4,424 research outputs found

    Integrated Reconfigurable Autonomous Architecture System

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    Advances in state-of-the-art architectural robotics and artificially intelligent design algorithms have the potential not only to transform how we design and build architecture, but to fundamentally change our relationship to the built environment. This system is situated within a larger body of research related to embedding autonomous agency directly into the built environment through the linkage of AI, computation, and robotics. It challenges the traditional separation between digital design and physical construction through the development of an autonomous architecture with an adaptive lifecycle. Integrated Reconfigurable Autonomous Architecture System (IRAAS) is composed of three components: 1) an interactive platform for user and environmental data input, 2) an agent-based generative space planning algorithm with deep reinforcement learning for continuous spatial adaptation, 3) a distributed robotic material system with bi-directional cyber-physical control protocols for simultaneous state alignment. The generative algorithm is a multi-agent system trained using deep reinforcement learning to learn adaptive policies for adjusting the scales, shapes, and relational organization of spatial volumes by processing changes in the environment and user requirements. The robotic material system was designed with a symbiotic relationship between active and passive modular components. Distributed robots slide their bodies on tracks built into passive blocks that enable their locomotion while utilizing a locking and unlocking system to reconfigure the assemblages they move across. The three subsystems have been developed in relation to each other to consider both the constraints of the AI-driven design algorithm and the robotic material system, enabling intelligent spatial adaptation with a continuous feedback chain

    RAF | A framework for symbiotic agencies in robotic – aided fabrication

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    The research presented in this paper utilizes industrial robotic arms and new material technologies to model and explore a different conceptual framework for ‘robotic-aided fabrication’ based on material formation processes, collaboration, and feedback loops. Robotic-aided fabrication as a performative design process needs to develop and demonstrate itself through projects that operate at a discrete level, emphasizing the role of the different agents and prioritizing their relationships over their autonomy. It encourages a process where the robot, human and material are not simply operational entities but a related whole. In the pre-actual state of this agenda, the definition and understanding of agencies and the inventory of their relations is more relevant than their implementation. Three test scenarios are described using human designers, phase-changing materials, and a six-axis industrial robotic arm with an external sensor. The common thread running through the three scenarios is the facilitation of interaction within a digital fabrication process. The process starts with a description of the different agencies and their potentiality before any relation is formed. Once the contributions of each agent are understood they start to form relations with different degrees of autonomy. A feedback loop is introduced to create negotiation opportunities that can result in a rich and complex design process. The paper concludes with speculation on the advantages and possible limitations of semi-organic design methods through the emergence of patterns of interaction between the material, machine and designer resulting in new vistas towards how design is conceived, developed, and realised

    Running from the Law: Should Bounty Hunters Be Considered State Actors and thus Subject to Constitutional Restraints?

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    The issue of bounty hunter misconduct catapulted into the public spotlight in September, 1997, when a team of commando-like criminals who claimed to be searching for a bail-jumper gunned down a Phoenix couple in their own bedroom. Though the perpetrators\u27 story was later uncovered as a hoax, and though the men would likely have been convicted of second-degree murder regardless of their profession,s their case and others like it aroused impassioned demands for bounty hunter regulation and, more radically, constitutional restraints on the bail bond industry. Constitutional protections are applicable only against the government and state actors. Bounty hunters have long been recognized by the courts as private actors, and thus immune from constitutional restraints. Consequently, while bounty hunters do enjoy police-like powers--courts have held that they may conduct nonconsensual searches and use reasonable force in arresting defendants-they are not restricted in their tactics in the same manner as state agents. Specifically, they are free from the strictures of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments, as well as the relevant sections of the U.S. Code. Thus, bounty hunters may conduct warrantless searches and arrests and pursue a defendant beyond state lines

    Investigations in robotic-assisted design: Strategies for symbiotic agencies in material-directed generative design processes

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    The research described in this article utilises a phase-changing material, three-dimensional scanning technologies and a six-axis industrial robotic arms as vehicles to enable a novel framework where robotic technology is utilised as an ‘amplifier’ of the design process to realise geometries that derive from both constructive visions and architectural visions through iterative feedback loops between them. The robot in this scenario is not a fabrication tool but the enabler of an environment where the material, robotic and human agencies interact. This article describes the exploratory research for the development of a dialogic design process, sets the framework for its implementation, carries out an evaluation based on designer use and concludes with a set of observations. One of the main findings of this article is that a deeper collaboration that acknowledges the potential of these tools, in a learning-by-design method, can lead to new choreographies for architectural design and fabricatio

    Latency-Aware Collaborative Perception

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    Collaborative perception has recently shown great potential to improve perception capabilities over single-agent perception. Existing collaborative perception methods usually consider an ideal communication environment. However, in practice, the communication system inevitably suffers from latency issues, causing potential performance degradation and high risks in safety-critical applications, such as autonomous driving. To mitigate the effect caused by the inevitable latency, from a machine learning perspective, we present the first latency-aware collaborative perception system, which actively adapts asynchronous perceptual features from multiple agents to the same time stamp, promoting the robustness and effectiveness of collaboration. To achieve such a feature-level synchronization, we propose a novel latency compensation module, called SyncNet, which leverages feature-attention symbiotic estimation and time modulation techniques. Experiments results show that the proposed latency aware collaborative perception system with SyncNet can outperforms the state-of-the-art collaborative perception method by 15.6% in the communication latency scenario and keep collaborative perception being superior to single agent perception under severe latency.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, Accepted by European conference on computer vision, 202

    RAF | A framework for symbiotic agencies in robotic – aided fabrication

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    The research presented in this paper utilizes industrial robotic arms and new material technologies to model and explore a different conceptual framework for ‘robotic-aided fabrication’ based on material formation processes, collaboration, and feedback loops. Robotic-aided fabrication as a performative design process needs to develop and demonstrate itself through projects that operate at a discrete level, emphasizing the role of the different agents and prioritizing their relationships over their autonomy. It encourages a process where the robot, human and material are not simply operational entities but a related whole. In the pre-actual state of this agenda, the definition and understanding of agencies and the inventory of their relations is more relevant than their implementation. Three test scenarios are described using human designers, phase-changing materials, and a six-axis industrial robotic arm with an external sensor. The common thread running through the three scenarios is the facilitation of interaction within a digital fabrication process. The process starts with a description of the different agencies and their potentiality before any relation is formed. Once the contributions of each agent are understood they start to form relations with different degrees of autonomy. A feedback loop is introduced to create negotiation opportunities that can result in a rich and complex design process. The paper concludes with speculation on the advantages and possible limitations of semi-organic design methods through the emergence of patterns of interaction between the material, machine and designer resulting in new vistas towards how design is conceived, developed, and realised
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