4,032 research outputs found

    Algorithms for Metric Learning via Contrastive Embeddings

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    We study the problem of supervised learning a metric space under discriminative constraints. Given a universe X and sets S, D subset binom{X}{2} of similar and dissimilar pairs, we seek to find a mapping f:X -> Y, into some target metric space M=(Y,rho), such that similar objects are mapped to points at distance at most u, and dissimilar objects are mapped to points at distance at least l. More generally, the goal is to find a mapping of maximum accuracy (that is, fraction of correctly classified pairs). We propose approximation algorithms for various versions of this problem, for the cases of Euclidean and tree metric spaces. For both of these target spaces, we obtain fully polynomial-time approximation schemes (FPTAS) for the case of perfect information. In the presence of imperfect information we present approximation algorithms that run in quasi-polynomial time (QPTAS). We also present an exact algorithm for learning line metric spaces with perfect information in polynomial time. Our algorithms use a combination of tools from metric embeddings and graph partitioning, that could be of independent interest

    Deep Adaptive Feature Embedding with Local Sample Distributions for Person Re-identification

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    Person re-identification (re-id) aims to match pedestrians observed by disjoint camera views. It attracts increasing attention in computer vision due to its importance to surveillance system. To combat the major challenge of cross-view visual variations, deep embedding approaches are proposed by learning a compact feature space from images such that the Euclidean distances correspond to their cross-view similarity metric. However, the global Euclidean distance cannot faithfully characterize the ideal similarity in a complex visual feature space because features of pedestrian images exhibit unknown distributions due to large variations in poses, illumination and occlusion. Moreover, intra-personal training samples within a local range are robust to guide deep embedding against uncontrolled variations, which however, cannot be captured by a global Euclidean distance. In this paper, we study the problem of person re-id by proposing a novel sampling to mine suitable \textit{positives} (i.e. intra-class) within a local range to improve the deep embedding in the context of large intra-class variations. Our method is capable of learning a deep similarity metric adaptive to local sample structure by minimizing each sample's local distances while propagating through the relationship between samples to attain the whole intra-class minimization. To this end, a novel objective function is proposed to jointly optimize similarity metric learning, local positive mining and robust deep embedding. This yields local discriminations by selecting local-ranged positive samples, and the learned features are robust to dramatic intra-class variations. Experiments on benchmarks show state-of-the-art results achieved by our method.Comment: Published on Pattern Recognitio

    ResumeNet: A Learning-based Framework for Automatic Resume Quality Assessment

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    Recruitment of appropriate people for certain positions is critical for any companies or organizations. Manually screening to select appropriate candidates from large amounts of resumes can be exhausted and time-consuming. However, there is no public tool that can be directly used for automatic resume quality assessment (RQA). This motivates us to develop a method for automatic RQA. Since there is also no public dataset for model training and evaluation, we build a dataset for RQA by collecting around 10K resumes, which are provided by a private resume management company. By investigating the dataset, we identify some factors or features that could be useful to discriminate good resumes from bad ones, e.g., the consistency between different parts of a resume. Then a neural-network model is designed to predict the quality of each resume, where some text processing techniques are incorporated. To deal with the label deficiency issue in the dataset, we propose several variants of the model by either utilizing the pair/triplet-based loss, or introducing some semi-supervised learning technique to make use of the abundant unlabeled data. Both the presented baseline model and its variants are general and easy to implement. Various popular criteria including the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, F-measure and ranking-based average precision (AP) are adopted for model evaluation. We compare the different variants with our baseline model. Since there is no public algorithm for RQA, we further compare our results with those obtained from a website that can score a resume. Experimental results in terms of different criteria demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. We foresee that our approach would transform the way of future human resources management.Comment: ICD

    Deep Metric Learning via Lifted Structured Feature Embedding

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    Learning the distance metric between pairs of examples is of great importance for learning and visual recognition. With the remarkable success from the state of the art convolutional neural networks, recent works have shown promising results on discriminatively training the networks to learn semantic feature embeddings where similar examples are mapped close to each other and dissimilar examples are mapped farther apart. In this paper, we describe an algorithm for taking full advantage of the training batches in the neural network training by lifting the vector of pairwise distances within the batch to the matrix of pairwise distances. This step enables the algorithm to learn the state of the art feature embedding by optimizing a novel structured prediction objective on the lifted problem. Additionally, we collected Online Products dataset: 120k images of 23k classes of online products for metric learning. Our experiments on the CUB-200-2011, CARS196, and Online Products datasets demonstrate significant improvement over existing deep feature embedding methods on all experimented embedding sizes with the GoogLeNet network.Comment: 11 page
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