18 research outputs found

    Algorithms for Dense Graphs and Networks on the Random Access Computer

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    Engineering DFS-Based Graph Algorithms

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    Depth-first search (DFS) is the basis for many efficient graph algorithms. We introduce general techniques for the efficient implementation of DFS-based graph algorithms and exemplify them on three algorithms for computing strongly connected components. The techniques lead to speed-ups by a factor of two to three compared to the implementations provided by LEDA and BOOST. We have obtained similar speed-ups for biconnected components algorithms. We also compare the graph data types of LEDA and BOOST

    Minimal Equation Sets for Output Computation in Object-Oriented Models

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    Object-oriented models of complex physical systems can have a very large number of equations and variables. For some applications, only a few output variables of the model are of actual interest. This paper presents an application of the well-known Tarjan’s algorithm, that allows to automatically select the minimal set of equations and variables required to compute the time histories of selected outputs of a given model. The application of the algorithm to a simple test case is illustrated in the paper

    Complexity of checking the existence of a stabilizing decentralized controller

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    Given an interconnected system, this paper is concerned with the time complexity of verifying if any given unrepeated mode of the system is a decentralized fixed mode (DFM). It is shown that checking the decentralized fixedness of any distinct mode is tantamount to testing the strong connectivity of a digraph formed based on the system. It is subsequently proved that the time complexity of this decision problem using the proposed approach is the same as the complexity of matrix multiplication. This work concludes that the identification of distinct decentralized fixed modes (by means of a deterministic algorithm, rather than a randomized one) is computationally very easy, although the existing algorithms for solving this problem would wrongly imply that it is cumbersome. This paper provides not only a complexity analysis, but also an efficient algorithm for tackling the underlying problem

    Faster graph algorithms via switching classes

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    2012 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.The runtime of an algorithm is intimately related to how an instance is represented. Recall that the runtimes of the first generation of graph algorithms were expressed as functions of n := |V|. This analysis was natural since at this time graphs were represented in n2 space via their adjacency matrix. It was soon noticed that if m := |E| = o(n2), then a variety of graph algorithms could be sped-up by computing the adjacency-list from the adjacency matrix, then running the algorithm on the more efficient adjacency-list representation. This motivated the introduction of m to the runtime of graph algorithms and it is now customary in algorithm design to assume that a graph instance is given in the form of its adjacency-list. For instance, a graph algorithm is not considered to run in linear time unless it runs in O(n + m) time. An O(n2) bound is not considered linear, even though the two bounds are the same in the worst case. Let m͂ be the size of the minimum representative of a graph G's switching class (w.r.t. to some switching operation). It is shown that better bounds for several classical graph algorithms can be obtained by modifying them so that their running time is a function of n+m͂ rather than of n+m. This is significant because m͂ is O(m) but m is not O(m͂). This is accomplished by first computing the so-called partially complemented adjacency list (pc-list) from an adjacency list, then designing an algorithm that is amenable to the more efficient pc-list representation. The pc-list data-structure is generalization of the adjacency list that has a natural correspondence to switching classes. Using this approach, better bounds are obtained for bipartite maximum matching, graph diameter, and vertex-weighted all-pairs shortest path