222 research outputs found

    Integer Factoring Using Small Algebraic Dependencies

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    Integer factoring is a curious number theory problem with wide applications in complexity and cryptography. The best known algorithm to factor a number n takes time, roughly, exp(2*log^{1/3}(n)*log^{2/3}(log(n))) (number field sieve, 1989). One basic idea used is to find two squares, possibly in a number field, that are congruent modulo n. Several variants of this idea have been utilized to get other factoring algorithms in the last century. In this work we intend to explore new ideas towards integer factoring. In particular, we adapt the AKS primality test (2004) ideas for integer factoring. In the motivating case of semiprimes n=pq, i.e. p<q are primes, we exploit the difference in the two Frobenius morphisms (one over F_p and the other over F_q) to factor n in special cases. Specifically, our algorithm is polynomial time (on number theoretic conjectures) if we know a small algebraic dependence between p,q. We discuss families of n where our algorithm is significantly faster than the algorithms based on known techniques

    On algebraic dependencies between Poincar\'e functions

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    Let AA be a rational function of one complex variable, and z0z_0 its repelling fixed point with the multiplier λ.\lambda. A Poincar\'e function associated with z0z_0 is a function PA,z0,λ\mathcal{P}_{A,z_0,\lambda} meromorphic on C\mathbb C such that PA,z0,λ(0)=z0\mathcal{P}_{A,z_0,\lambda}(0)=z_0, PA,z0,λ′(0)≠0,\mathcal{P}_{A,z_0,\lambda}'(0)\neq 0, and PA,z0,λ(λz)=A∘PA,z0,λ(z).\mathcal{P}_{A,z_0,\lambda}(\lambda z)=A\circ \mathcal{P}_{A,z_0,\lambda}(z). In this paper, we investigate the following problem: given Poincar\'e functions PA1,z1,λ1\mathcal{P}_{A_1,z_1,\lambda_1} and PA2,z2,λ2\mathcal{P}_{A_2,z_2,\lambda_2}, find out if there is an algebraic relation f(PA1,z1,λ1,PA2,z2,λ2)=0f(\mathcal{P}_{A_1,z_1,\lambda_1},\mathcal{P}_{A_2,z_2,\lambda_2})=0 between them and, if such a relation exists, describe the corresponding algebraic curve. We provide a solution, which can be viewed as a refinement of the classical Ritt theorem about commuting rational functions. We also complement previous results concerning algebraic dependencies between B\"ottcher functions

    Invariant Generation for Multi-Path Loops with Polynomial Assignments

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    Program analysis requires the generation of program properties expressing conditions to hold at intermediate program locations. When it comes to programs with loops, these properties are typically expressed as loop invariants. In this paper we study a class of multi-path program loops with numeric variables, in particular nested loops with conditionals, where assignments to program variables are polynomial expressions over program variables. We call this class of loops extended P-solvable and introduce an algorithm for generating all polynomial invariants of such loops. By an iterative procedure employing Gr\"obner basis computation, our approach computes the polynomial ideal of the polynomial invariants of each program path and combines these ideals sequentially until a fixed point is reached. This fixed point represents the polynomial ideal of all polynomial invariants of the given extended P-solvable loop. We prove termination of our method and show that the maximal number of iterations for reaching the fixed point depends linearly on the number of program variables and the number of inner loops. In particular, for a loop with m program variables and r conditional branches we prove an upper bound of m*r iterations. We implemented our approach in the Aligator software package. Furthermore, we evaluated it on 18 programs with polynomial arithmetic and compared it to existing methods in invariant generation. The results show the efficiency of our approach

    Algebraic Dependencies and PSPACE Algorithms in Approximative Complexity

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    Testing whether a set f\mathbf{f} of polynomials has an algebraic dependence is a basic problem with several applications. The polynomials are given as algebraic circuits. Algebraic independence testing question is wide open over finite fields (Dvir, Gabizon, Wigderson, FOCS'07). The best complexity known is NP#P^{\#\rm P} (Mittmann, Saxena, Scheiblechner, Trans.AMS'14). In this work we put the problem in AM ∩\cap coAM. In particular, dependence testing is unlikely to be NP-hard and joins the league of problems of "intermediate" complexity, eg. graph isomorphism & integer factoring. Our proof method is algebro-geometric-- estimating the size of the image/preimage of the polynomial map f\mathbf{f} over the finite field. A gap in this size is utilized in the AM protocols. Next, we study the open question of testing whether every annihilator of f\mathbf{f} has zero constant term (Kayal, CCC'09). We give a geometric characterization using Zariski closure of the image of f\mathbf{f}; introducing a new problem called approximate polynomials satisfiability (APS). We show that APS is NP-hard and, using projective algebraic-geometry ideas, we put APS in PSPACE (prior best was EXPSPACE via Grobner basis computation). As an unexpected application of this to approximative complexity theory we get-- Over any field, hitting-set for VP‾\overline{\rm VP} can be designed in PSPACE. This solves an open problem posed in (Mulmuley, FOCS'12, J.AMS 2017); greatly mitigating the GCT Chasm (exponentially in terms of space complexity)

    Extensions of differential representations of SL(2) and tori

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    Linear differential algebraic groups (LDAGs) measure differential algebraic dependencies among solutions of linear differential and difference equations with parameters, for which LDAGs are Galois groups. The differential representation theory is a key to developing algorithms computing these groups. In the rational representation theory of algebraic groups, one starts with SL(2) and tori to develop the rest of the theory. In this paper, we give an explicit description of differential representations of tori and differential extensions of irreducible representation of SL(2). In these extensions, the two irreducible representations can be non-isomorphic. This is in contrast to differential representations of tori, which turn out to be direct sums of isotypic representations.Comment: 21 pages; few misprints corrected; Lemma 4.6 adde

    Zariski Closures of Reductive Linear Differential Algebraic Groups

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    Linear differential algebraic groups (LDAGs) appear as Galois groups of systems of linear differential and difference equations with parameters. These groups measure differential-algebraic dependencies among solutions of the equations. LDAGs are now also used in factoring partial differential operators. In this paper, we study Zariski closures of LDAGs. In particular, we give a Tannakian characterization of algebraic groups that are Zariski closures of a given LDAG. Moreover, we show that the Zariski closures that correspond to representations of minimal dimension of a reductive LDAG are all isomorphic. In addition, we give a Tannakian description of simple LDAGs. This substantially extends the classical results of P. Cassidy and, we hope, will have an impact on developing algorithms that compute differential Galois groups of the above equations and factoring partial differential operators.Comment: 26 pages, more detailed proof of Proposition 4.

    Automated Generation of Non-Linear Loop Invariants Utilizing Hypergeometric Sequences

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    Analyzing and reasoning about safety properties of software systems becomes an especially challenging task for programs with complex flow and, in particular, with loops or recursion. For such programs one needs additional information, for example in the form of loop invariants, expressing properties to hold at intermediate program points. In this paper we study program loops with non-trivial arithmetic, implementing addition and multiplication among numeric program variables. We present a new approach for automatically generating all polynomial invariants of a class of such programs. Our approach turns programs into linear ordinary recurrence equations and computes closed form solutions of these equations. These closed forms express the most precise inductive property, and hence invariant. We apply Gr\"obner basis computation to obtain a basis of the polynomial invariant ideal, yielding thus a finite representation of all polynomial invariants. Our work significantly extends the class of so-called P-solvable loops by handling multiplication with the loop counter variable. We implemented our method in the Mathematica package Aligator and showcase the practical use of our approach.Comment: A revised version of this paper is published in the proceedings of ISSAC 201
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