3,741 research outputs found

    Cooperative "folding transition" in the sequence space facilitates function-driven evolution of protein families

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    In the protein sequence space, natural proteins form clusters of families which are characterized by their unique native folds whereas the great majority of random polypeptides are neither clustered nor foldable to unique structures. Since a given polypeptide can be either foldable or unfoldable, a kind of "folding transition" is expected at the boundary of a protein family in the sequence space. By Monte Carlo simulations of a statistical mechanical model of protein sequence alignment that coherently incorporates both short-range and long-range interactions as well as variable-length insertions to reproduce the statistics of the multiple sequence alignment of a given protein family, we demonstrate the existence of such transition between natural-like sequences and random sequences in the sequence subspaces for 15 domain families of various folds. The transition was found to be highly cooperative and two-state-like. Furthermore, enforcing or suppressing consensus residues on a few of the well-conserved sites enhanced or diminished, respectively, the natural-like pattern formation over the entire sequence. In most families, the key sites included ligand binding sites. These results suggest some selective pressure on the key residues, such as ligand binding activity, may cooperatively facilitate the emergence of a protein family during evolution. From a more practical aspect, the present results highlight an essential role of long-range effects in precisely defining protein families, which are absent in conventional sequence models.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables (a new subsection added

    Pair HMM based gap statistics for re-evaluation of indels in alignments with affine gap penalties: Extended Version

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    Although computationally aligning sequence is a crucial step in the vast majority of comparative genomics studies our understanding of alignment biases still needs to be improved. To infer true structural or homologous regions computational alignments need further evaluation. It has been shown that the accuracy of aligned positions can drop substantially in particular around gaps. Here we focus on re-evaluation of score-based alignments with affine gap penalty costs. We exploit their relationships with pair hidden Markov models and develop efficient algorithms by which to identify gaps which are significant in terms of length and multiplicity. We evaluate our statistics with respect to the well-established structural alignments from SABmark and find that indel reliability substantially increases with their significance in particular in worst-case twilight zone alignments. This points out that our statistics can reliably complement other methods which mostly focus on the reliability of match positions.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    The posterior-Viterbi: a new decoding algorithm for hidden Markov models

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    Background: Hidden Markov models (HMM) are powerful machine learning tools successfully applied to problems of computational Molecular Biology. In a predictive task, the HMM is endowed with a decoding algorithm in order to assign the most probable state path, and in turn the class labeling, to an unknown sequence. The Viterbi and the posterior decoding algorithms are the most common. The former is very efficient when one path dominates, while the latter, even though does not guarantee to preserve the automaton grammar, is more effective when several concurring paths have similar probabilities. A third good alternative is 1-best, which was shown to perform equal or better than Viterbi. Results: In this paper we introduce the posterior-Viterbi (PV) a new decoding which combines the posterior and Viterbi algorithms. PV is a two step process: first the posterior probability of each state is computed and then the best posterior allowed path through the model is evaluated by a Viterbi algorithm. Conclusions: We show that PV decoding performs better than other algorithms first on toy models and then on the computational biological problem of the prediction of the topology of beta-barrel membrane proteins.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure

    Accurate reconstruction of insertion-deletion histories by statistical phylogenetics

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    The Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) is a computational abstraction that represents a partial summary either of indel history, or of structural similarity. Taking the former view (indel history), it is possible to use formal automata theory to generalize the phylogenetic likelihood framework for finite substitution models (Dayhoff's probability matrices and Felsenstein's pruning algorithm) to arbitrary-length sequences. In this paper, we report results of a simulation-based benchmark of several methods for reconstruction of indel history. The methods tested include a relatively new algorithm for statistical marginalization of MSAs that sums over a stochastically-sampled ensemble of the most probable evolutionary histories. For mammalian evolutionary parameters on several different trees, the single most likely history sampled by our algorithm appears less biased than histories reconstructed by other MSA methods. The algorithm can also be used for alignment-free inference, where the MSA is explicitly summed out of the analysis. As an illustration of our method, we discuss reconstruction of the evolutionary histories of human protein-coding genes.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1103.434

    On the entropy of protein families

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    Proteins are essential components of living systems, capable of performing a huge variety of tasks at the molecular level, such as recognition, signalling, copy, transport, ... The protein sequences realizing a given function may largely vary across organisms, giving rise to a protein family. Here, we estimate the entropy of those families based on different approaches, including Hidden Markov Models used for protein databases and inferred statistical models reproducing the low-order (1-and 2-point) statistics of multi-sequence alignments. We also compute the entropic cost, that is, the loss in entropy resulting from a constraint acting on the protein, such as the fixation of one particular amino-acid on a specific site, and relate this notion to the escape probability of the HIV virus. The case of lattice proteins, for which the entropy can be computed exactly, allows us to provide another illustration of the concept of cost, due to the competition of different folds. The relevance of the entropy in relation to directed evolution experiments is stressed.Comment: to appear in Journal of Statistical Physic

    Automated Protein Structure Classification: A Survey

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    Classification of proteins based on their structure provides a valuable resource for studying protein structure, function and evolutionary relationships. With the rapidly increasing number of known protein structures, manual and semi-automatic classification is becoming ever more difficult and prohibitively slow. Therefore, there is a growing need for automated, accurate and efficient classification methods to generate classification databases or increase the speed and accuracy of semi-automatic techniques. Recognizing this need, several automated classification methods have been developed. In this survey, we overview recent developments in this area. We classify different methods based on their characteristics and compare their methodology, accuracy and efficiency. We then present a few open problems and explain future directions.Comment: 14 pages, Technical Report CSRG-589, University of Toront
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