71 research outputs found

    Outline of a new feature space deformation approach in fuzzy pattern recognition

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    Sposobnost prepoznavanja oblika je jedno od najznačajnijih svojstava koja karakterišu inteligentno ponašanje bioloških ili veštačkih sistema. Matematičko prepoznavanje oblika predstavlja formalnu osnovu za rešavanje ovog zadatka primenom precizno forumulisanih algoritama, koji su u najvećem delu bazirni na konvencionalnoj matematici. Kod kompleksnih sistema ovakav pristup pokazuje značajne nedostatke, prvenstveno zbog zahteva za obimnim izračunavanjima i nedovoljne robusnosti. Algoritmi koji su bazirani na 'soft computing' metodama predstavljaju dobru alternativu, otvarajući prostor za razvoj efikasnih algoritama za primenu u realnom vremenu, polazeći od činjenice da značenje sadržaja informacija nosi veću vrednost u odnosu na preciznost. U ovom radu izlaže se modifikacija i proširenje 'Subrtactive Clustering' metode, koja se pokazala efikasnom u obradi masivnih skupova oblika u realnom vremenu. Novi pristup koji je baziran prvenstveno na povezivanju parametara algoritma sa informacionim sadržajem prisutnim u skupu oblika koji se obrađuje, daje dodatne stepene slobode i omogućava da proces prepoznavanja bude vođen podacima koji se obrađuju. Predloženi algoritam je verifikovan velikim brojem simulacionih eksperimenata, od kojih su neki navedeni u ovom radu.Pattern recognition ability is one of the most important features that characterize intelligent behavior of either biological or artificial systems. Mathematical pattern recognition is the way to solve this problem using transparent algorithms that are mostly based on conventional mathematics. In complex systems it shows inadequacy, primary due to the needs for extensive computation and insufficient robustness. Algorithms based on soft computing approach offer a good alternative, giving a room to design effective tools for real-time application, having in mind that relevance (significance) prevails precision in complex systems. In this article is modified and extended subtractive clustering method, which is proven to be effective in real-time applications, when massive pattern sets is processed. The new understanding and new relations that connect parameters of the algorithm with the information underlying the pattern set are established, giving on this way the algorithm ability to be data driven to the maximum extent. Proposed algorithm is verified by a number of experiments and few of them are presented in this article

    Outline of a new feature space deformation approach in fuzzy pattern recognition

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    Sposobnost prepoznavanja oblika je jedno od najznačajnijih svojstava koja karakterišu inteligentno ponašanje bioloških ili veštačkih sistema. Matematičko prepoznavanje oblika predstavlja formalnu osnovu za rešavanje ovog zadatka primenom precizno forumulisanih algoritama, koji su u najvećem delu bazirni na konvencionalnoj matematici. Kod kompleksnih sistema ovakav pristup pokazuje značajne nedostatke, prvenstveno zbog zahteva za obimnim izračunavanjima i nedovoljne robusnosti. Algoritmi koji su bazirani na 'soft computing' metodama predstavljaju dobru alternativu, otvarajući prostor za razvoj efikasnih algoritama za primenu u realnom vremenu, polazeći od činjenice da značenje sadržaja informacija nosi veću vrednost u odnosu na preciznost. U ovom radu izlaže se modifikacija i proširenje 'Subrtactive Clustering' metode, koja se pokazala efikasnom u obradi masivnih skupova oblika u realnom vremenu. Novi pristup koji je baziran prvenstveno na povezivanju parametara algoritma sa informacionim sadržajem prisutnim u skupu oblika koji se obrađuje, daje dodatne stepene slobode i omogućava da proces prepoznavanja bude vođen podacima koji se obrađuju. Predloženi algoritam je verifikovan velikim brojem simulacionih eksperimenata, od kojih su neki navedeni u ovom radu.Pattern recognition ability is one of the most important features that characterize intelligent behavior of either biological or artificial systems. Mathematical pattern recognition is the way to solve this problem using transparent algorithms that are mostly based on conventional mathematics. In complex systems it shows inadequacy, primary due to the needs for extensive computation and insufficient robustness. Algorithms based on soft computing approach offer a good alternative, giving a room to design effective tools for real-time application, having in mind that relevance (significance) prevails precision in complex systems. In this article is modified and extended subtractive clustering method, which is proven to be effective in real-time applications, when massive pattern sets is processed. The new understanding and new relations that connect parameters of the algorithm with the information underlying the pattern set are established, giving on this way the algorithm ability to be data driven to the maximum extent. Proposed algorithm is verified by a number of experiments and few of them are presented in this article

    A review of clustering techniques and developments

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. This paper presents a comprehensive study on clustering: exiting methods and developments made at various times. Clustering is defined as an unsupervised learning where the objects are grouped on the basis of some similarity inherent among them. There are different methods for clustering the objects such as hierarchical, partitional, grid, density based and model based. The approaches used in these methods are discussed with their respective states of art and applicability. The measures of similarity as well as the evaluation criteria, which are the central components of clustering, are also presented in the paper. The applications of clustering in some fields like image segmentation, object and character recognition and data mining are highlighted

