3 research outputs found

    Исследование нестандартных интервальных арифметических операций

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    Получены аналитические выражения для нестандартных интервальных арифметических операций в форме ценр-радиус. В отличие от известных они более лаконичны и не требуют предварительной подготовки, что облегчает дальнейшее исследование и применение их для решения практических задач.The analytical expressions for nonstandart interval arithmetic operations in the centre–radius form in the extended interval space are received. The obtained formulas are more laconic and therefore more suitable for investigation and practical use.Отримано аналітичні вирази для нестандартних інтервальних арифметичних операцій у формі центр-радіус. У порівнянні з відомими вони є більш лаконічними та не потребують попередньої підготовки, що полегшує подальше дослідження і застосування їх при розв’язку практичних задач

    Algebraic Solutions to a Class of Interval Equations

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    The arithmetic on the extended set of proper and improper intervals is an algebraic completion of the conventional interval arithmetic and thus facilitates the explicit solution of certain interval algebraic problems. Due to the existence of inverse elements with respect to addition and multiplication operations certain interval algebraic equations can be solved by elementary algebraic transformations. The conditionally distributive relations between extended intervals allow that complicated interval algebraic equations, multi-incident on the unknown variable, be reduced to simpler ones. In this paper we give the general type of "pseudo-linear" interval equations in the extended interval arithmetic. The algebraic solutions to a pseudo-linear interval equation in one variable are studied. All numeric and parametric algebraic solutions, as well as the conditions for nonexistence of the algebraic solution to some basic types pseudo-linear interval equations in one variable are found. Some examples leading to algebraic solution of the equations under consideration and the extra functionalities for performing true symbolic-algebraic manipulations on interval formulae in a Mathematica package are discussed