6 research outputs found

    Algebraic Query Optimization for Distributed Top-k Queries

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    Distributed top-kk query processing is increasingly becoming an essential functionality in a large number of emerging application classes. This paper addresses the efficient algebraic optimization of top-kk queries in wide-area distributed data repositories where the index lists for the attribute values (or text terms) of a query are distributed across a number of data peers and the computational costs include network latency, bandwidth consumption, and local peer work. We use a dynamic programming approach to find the optimal execution plan using compact data synopses for selectivity estimation that is the basis for our cost model. The optimized query is executed in a hierarchical way involving a small and fixed number of communication phases. We have performed experiments on real web data that show the benefits of distributed top-kk query optimization both in network resource consumption and query response time

    Algebraic query optimization for distributed top-k queries

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    Distributed top-k query processing is increasingly becoming an essential functionality in a large number of emerging application classes. This paper addresses the efficient algebraic optimization of top-k queries in wide-area distributed data repositories where the index lists for the attribute values (or text terms) of a query are distributed across a number of data peers and the computational costs include network latency, bandwidth consumption, and local peer work. We use a dynamic programming approach to find the optimal execution plan using compact data synopses for selectivity estimation that is the basis for our cost model. The optimized query is executed in a hierarchical way involving a small and fixed number of communication phases. We have performed experiments on real web data that show the benefits of distributed top-k query optimization both in network resource consumption and query response time

    Top-k aggregation queries in large-scale distributed systems

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    Distributed top-k query processing has recently become an essential functionality in a large number of emerging application classes like Internet traffic monitoring and Peer-to-Peer Web search. This work addresses efficient algorithms for distributed top-k queries in wide-area networks where the index lists for the attribute values (or text terms) of a query are distributed across a number of data peers. More precisely, in this thesis, we make the following distributions: We present the family of KLEE algorithms that are a fundamental building-block towards efficient top-k query processing in distributed systems. We present means to model score distributions and show how these score models can be used to reason about parameter values that play an important role in the overall performance of KLEE. We present GRASS, a family of novel algorithms based on three optimization techniques significantly increased overall performance of KLEE and related algorithms. We present probabilistic guarantees for the result quality. Moreover, we present Minerva1, a distributed search engine. Minerva offers a highly distributed (in both the data dimension and the computational dimension), scalable, and efficient solution toward the development of internet-scale search engines.Top-k Anfragen spielen eine große Rolle in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen, insbesondere im Bereich von Informationssystemen, bei denen eine kleine, sorgfĂ€ltig ausgewĂ€hlte Teilmenge der Ergebnisse den Benutzern prĂ€sentiert werden soll. Beispiele hierfĂŒr sind Suchmaschinen wie Google, Yahoo oder MSN. Obwohl die Forschung in diesem Bereich in den letzten Jahren große Fortschritte gemacht hat, haben Top-k-Anfragen in verteilten Systemen, bei denen die Daten auf verschiedenen Rechnern verteilt sind, vergleichsweise wenig Aufmerksamkeit erlangt. In dieser Arbeit beschĂ€ftigen wir uns mit der effizienten Verarbeitung eben dieser Anfragen. Die HauptbeitrĂ€ge gliedern sich wie folgt. Wir prĂ€sentieren KLEE, eine Familie neuartiger Top-k-Algorithmen. Wir entwickeln Modelle mit denen Datenverteilungen beschrieben werden können. Diese Modelle sind die Grundlage fĂŒr eine SchĂ€tzung diverser Parameter, die einen großen Einfluss auf die Performanz von KLEE und anderen Ă€hnlichen Algorithmen haben. Wir prĂ€sentieren GRASS, eine Familie von Algorithmen, basierend auf drei neuartigen Optimierungstechniken, mit denen die Performanz von KLEE und Ă€hnlichen Algorithmen verbessert wird. Wir prĂ€sentieren probabilistische Garantien fĂŒr die ErgebnisgĂŒte. Wir prĂ€sentieren Minerva, eine neuartige verteilte Peer-to-Peer-Suchmaschine

    Eight Biennial Report : April 2005 – March 2007

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