    Proceedings. 27. Workshop Computational Intelligence, Dortmund, 23. - 24. November 2017

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    Dieser Tagungsband enthält die Beiträge des 27. Workshops Computational Intelligence. Die Schwerpunkte sind Methoden, Anwendungen und Tools für Fuzzy-Systeme, Künstliche Neuronale Netze, Evolutionäre Algorithmen und Data-Mining-Verfahren sowie der Methodenvergleich anhand von industriellen und Benchmark-Problemen

    A New Approach to Automatic Saliency Identification in Images Based on Irregularity of Regions

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    This research introduces an image retrieval system which is, in different ways, inspired by the human vision system. The main problems with existing machine vision systems and image understanding are studied and identified, in order to design a system that relies on human image understanding. The main improvement of the developed system is that it uses the human attention principles in the process of image contents identification. Human attention shall be represented by saliency extraction algorithms, which extract the salient regions or in other words, the regions of interest. This work presents a new approach for the saliency identification which relies on the irregularity of the region. Irregularity is clearly defined and measuring tools developed. These measures are derived from the formality and variation of the region with respect to the surrounding regions. Both local and global saliency have been studied and appropriate algorithms were developed based on the local and global irregularity defined in this work. The need for suitable automatic clustering techniques motivate us to study the available clustering techniques and to development of a technique that is suitable for salient points clustering. Based on the fact that humans usually look at the surrounding region of the gaze point, an agglomerative clustering technique is developed utilising the principles of blobs extraction and intersection. Automatic thresholding was needed in different stages of the system development. Therefore, a Fuzzy thresholding technique was developed. Evaluation methods of saliency region extraction have been studied and analysed; subsequently we have developed evaluation techniques based on the extracted regions (or points) and compared them with the ground truth data. The proposed algorithms were tested against standard datasets and compared with the existing state-of-the-art algorithms. Both quantitative and qualitative benchmarking are presented in this thesis and a detailed discussion for the results has been included. The benchmarking showed promising results in different algorithms. The developed algorithms have been utilised in designing an integrated saliency-based image retrieval system which uses the salient regions to give a description for the scene. The system auto-labels the objects in the image by identifying the salient objects and gives labels based on the knowledge database contents. In addition, the system identifies the unimportant part of the image (background) to give a full description for the scene

    Holistic, data-driven, service and supply chain optimisation: linked optimisation.

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    The intensity of competition and technological advancements in the business environment has made companies collaborate and cooperate together as a means of survival. This creates a chain of companies and business components with unified business objectives. However, managing the decision-making process (like scheduling, ordering, delivering and allocating) at the various business components and maintaining a holistic objective is a huge business challenge, as these operations are complex and dynamic. This is because the overall chain of business processes is widely distributed across all the supply chain participants; therefore, no individual collaborator has a complete overview of the processes. Increasingly, such decisions are automated and are strongly supported by optimisation algorithms - manufacturing optimisation, B2B ordering, financial trading, transportation scheduling and allocation. However, most of these algorithms do not incorporate the complexity associated with interacting decision-making systems like supply chains. It is well-known that decisions made at one point in supply chains can have significant consequences that ripple through linked production and transportation systems. Recently, global shocks to supply chains (COVID-19, climate change, blockage of the Suez Canal) have demonstrated the importance of these interdependencies, and the need to create supply chains that are more resilient and have significantly reduced impact on the environment. Such interacting decision-making systems need to be considered through an optimisation process. However, the interactions between such decision-making systems are not modelled. We therefore believe that modelling such interactions is an opportunity to provide computational extensions to current optimisation paradigms. This research study aims to develop a general framework for formulating and solving holistic, data-driven optimisation problems in service and supply chains. This research achieved this aim and contributes to scholarship by firstly considering the complexities of supply chain problems from a linked problem perspective. This leads to developing a formalism for characterising linked optimisation problems as a model for supply chains. Secondly, the research adopts a method for creating a linked optimisation problem benchmark by linking existing classical benchmark sets. This involves using a mix of classical optimisation problems, typically relating to supply chain decision problems, to describe different modes of linkages in linked optimisation problems. Thirdly, several techniques for linking supply chain fragmented data have been proposed in the literature to identify data relationships. Therefore, this thesis explores some of these techniques and combines them in specific ways to improve the data discovery process. Lastly, many state-of-the-art algorithms have been explored in the literature and these algorithms have been used to tackle problems relating to supply chain problems. This research therefore investigates the resilient state-of-the-art optimisation algorithms presented in the literature, and then designs suitable algorithmic approaches inspired by the existing algorithms and the nature of problem linkages to address different problem linkages in supply chains. Considering research findings and future perspectives, the study demonstrates the suitability of algorithms to different linked structures involving two sub-problems, which suggests further investigations on issues like the suitability of algorithms on more complex structures, benchmark methodologies, holistic goals and evaluation, processmining, game theory and dependency analysis