8 research outputs found

    Constrained Target Clustering for Military Targeting Process

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    Constrained target clustering (CTC) is proposed to support the targeting decision-making in the network centric warfare environment. When area targets are detected by sensors, it is required to decide the points at which a missile or bomb is aimed to achieve operational goals. CTC can determine the optimal numbers and positions of aiming points by transforming the targeting problem into clustering-based optimisation problems. The CTC formulations include objective functions and constraints in consideration of area targets, protected objects, target-level background information, lethal radius, and required damage rate. The numerical example shows how to apply the CTC formulation given a sample data set. In order to compare the effects of different constraints, the demonstration explores from an unconstraint problem to constrained problems by adding constraints. The results show that CTC can effectively decide the aiming points with consideration of both targets and capabilities of friendly weapons, and serve as a targeting decision support system in the network centric warfare environment

    Threat evaluation and jamming allocation

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    A threat evaluation and jamming allocation (TEJA) system is proposed and implemented in order to optimise the jamming strategy of a platform. This TEJA system accounts for the different effects of jamming techniques on threats and radar modes, the interaction between jamming techniques and channels, the relative frequency and bandwidth used by threats, the uncertainty of the threat environment, and models the progression of threats through various radar modes from initial search to final guidance. Performance of the TEJA system is evaluated for a complex mission which considers a platform with two jammers penetrating an area with ten threats. The TEJA system is shown to be computationally efficient by using an exhaustive search to determine the optimum jamming strategy. The developed jamming strategy allows the platform to survive a mission despite its complexity.http://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/iet-rsnhb2017Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin

    MOEA with adaptive operator based on reinforcement learning for weapon target assignment

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    Weapon target assignment (WTA) is a typical problem in the command and control of modern warfare. Despite the significance of the problem, traditional algorithms still have shortcomings in terms of efficiency, solution quality, and generalization. This paper presents a novel multi-objective evolutionary optimization algorithm (MOEA) that integrates a deep Q-network (DQN)-based adaptive mutation operator and a greedy-based crossover operator, designed to enhance the solution quality for the multi-objective WTA (MO-WTA). Our approach (NSGA-DRL) evolves NSGA-II by embedding these operators to strike a balance between exploration and exploitation. The DQN-based adaptive mutation operator is developed for predicting high-quality solutions, thereby improving the exploration process and maintaining diversity within the population. In parallel, the greedy-based crossover operator employs domain knowledge to minimize ineffective searches, focusing on exploitation and expediting convergence. Ablation studies revealed that our proposed operators significantly boost the algorithm performance. In particular, the DQN mutation operator shows its predictive effectiveness in identifying candidate solutions. The proposed NSGA-DRL outperforms state-and-art MOEAs in solving MO-WTA problems by generating high-quality solutions

    An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach for Comparing Firing Solutions in a Networked Air Defense Environment

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    The United States Army currently employs a shoot-shoot-look firing policy for air defense. As the Army moves to a networked defense-in-depth strategy, this policy will not provide optimal results for managing interceptor inventories in a conflict to minimize the damage to defended assets. The objective for air and missile defense is to identify the firing policy for interceptor allocation that minimizes expected total cost of damage to defended assets. This dynamic weapon target assignment problem is formulated first as a Markov decision process (MDP) and then approximate dynamic programming (ADP) is used to solve problem instances based on a representative scenario. Least squares policy evaluation (LSPE) and least squares temporal difference (LSTD) algorithms are employed to determine the best approximate policies possible. An experimental design is conducted to investigate problem features such as conflict duration, attacker and defender weapon sophistication, and defended asset values. The LSPE and LSTD algorithm results are compared to two benchmark policies (e.g., firing one or two interceptors at each incoming tactical ballistic missile (TBM)). Results indicate that ADP policies outperform baseline polices when conflict duration is short and attacker weapons are sophisticated. Results also indicate that firing one interceptor at each TBM (regardless of inventory status) outperforms the tested ADP policies when conflict duration is long and attacker weapons are less sophisticated

    Determination of Fire Control Policies via Approximate Dynamic Programming

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    Given the ubiquitous nature of both offensive and defensive missile systems, the catastrophe-causing potential they represent, and the limited resources available to countries for missile defense, optimizing the defensive response to a missile attack is a necessary endeavor. For a single salvo of offensive missiles launched at a set of targets, a missile defense system protecting those targets must decide how many interceptors to fire at each incoming missile. Since such missile engagements often involve the firing of more than one attack salvo, we develop a Markov decision process (MDP) model to examine the optimal fire control policy for the defender. Due to the computational intractability of using exact methods for all but the smallest problem instances, we utilize an approximate dynamic programming (ADP) approach to explore the efficacy of applying approximate methods to the problem. We obtain policy insights by analyzing subsets of the state space that reflect a range of possible defender interceptor inventories. Testing of four scenarios demonstrates that the ADP policy provides high-quality decisions for a majority of the state space, achieving a 7.74% mean optimality gap in the baseline scenario. Moreover, computational effort for the ADP algorithm requires only a few minutes versus 12 hours for the exact dynamic programming algorithm, providing a method to address more complex and realistically-sized instances

    Approximate Dynamic Programming for Military Resource Allocation

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    This research considers the optimal allocation of weapons to a collection of targets with the objective of maximizing the value of destroyed targets. The weapon-target assignment (WTA) problem is a classic non-linear combinatorial optimization problem with an extensive history in operations research literature. The dynamic weapon target assignment (DWTA) problem aims to assign weapons optimally over time using the information gained to improve the outcome of their engagements. This research investigates various formulations of the DWTA problem and develops algorithms for their solution. Finally, an embedded optimization problem is introduced in which optimization of the multi-stage DWTA is used to determine optimal weaponeering of aircraft. Approximate dynamic programming is applied to the various formulations of the WTA problem. Like many in the field of combinatorial optimization, the DWTA problem suffers from the curses of dimensionality and exact solutions are often computationally intractability. As such, approximations are developed which exploit the special structure of the problem and allow for efficient convergence to high-quality local optima. Finally, a genetic algorithm solution framework is developed to test the embedded optimization problem for aircraft weaponeering

    Real-Time Heuristics and Metaheuristics for Static and Dynamic Weapon Target Assignments

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    The problem of targeting and engaging individual missiles (targets) with an arsenal of interceptors (weapons) is known as the weapon target assignment problem. This problem has been well-researched since the seminal work in 1958. There are two distinct categories of the weapon target assignment problem: static and dynamic. The static weapon target assignment problem considers a single instance in which a known number of incoming missiles is to be engaged with a finite number of interceptors. By contrast, the dynamic weapon target assignment problem considers either follow on engagement(s) should the first engagement(s) fail, a subsequent salvo of incoming missiles, or both. This research seeks to define and solve a realistic dynamic model. First, assignment heuristics and metaheuristics are developed to provide rapid near-optimal solutions to the static weapon target assignment. Next, a technique capable of determining how many of each interceptor type to reserve for a second salvo by means of approximate dynamic programming is developed. Lastly, a model that realistically considers erratic flight paths of incoming missiles and determines assignments and firing sequences of interceptors within a simulation to minimize the number of hits to a protected asset is developed. Additionally, the first contemporary survey of the weapon target assignment problem since 1985 is presented. Collectively, this work extends the research of missile defense into practical application more so than currently is found within the literature