253 research outputs found

    Algorithmic Meta-Theorems

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    Algorithmic meta-theorems are general algorithmic results applying to a whole range of problems, rather than just to a single problem alone. They often have a "logical" and a "structural" component, that is they are results of the form: every computational problem that can be formalised in a given logic L can be solved efficiently on every class C of structures satisfying certain conditions. This paper gives a survey of algorithmic meta-theorems obtained in recent years and the methods used to prove them. As many meta-theorems use results from graph minor theory, we give a brief introduction to the theory developed by Robertson and Seymour for their proof of the graph minor theorem and state the main algorithmic consequences of this theory as far as they are needed in the theory of algorithmic meta-theorems

    Algorithmic Meta-Theorems for Combinatorial Reconfiguration Revisited

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    Given a graph and two vertex sets satisfying a certain feasibility condition, a reconfiguration problem asks whether we can reach one vertex set from the other by repeating prescribed modification steps while maintaining feasibility. In this setting, Mouawad et al. [IPEC 2014] presented an algorithmic meta-theorem for reconfiguration problems that says if the feasibility can be expressed in monadic second-order logic (MSO), then the problem is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by treewidth+â„“\textrm{treewidth} + \ell, where â„“\ell is the number of steps allowed to reach the target set. On the other hand, it is shown by Wrochna [J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 2018] that if â„“\ell is not part of the parameter, then the problem is PSPACE-complete even on graphs of bounded bandwidth. In this paper, we present the first algorithmic meta-theorems for the case where â„“\ell is not part of the parameter, using some structural graph parameters incomparable with bandwidth. We show that if the feasibility is defined in MSO, then the reconfiguration problem under the so-called token jumping rule is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by neighborhood diversity. We also show that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by treedepth+k\textrm{treedepth} + k, where kk is the size of sets being transformed. We finally complement the positive result for treedepth by showing that the problem is PSPACE-complete on forests of depth 33.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, ESA 202

    Algorithmic Meta-Theorems for Combinatorial Reconfiguration Revisited

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    Given a graph and two vertex sets satisfying a certain feasibility condition, a reconfiguration problem asks whether we can reach one vertex set from the other by repeating prescribed modification steps while maintaining feasibility. In this setting, Mouawad et al. [IPEC 2014] presented an algorithmic meta-theorem for reconfiguration problems that says if the feasibility can be expressed in monadic second-order logic (MSO), then the problem is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by treewidth + ?, where ? is the number of steps allowed to reach the target set. On the other hand, it is shown by Wrochna [J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 2018] that if ? is not part of the parameter, then the problem is PSPACE-complete even on graphs of bounded bandwidth. In this paper, we present the first algorithmic meta-theorems for the case where ? is not part of the parameter, using some structural graph parameters incomparable with bandwidth. We show that if the feasibility is defined in MSO, then the reconfiguration problem under the so-called token jumping rule is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by neighborhood diversity. We also show that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by treedepth + k, where k is the size of sets being transformed. We finally complement the positive result for treedepth by showing that the problem is PSPACE-complete on forests of depth 3

    Definability Equals Recognizability for kk-Outerplanar Graphs

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    One of the most famous algorithmic meta-theorems states that every graph property that can be defined by a sentence in counting monadic second order logic (CMSOL) can be checked in linear time for graphs of bounded treewidth, which is known as Courcelle's Theorem. These algorithms are constructed as finite state tree automata, and hence every CMSOL-definable graph property is recognizable. Courcelle also conjectured that the converse holds, i.e. every recognizable graph property is definable in CMSOL for graphs of bounded treewidth. We prove this conjecture for kk-outerplanar graphs, which are known to have treewidth at most 3k−13k-1.Comment: 40 pages, 8 figure

    Expanding the expressive power of Monadic Second-Order logic on restricted graph classes

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    We combine integer linear programming and recent advances in Monadic Second-Order model checking to obtain two new algorithmic meta-theorems for graphs of bounded vertex-cover. The first shows that cardMSO1, an extension of the well-known Monadic Second-Order logic by the addition of cardinality constraints, can be solved in FPT time parameterized by vertex cover. The second meta-theorem shows that the MSO partitioning problems introduced by Rao can also be solved in FPT time with the same parameter. The significance of our contribution stems from the fact that these formalisms can describe problems which are W[1]-hard and even NP-hard on graphs of bounded tree-width. Additionally, our algorithms have only an elementary dependence on the parameter and formula. We also show that both results are easily extended from vertex cover to neighborhood diversity.Comment: Accepted for IWOCA 201

    Successor-Invariant First-Order Logic on Graphs with Excluded Topological Subgraphs

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    We show that the model-checking problem for successor-invariant first-order logic is fixed-parameter tractable on graphs with excluded topological subgraphs when parameterised by both the size of the input formula and the size of the exluded topological subgraph. Furthermore, we show that model-checking for order-invariant first-order logic is tractable on coloured posets of bounded width, parameterised by both the size of the input formula and the width of the poset. Our result for successor-invariant FO extends previous results for this logic on planar graphs (Engelmann et al., LICS 2012) and graphs with excluded minors (Eickmeyer et al., LICS 2013), further narrowing the gap between what is known for FO and what is known for successor-invariant FO. The proof uses Grohe and Marx's structure theorem for graphs with excluded topological subgraphs. For order-invariant FO we show that Gajarsk\'y et al.'s recent result for FO carries over to order-invariant FO
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