18 research outputs found

    Online semi-parametric learning for inverse dynamics modeling

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    This paper presents a semi-parametric algorithm for online learning of a robot inverse dynamics model. It combines the strength of the parametric and non-parametric modeling. The former exploits the rigid body dynamics equa- tion, while the latter exploits a suitable kernel function. We provide an extensive comparison with other methods from the literature using real data from the iCub humanoid robot. In doing so we also compare two different techniques, namely cross validation and marginal likelihood optimization, for estimating the hyperparameters of the kernel function

    Multi-Robot Transfer Learning: A Dynamical System Perspective

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    Multi-robot transfer learning allows a robot to use data generated by a second, similar robot to improve its own behavior. The potential advantages are reducing the time of training and the unavoidable risks that exist during the training phase. Transfer learning algorithms aim to find an optimal transfer map between different robots. In this paper, we investigate, through a theoretical study of single-input single-output (SISO) systems, the properties of such optimal transfer maps. We first show that the optimal transfer learning map is, in general, a dynamic system. The main contribution of the paper is to provide an algorithm for determining the properties of this optimal dynamic map including its order and regressors (i.e., the variables it depends on). The proposed algorithm does not require detailed knowledge of the robots' dynamics, but relies on basic system properties easily obtainable through simple experimental tests. We validate the proposed algorithm experimentally through an example of transfer learning between two different quadrotor platforms. Experimental results show that an optimal dynamic map, with correct properties obtained from our proposed algorithm, achieves 60-70% reduction of transfer learning error compared to the cases when the data is directly transferred or transferred using an optimal static map.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted at the 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and System

    Knowledge Transfer Between Robots with Similar Dynamics for High-Accuracy Impromptu Trajectory Tracking

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    In this paper, we propose an online learning approach that enables the inverse dynamics model learned for a source robot to be transferred to a target robot (e.g., from one quadrotor to another quadrotor with different mass or aerodynamic properties). The goal is to leverage knowledge from the source robot such that the target robot achieves high-accuracy trajectory tracking on arbitrary trajectories from the first attempt with minimal data recollection and training. Most existing approaches for multi-robot knowledge transfer are based on post-analysis of datasets collected from both robots. In this work, we study the feasibility of impromptu transfer of models across robots by learning an error prediction module online. In particular, we analytically derive the form of the mapping to be learned by the online module for exact tracking, propose an approach for characterizing similarity between robots, and use these results to analyze the stability of the overall system. The proposed approach is illustrated in simulation and verified experimentally on two different quadrotors performing impromptu trajectory tracking tasks, where the quadrotors are required to accurately track arbitrary hand-drawn trajectories from the first attempt.Comment: European Control Conference (ECC) 201

    Transfer learning with multiple pre-trained network for fundus classification

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    Transfer learning (TL) is a technique of reuse and modify a pre-trained network. It reuses feature extraction layer at a pre-trained network. A target domain in TL obtains the features knowledge from the source domain. TL modified classification layer at a pre-trained network. The target domain can do new tasks according to a purpose. In this article, the target domain is fundus image classification includes normal and neovascularization. Data consist of 100 patches. The comparison of training and validation data was 70:30. The selection of training and validation data is done randomly. Steps of TL i.e load pre-trained networks, replace final layers, train the network, and assess network accuracy. First, the pre-trained network is a layer configuration of the convolutional neural network architecture. Pre-trained network used are AlexNet, VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50, ResNet101, GoogLeNet, Inception-V3, InceptionResNetV2, and squeezenet. Second, replace the final layer is to replace the last three layers. They are fully connected layer, softmax, and output layer. The layer is replaced with a fully connected layer that classifies according to number of classes. Furthermore, it's followed by a softmax and output layer that matches with the target domain. Third, we trained the network. Networks were trained to produce optimal accuracy. In this section, we use gradient descent algorithm optimization. Fourth, assess network accuracy. The experiment results show a testing accuracy between 80% and 100%

    Derivative-free online learning of inverse dynamics models

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    This paper discusses online algorithms for inverse dynamics modelling in robotics. Several model classes including rigid body dynamics (RBD) models, data-driven models and semiparametric models (which are a combination of the previous two classes) are placed in a common framework. While model classes used in the literature typically exploit joint velocities and accelerations, which need to be approximated resorting to numerical differentiation schemes, in this paper a new `derivative-free' framework is proposed that does not require this preprocessing step. An extensive experimental study with real data from the right arm of the iCub robot is presented, comparing different model classes and estimation procedures, showing that the proposed `derivative-free' methods outperform existing methodologies.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure