dimensional material,tungsten disulphide (WS2), was adopted as a saturable absorber inside the laser cavity, while a few-mode fiber Bragg grating was used as a transverse mode-selective output coupler. The repetition rate of the Q-switching output pulses can be varied from 80 kHz to 120 kHz with a shortest duration of 958 ns. Attributed to the high damage threshold and polarization insensitivity of the WS2 based saturable absorber, the radially polarized beam and azimuthally polarized beam can be easily generated in the Q-switchingfiber laser

    Towards visible-wavelength passively mode-locked lasers in all-fibre format

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    锁模皮秒/飞秒光纤激光器具有小型化、光束质量好、稳定性佳、低成本且免维护等优点,然而,目前被动锁模光纤激光器工作波段仍主要局限在近红外1-2 μm光谱区域,在可见光波段(380-760 nm)却几乎未有进展。如何实现可见光被动锁模光纤激光器,直接产生小型化、低成本且高性能的可见光超快激光,是一直困扰超快激光研究领域的一个难题。罗正钱教授课题组通过数值求解金兹伯格-朗道方程,发现耗散孤子谐振机制利于可见光波段超大色散光纤腔被动锁模脉冲的稳定建立。基于数值模拟的结果,该研究成果是在可见光范围内向小型化超快光纤激光器迈出的重要一步。将为可见光超快光纤激光在精密光谱学、生物医学、显微成像、光通信、科学研究等领域的应用奠定基础,具有很好的研究潜力和应用价值。厦门大学为该论文的第一署名单位,电子科学与技术学院博士研究生邹金海为论文第一作者,罗正钱教授为论文通讯作者。Mode-locked fibre lasers (MLFLs) are fundamental building blocks of many photonic systems used in industrial, scientific and biomedical applications. To date, 1–2 μm MLFLs have been well developed; however, passively mode-locked fibre lasers in the visible region (380–760 nm) have never been reported. Here, we address this challenge by demonstrating an all-fibre visible-wavelength passively mode-locked picosecond laser at 635 nm. The 635 nm mode-locked laser with an all-fibre figure-eight cavity uses a Pr/Yb codoped ZBLAN fibre as the visible gain medium and a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror as the mode-locking element. First, we theoretically predict and analyse the formation and evolution of 635 nm mode-locked pulses in the dissipative soliton resonance (DSR) regime by solving the Ginzburg-Landau equation. Then, we experimentally demonstrate the stable generation of 635 nm DSR mode-locked pulses with a pulse duration as short as ~96 ps, a radio-frequency signal-to-noise ratio of 67 dB and a narrow spectral bandwidth of 1 nm) and modulated optical spectrum. This work represents an important step towards miniaturized ultrafast fibre lasers in the visible spectral region.This work was supported by the Major Research Plan of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (91750115), Equipment Pre-research Project of Equipment Development Department of Central Military Commission (61404140112), and Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province for Distinguished Young Scientists (2017J06016).Prof. Zhengqian Luo acknowledges the Program for Young Top Notch Talents of Fujian Province and the Program for Nanqiang Young Top Notch Talents of Xiamen University.该研究受到国家自然科学基金、福建省杰出青年基金、福建省特支‘双百’青年拔尖人才项目以及厦门大学南强青年拔尖人才项目的支持

    Optical packet switching using multi-wavelength labels

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    Mode and wavelength-switchable pulsed fiber laser with few-mode fiber grating

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    We propose and demonstrate a mode and wavelength-switchable pulsed fiber laser using two-mode fiber Bragg grating (TM-FBG) as both transverse mode converter and wavelength selector. The mode-locking mechanism is based on saturable absorption of semiconductor saturable absorption mirror (SESAM). Due to the use of low polarization-dependent mode-locking method, polarization disturbation between mode-locking and transverse-mode selection has been effectively eliminated, thus enabling flexible transverse-mode selection with simultaneous mode-locking operation. Moreover, through the optimized offset launching technique, this laser can operate at the wavelengths of the fundamental mode (LP01) and second-order mode (LP11), and thus export cylindrical vector beams (CVBs) and fundamental mode beams at the TM-FBG output port, respectively. This all-fiber laser is a simple, low-cost and flexible source for mode-division multiplexing system and other applications

    Super cavity solitons and the coexistence of multiple nonlinear states in a tristable passive Kerr resonator

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    Passive Kerr cavities driven by coherent laser fields display a rich landscape of nonlinear physics, including bistability, pattern formation, and localised dissipative structures (solitons). Their conceptual simplicity has for several decades offered an unprecedented window into nonlinear cavity dynamics, providing insights into numerous systems and applications ranging from all-optical memory devices to microresonator frequency combs. Yet despite the decades of study, a recent theoretical study has surprisingly alluded to an entirely new and unexplored paradigm in the regime where nonlinearly tilted cavity resonances overlap with one another [T. Hansson and S. Wabnitz, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 32, 1259 (2015)]. We have used synchronously driven fiber ring resonators to experimentally access this regime, and observed the rise of new nonlinear dissipative states. Specifically, we have observed, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, the stable coexistence of dissipative (cavity) solitons and extended modulation instability (Turing) patterns, and performed real time measurements that unveil the dynamics of the ensuing nonlinear structures. When operating in the regime of continuous wave tristability, we have further observed the coexistence of two distinct cavity soliton states, one of which can be identified as a "super" cavity soliton as predicted by Hansson and Wabnitz. Our experimental findings are in excellent agreement with theoretical analyses and numerical simulations of the infinite-dimensional Ikeda map that governs the cavity dynamics. The results from our work reveal that experimental systems can support complex combinations of distinct nonlinear states, and they could have practical implications to future microresonator-based frequency comb sources.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Novel Solid State Lasers Based on Volume Bragg Gratings

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    Since their invention in 1960, lasers have revolutionized modern technology, and tremendous amounts of innovation and development has gone into advancing their properties and efficiencies. This dissertation reports on further innovations by presenting novel solid state laser systems based on the volume Bragg gratings (VBGs) and the newly developed holographic phase mask (HPMs) for brightness enhancement, dual wavelength operation, and mode conversion. First, a new optical element was created by pairing the HPM with two surface gratings creating an achromatic holographic phase mask. This new optical device successfully performed transverse mode conversion of multiple narrow line laser sources operating from 488 to 1550 nm and a broadband mode locked femtosecond source with no angular tuning. Also, two types of HPMs were tested on high power Yb fiber lasers to demonstrate high energy mode conversion. Secondly, the effects of implementing VBGs for brightness enhancement of passively Q-switched systems with large Fresnel numbers was investigated. Implementing VBGs for angular mode selection allowed for higher pulse energies to be extracted without sacrificing brightness and pulse duration. This technique could potentially be applied to construct compact cavities with 1 cm diameter beams and nearly diffraction limited beam quality. Lastly, a spectral beam combining approach was applied to create Tm3+ and Yb3+ based narrowband dual-wavelength pump sources for terahertz generation, using VBGs as frequency selectors and beam combiners. Comparison of pulse duration and synchronization was done between passive and active Q-switching operation. An experimental set up for THz generation and detection using high sensitive detectors was created, and modeling of terahertz conversion efficiencies were don