268 research outputs found

    Equivalence Classes and Conditional Hardness in Massively Parallel Computations

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    The Massively Parallel Computation (MPC) model serves as a common abstraction of many modern large-scale data processing frameworks, and has been receiving increasingly more attention over the past few years, especially in the context of classical graph problems. So far, the only way to argue lower bounds for this model is to condition on conjectures about the hardness of some specific problems, such as graph connectivity on promise graphs that are either one cycle or two cycles, usually called the one cycle vs. two cycles problem. This is unlike the traditional arguments based on conjectures about complexity classes (e.g., P ? NP), which are often more robust in the sense that refuting them would lead to groundbreaking algorithms for a whole bunch of problems. In this paper we present connections between problems and classes of problems that allow the latter type of arguments. These connections concern the class of problems solvable in a sublogarithmic amount of rounds in the MPC model, denoted by MPC(o(log N)), and some standard classes concerning space complexity, namely L and NL, and suggest conjectures that are robust in the sense that refuting them would lead to many surprisingly fast new algorithms in the MPC model. We also obtain new conditional lower bounds, and prove new reductions and equivalences between problems in the MPC model

    Verification of Information Flow Properties under Rational Observation

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    Information flow properties express the capability for an agent to infer information about secret behaviours of a partially observable system. In a language-theoretic setting, where the system behaviour is described by a language, we define the class of rational information flow properties (RIFP), where observers are modeled by finite transducers, acting on languages in a given family L\mathcal{L}. This leads to a general decidability criterion for the verification problem of RIFPs on L\mathcal{L}, implying PSPACE-completeness for this problem on regular languages. We show that most trace-based information flow properties studied up to now are RIFPs, including those related to selective declassification and conditional anonymity. As a consequence, we retrieve several existing decidability results that were obtained by ad-hoc proofs.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, version extended from AVOCS'201

    The Gremlin Graph Traversal Machine and Language

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    Gremlin is a graph traversal machine and language designed, developed, and distributed by the Apache TinkerPop project. Gremlin, as a graph traversal machine, is composed of three interacting components: a graph GG, a traversal Ψ\Psi, and a set of traversers TT. The traversers move about the graph according to the instructions specified in the traversal, where the result of the computation is the ultimate locations of all halted traversers. A Gremlin machine can be executed over any supporting graph computing system such as an OLTP graph database and/or an OLAP graph processor. Gremlin, as a graph traversal language, is a functional language implemented in the user's native programming language and is used to define the Ψ\Psi of a Gremlin machine. This article provides a mathematical description of Gremlin and details its automaton and functional properties. These properties enable Gremlin to naturally support imperative and declarative querying, host language agnosticism, user-defined domain specific languages, an extensible compiler/optimizer, single- and multi-machine execution models, hybrid depth- and breadth-first evaluation, as well as the existence of a Universal Gremlin Machine and its respective entailments.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Database Programming Languages Conferenc

    Master of Science in Computer Science Catalog

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    Master of Science in Computer Science

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    Master of Science, Computer Science 1991

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