11 research outputs found

    On the definition of parallel independence in the algebraic approaches to graph transformation

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    Parallel independence between transformation steps is a basic and well-understood notion of the algebraic approaches to graph transformation, and typically guarantees that the two steps can be applied in any order obtaining the same resulting graph, up to isomorphism. The concept has been redefined for several algebraic approaches as variations of a classical “algebraic” condition, requiring that each matching morphism factorizes through the context graphs of the other transformation step. However, looking at some classical papers on the double-pushout approach, one finds that the original definition of parallel independence was formulated in set-theoretical terms, requiring that the intersection of the images of the two left-hand sides in the host graph is contained in the intersection of the two interface graphs. The relationship between this definition and the standard algebraic one is discussed in this position paper, both in the case of left-linear and non-left-linear rules

    Parallelism in AGREE transformations

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    The AGREE approach to graph transformation allows to specify rules that clone items of the host graph, controlling in a finegrained way how to deal with the edges that are incident, but not matched, to the rewritten part of the graph. Here, we investigate in which ways cloning (with controlled embedding) may affect the dependencies between two rules applied to the same graph. We extend to AGREE the classical notion of parallel independence between the matches of two rules to the same graph, identifying sufficient conditions that guarantee that two rules can be applied in any order leading to the same result

    The Pullback-Pushout approach to algebraic graph transformation

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    Some recent algebraic approaches to graph transformation include a pullback construction involving the match, that allows one to specify the cloning of items of the host graph. We pursue further this trend by proposing the Pullback-Pushout (pb-po) Approach, where we combine smoothly the classical modifications to a host graph specified by a rule (a span of graph morphisms) with the cloning of structures specified by another rule. The approach is shown to be a conservative extension of agree (and thus of the sqpo approach), and we show that it can be extended with standard techniques to attributed graphs. We discuss conditions to ensure a form of locality of transformations, and conditions to ensure that the attribution of transformed graphs is total

    Graph Rewriting and Relabeling with PBPO+

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    We extend the powerful Pullback-Pushout (PBPO) approach for graph rewriting with strong matching. Our approach, called \pbpostrong, exerts more control over the embedding of the pattern in the host graph, which is important for a large class of graph rewrite systems. In addition, we show that \pbpostrong is well-suited for rewriting labeled graphs and certain classes of attributed graphs. For this purpose, we employ a lattice structure on the label set and use order-preserving graph morphisms. We argue that our approach is simpler and more general than related relabeling approaches in the literature.Comment: 20 pages, accepted to the International Conference on Graph Transformation 2021 (ICGT 2021

    A Unifying Theory for Graph Transformation

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    The field of graph transformation studies the rule-based transformation of graphs. An important branch is the algebraic graph transformation tradition, in which approaches are defined and studied using the language of category theory. Most algebraic graph transformation approaches (such as DPO, SPO, SqPO, and AGREE) are opinionated about the local contexts that are allowed around matches for rules, and about how replacement in context should work exactly. The approaches also differ considerably in their underlying formal theories and their general expressiveness (e.g., not all frameworks allow duplication). This dissertation proposes an expressive algebraic graph transformation approach, called PBPO+, which is an adaptation of PBPO by Corradini et al. The central contribution is a proof that PBPO+ subsumes (under mild restrictions) DPO, SqPO, AGREE, and PBPO in the important categorical setting of quasitoposes. This result allows for a more unified study of graph transformation metatheory, methods, and tools. A concrete example of this is found in the second major contribution of this dissertation: a graph transformation termination method for PBPO+, based on decreasing interpretations, and defined for general categories. By applying the proposed encodings into PBPO+, this method can also be applied for DPO, SqPO, AGREE, and PBPO

    Algebraic graph rewriting with controlled embedding

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    Graph transformation is a specification technique suitable for a wide range of applications, specially the ones that require a sophisticated notion of state. In graph transformation, states are represented by graphs and actions are specified by rules. Most algebraic approaches to graph transformation proposed in the literature ensure that if an item is preserved by a rule, so are its connections with the graph where it is embedded. But there are applications in which it is desirable to specify different embeddings. For example when cloning an item, there may be a need to handle the original and the copy in different ways. We propose a new algebraic approach to graph transformation, AGREE: Algebraic Graph Rewriting with controllEd Embedding, where rules allow one to specify how the embedding should be carried out. We define this approach in the framework of classified categories which are categories endowed with partial map classifiers. This new approach leads to graph transformations in which effects may be non-local, e.g. a rewrite step may alter a node of the host graph which is outside the image of the left-hand side of the considered rule. We propose a syntactic condition on AGREE rules which guarantees the locality of transformations. We also compare AGREE with other algebraic approaches to graph transformation

    Algebraic graph rewriting with controlled embedding

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    International audienceGraph transformation is a specification technique suitable for a wide range of applications, specially the ones that require a sophisticated notion of state. In graph transformation, states are represented by graphs and actions are specified by rules. Most algebraic approaches to graph transformation proposed in the literature ensure that if an item is preserved by a rule, so are its connections with the graph where it is embedded. But there are applications in which it is desirable to specify different embeddings. For example when cloning an item, there may be a need to handle the original and the copy in different ways. We propose a new algebraic approach to graph transformation, AGREE: Algebraic Graph Rewriting with controllEd Embedding, where rules allow one to specify how the embedding should be carried out. We define this approach in the framework of classified categories which are categories endowed with partial map classifiers. This new approach leads to graph transformations in which effects may be non-local, e.g. a rewrite step may alter a node of the host graph which is outside the image of the left-hand side of the considered rule. We propose a syntactic condition on AGREE rules which guarantees the locality of transformations. We also compare AGREE with other algebraic approaches to graph transformation