41 research outputs found

    Quadratic diameter bounds for dual network flow polyhedra

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    Both the combinatorial and the circuit diameters of polyhedra are of interest to the theory of linear programming for their intimate connection to a best-case performance of linear programming algorithms. We study the diameters of dual network flow polyhedra associated to bb-flows on directed graphs G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and prove quadratic upper bounds for both of them: the minimum of (∣V∣−1)⋅∣E∣(|V|-1)\cdot |E| and 16∣V∣3\frac{1}{6}|V|^3 for the combinatorial diameter, and ∣V∣⋅(∣V∣−1)2\frac{|V|\cdot (|V|-1)}{2} for the circuit diameter. The latter strengthens the cubic bound implied by a result in [De Loera, Hemmecke, Lee; 2014]. Previously, bounds on these diameters have only been known for bipartite graphs. The situation is much more involved for general graphs. In particular, we construct a family of dual network flow polyhedra with members that violate the circuit diameter bound for bipartite graphs by an arbitrary additive constant. Further, it provides examples of circuit diameter 43∣V∣−4\frac{4}{3}|V| - 4

    A polyhedral model of partitions with bounded differences and a bijective proof of a theorem of Andrews, Beck, and Robbins

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    The main result of this paper is a bijective proof showing that the generating function for partitions with bounded differences between largest and smallest part is a rational function. This result is similar to the closely related case of partitions with fixed differences between largest and smallest parts which has recently been studied through analytic methods by Andrews, Beck, and Robbins. Our approach is geometric: We model partitions with bounded differences as lattice points in an infinite union of polyhedral cones. Surprisingly, this infinite union tiles a single simplicial cone. This construction then leads to a bijection that can be interpreted on a purely combinatorial level.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Geometric combinatorics and computational molecular biology: branching polytopes for RNA sequences

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    Questions in computational molecular biology generate various discrete optimization problems, such as DNA sequence alignment and RNA secondary structure prediction. However, the optimal solutions are fundamentally dependent on the parameters used in the objective functions. The goal of a parametric analysis is to elucidate such dependencies, especially as they pertain to the accuracy and robustness of the optimal solutions. Techniques from geometric combinatorics, including polytopes and their normal fans, have been used previously to give parametric analyses of simple models for DNA sequence alignment and RNA branching configurations. Here, we present a new computational framework, and proof-of-principle results, which give the first complete parametric analysis of the branching portion of the nearest neighbor thermodynamic model for secondary structure prediction for real RNA sequences.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure