19,653 research outputs found

    Algorithm selection of anytime algorithms

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    International audienceAnytime algorithms for optimization problems are of particular interest since they allow to trade off execution time with result quality. However, the selection of the best anytime algorithm for a given problem instance has been focused on a particular budget for execution time or particular target result quality. Moreover, it is often assumed that these anytime preferences are known when developing or training the algorithm selection methodology. In this work, we study the algorithm selection problem in a context where the decision maker's anytime preferences are defined by a general utility function, and only known at the time of selection. To this end, we first examine how to measure the performance of an anytime algorithm with respect to this utility function. Then, we discuss approaches for the development of selection methodologies that receive a utility function as an argument at the time of selection. Then, to illustrate one of the discussed approaches, we present a preliminary study on the selection between an exact and a heuristic algorithm for a bi-objective knapsack problem. The results show that the proposed methodology has an accuracy greater than 96% in the selected scenarios, but we identify room for improvement

    Modeling Intelligent Control of Distributed Cooperative Inferencing

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    The ability to harness different problem-solving methods together into a cooperative system has the potential for significantly improving the performance of systems for solving NP-hard problems. The need exists for an intelligent controller that is able to effectively combine radically different problem-solving techniques with anytime and anywhere properties into a distributed cooperative environment. This controller requires models of the component algorithms in conjunction with feedback from those algorithms during run-time to manage a dynamic combination of tasks effectively. This research develops a domain-independent method for creating these models as well as a model for the controller itself. These models provide the means for the controller to select the most appropriate algorithms, both initially and during run-time. We utilize the algorithm performance knowledge contained in the algorithm models to aid in the selection process. This methodology is applicable to many NP-hard problems; applicability is only limited by the availability of anytime and anywhere algorithms for that domain. We demonstrate the capabilities of this methodology by applying it to a known NP-hard problem: uncertain inference over Bayesian Networks. Experiments using a collection of randomly generated networks and some common inference algorithms showed very promising results. Future directions for this research could involve the analysis of the impact of the accuracy of the algorithm models on the performance of the controller; the issue is whether the increased model accuracy would cause excessive system overhead, counteracting the potential increase in performance due to better algorithm selection

    Anytime Point-Based Approximations for Large POMDPs

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    The Partially Observable Markov Decision Process has long been recognized as a rich framework for real-world planning and control problems, especially in robotics. However exact solutions in this framework are typically computationally intractable for all but the smallest problems. A well-known technique for speeding up POMDP solving involves performing value backups at specific belief points, rather than over the entire belief simplex. The efficiency of this approach, however, depends greatly on the selection of points. This paper presents a set of novel techniques for selecting informative belief points which work well in practice. The point selection procedure is combined with point-based value backups to form an effective anytime POMDP algorithm called Point-Based Value Iteration (PBVI). The first aim of this paper is to introduce this algorithm and present a theoretical analysis justifying the choice of belief selection technique. The second aim of this paper is to provide a thorough empirical comparison between PBVI and other state-of-the-art POMDP methods, in particular the Perseus algorithm, in an effort to highlight their similarities and differences. Evaluation is performed using both standard POMDP domains and realistic robotic tasks

    Learning high-dimensional directed acyclic graphs with latent and selection variables

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    We consider the problem of learning causal information between random variables in directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) when allowing arbitrarily many latent and selection variables. The FCI (Fast Causal Inference) algorithm has been explicitly designed to infer conditional independence and causal information in such settings. However, FCI is computationally infeasible for large graphs. We therefore propose the new RFCI algorithm, which is much faster than FCI. In some situations the output of RFCI is slightly less informative, in particular with respect to conditional independence information. However, we prove that any causal information in the output of RFCI is correct in the asymptotic limit. We also define a class of graphs on which the outputs of FCI and RFCI are identical. We prove consistency of FCI and RFCI in sparse high-dimensional settings, and demonstrate in simulations that the estimation performances of the algorithms are very similar. All software is implemented in the R-package pcalg.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOS940 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Resource Constrained Structured Prediction

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    We study the problem of structured prediction under test-time budget constraints. We propose a novel approach applicable to a wide range of structured prediction problems in computer vision and natural language processing. Our approach seeks to adaptively generate computationally costly features during test-time in order to reduce the computational cost of prediction while maintaining prediction performance. We show that training the adaptive feature generation system can be reduced to a series of structured learning problems, resulting in efficient training using existing structured learning algorithms. This framework provides theoretical justification for several existing heuristic approaches found in literature. We evaluate our proposed adaptive system on two structured prediction tasks, optical character recognition (OCR) and dependency parsing and show strong performance in reduction of the feature costs without degrading accuracy