12 research outputs found

    Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection

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    We empirically show that process-based Parallelism speeds up the Genetic Algorithm (GA) for Feature Selection (FS) 2x to 25x, while additionally increasing the Machine Learning (ML) model performance on metrics such as F1-score, Accuracy, and Receiver Operating Characteristic Area Under the Curve (ROC-AUC)

    Academic competitions

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    Academic challenges comprise effective means for (i) advancing the state of the art, (ii) putting in the spotlight of a scientific community specific topics and problems, as well as (iii) closing the gap for under represented communities in terms of accessing and participating in the shaping of research fields. Competitions can be traced back for centuries and their achievements have had great influence in our modern world. Recently, they (re)gained popularity, with the overwhelming amounts of data that is being generated in different domains, as well as the need of pushing the barriers of existing methods, and available tools to handle such data. This chapter provides a survey of academic challenges in the context of machine learning and related fields. We review the most influential competitions in the last few years and analyze challenges per area of knowledge. The aims of scientific challenges, their goals, major achievements and expectations for the next few years are reviewed

    Closing in on open-ended patient questionnaires with text mining

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    Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) is an instrument used to quantify patients' perceptions about their knee condition and associated problems. It is administered as a 42-item closed-ended questionnaire in which patients are asked to self-assess five outcomes: pain, other symptoms, activities of daily living, sport and recreation activities, and quality of life. We developed KLOG as a 10-item open-ended version of the KOOS questionnaire in an attempt to obtain deeper insight into patients’ opinions including their unmet needs. However, the open–ended nature of the questionnaire incurs analytical overhead associated with the interpretation of responses. The goal of this study was to automate such analysis. To that end, we implemented KLOSURE as a system for mining free–text responses to the KLOG questionnaire. The precision of the system varied between 64.8% and 95.3%, whereas the recall varied from 61.3% to 87.8% across the 10 questions

    KLOSURE: Closing in on open–ended patient questionnaires with text mining

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    Background: Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) is an instrument used to quantify patients' perceptions about their knee condition and associated problems. It is administered as a 42-item closed-ended questionnaire in which patients are asked to self-assess five outcomes: pain, other symptoms, activities of daily living, sport and recreation activities, and quality of life. We developed KLOG as a 10-item open-ended version of the KOOS questionnaire in an attempt to obtain deeper insight into patients' opinions including their unmet needs. However, the open–ended nature of the questionnaire incurs analytical overhead associated with the interpretation of responses. The goal of this study was to automate such analysis. We implemented KLOSURE as a system for mining free–text responses to the KLOG questionnaire. It consists of two subsystems, one concerned with feature extraction and the other one concerned with classification of feature vectors. Feature extraction is performed by a set of four modules whose main functionalities are linguistic pre-processing, sentiment analysis, named entity recognition and lexicon lookup respectively. Outputs produced by each module are combined into feature vectors. The structure of feature vectors will vary across the KLOG questions. Finally, Weka, a machine learning workbench, was used for classification of feature vectors. Results: The precision of the system varied between 62.8% and 95.3%, whereas the recall varied from 58.3% to 87.6% across the 10 questions. The overall performance in terms of F–measure varied between 59.0% and 91.3% with an average of 74.4% and a standard deviation of 8.8. Conclusions: We demonstrated the feasibility of mining open-ended patient questionnaires. By automatically mapping free text answers onto a Likert scale, we can effectively measure the progress of rehabilitation over time. In comparison to traditional closed-ended questionnaires, our approach offers much richer information that can be utilised to support clinical decision making. In conclusion, we demonstrated how text mining can be used to combine the benefits of qualitative and quantitative analysis of patient experiences

    Streaming Feature Grouping and Selection (Sfgs) For Big Data Classification

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    Real-time data has always been an essential element for organizations when the quickness of data delivery is critical to their businesses. Today, organizations understand the importance of real-time data analysis to maintain benefits from their generated data. Real-time data analysis is also known as real-time analytics, streaming analytics, real-time streaming analytics, and event processing. Stream processing is the key to getting results in real-time. It allows us to process the data stream in real-time as it arrives. The concept of streaming data means the data are generated dynamically, and the full stream is unknown or even infinite. This data becomes massive and diverse and forms what is known as a big data challenge. In machine learning, streaming feature selection has always been a preferred method in the preprocessing of streaming data. Recently, feature grouping, which can measure the hidden information between selected features, has begun gaining attention. This dissertation’s main contribution is in solving the issue of the extremely high dimensionality of streaming big data by delivering a streaming feature grouping and selection algorithm. Also, the literature review presents a comprehensive review of the current streaming feature selection approaches and highlights the state-of-the-art algorithms trending in this area. The proposed algorithm is designed with the idea of grouping together similar features to reduce redundancy and handle the stream of features in an online fashion. This algorithm has been implemented and evaluated using benchmark datasets against state-of-the-art streaming feature selection algorithms and feature grouping techniques. The results showed better performance regarding prediction accuracy than with state-of-the-art algorithms

    Agnostic learning vs. prior knowledge challenge

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